仁爱版英语九下《Topic 1 I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows》word教案(一)

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1、Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 1 I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows.Section C needs 1 period. Section C 需用 1 课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2b. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2b。. Aims and demands 目标要求目标要求 1. Master some new words: honest, compare 2. Learn the differences between Chinese c

2、ulture and western culture. (1) Different emotions to animals, plants and so on. (2) Some proverbs in western countries and China. Every dog has its day. a dog catching a mouse 3. Go on learning TV programs and talking about their characteristics. 4. Preference and hobbies (1) Which TV program do yo

3、u like better, Soccer Night or Animal World? (2) I prefer Animal World to Soccer Night. Teaching aids 教具教具 磁带/录音机/写有阅读任务的小黑板或课件/一张叼着玫瑰花的狗的图片/一张普京的图 片/一张动物世界的图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步第一步 复复 习习(时间: 16 分钟) 检查作业,导入新课。 1. (检查作业,把此项活动作为对学生学习活动的督促。) T: Are you ready to sh

4、are your homework with us? Ss: Yes. T: Who wants to read your report in class? S1: Let me try. (教师边问边注意学生的反映,检查他们作业的完成情况, 让表现积极的某个学生汇报调查报告。选取几篇优秀的 材料张贴以示鼓励。) 2. (进行 Brainstorming,激励学生用英语表达电视节目名称。 ) T: What TV programs did you watch in this week? Ss: TV plays, news, sports shows, entertainment shows.

5、 T: Weve learnt many expressions of TV programs. Butcould you say some names of TV programs? (教师呈现动物世界的相关图片。) T: What TV program do you think it is? Ss: Animal World. T: Great. What about this picture? (教师呈现罗京的图片。) Ss: CCTV news.T: Good job! There is a form, please give an example of TV program to f

6、ill in the blanks.TV programChildrens programSports showsInformation and newsEntertainment showsTV playsPrograms about education.ExampleCartoon CitySoccer NightCCTV newsThe Same SongGolden TheaterScience and Exploration.(把写有上述表格的小黑板呈现给学生。表格最后部分的省略号表示此内容可充分扩展。) T: Now, you are divided into 5 groups.

7、Please give us more information as soon as possible. The group that thinks out the most is the winner. Lets begin. T: Stop here! Group 1, how many TV program names do you have? S2: 4. T: What are they? S2: They are Lucky 52, The Same Song, Animal World and Cartoon City. (教师再检查其他组搜集的情况,作出总结。) 3. T: T

8、here are so many wonderful TV programs. S3, which TV program do you like better, Soccer Night or Animal World? S3: I would rather watch Animal World than Soccer Night. T: Why? S3: Because I can learn a lot about animals in Animal World. T: Good. Which program do you prefer, Lucky 52 or The Same Song

9、, S4? S4: I would rather watch The Same Song than Lucky 52. T: Could you express your idea in another way? S4: I prefer The Same Song to Lucky 52. T: You are wonderful. Why do you prefer The Same Song to Lucky 52? S4: Because I enjoy music. (在对话过程中,教师尽量把表达偏爱和喜好的不同句式运用 起来,唤起学生对旧知识的回忆,并养成归纳和总结的学习 习惯。

10、T: Please work in pairs. Ask your partners preference and tell yourpartner what program you like. (学生配对练习。) 4. (引出新单词。) (拿出小狗的图片。) T: Look at the dog! There are a lot of phrases about the dog in this section. For example, a homeless dog, a running dog. What characteristics does a dog have? Ss: Frien

11、dly and lovely. T: Yes, and its very honest.“Honest”means not telling lies. An honest man never tells a lie. (板书新单词,标出读音,领读,并讲解其含义。)honest /I/ adj. not telling lies An honest man never tells a lie. tell a lie 撒谎T: Who is the most honest student in our class? Ss: Me.T: Maybe you are honest if you tel

12、l the truth. Who is not honest in our class? Ss: Nobody./He is not honest. (在一种轻松幽默的气氛中练习新单词。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步第二步 呈呈 现现(时间: 12 分钟) 学习 1a。 1. (教师呈现小狗叼着玫瑰花的图片。) T: Look at the picture again. Could you describe it? S1, please. S1: There is a dog in the picture with a rose in its mouth. The dogl

13、ooks very lovely. T: Great! What do you think the rose means? S1: Usually, roses mean love. Maybe the dog loves its owner very much. T: Thank you. S2, What do you think of the dog? S2: I think the dog is a pet. It is very friendly to its owner T: What you said is very reasonable. What else do you th

14、ink of it, S3? S3: I think of two phrases, It is“a mad dog”and“a dog catching a mouse”. T: I see what you said, you means a dog likes trying to catch mice. Anything else? S4: A running dog. 2. (阅读 1a。) T: Yes. There are different feelings towards dogs between China and western countries. Now, turn t

15、o 1a on page 29. Read the text and then finish 1b. (让学生独立阅读,教师到学生中了解学生的阅读情况,并指导学生养成良好的阅读习惯。 ) T: Most of you have finished. At first, answer the questions according to the text. (教师把写有阅读任务的小黑板呈现给学生。)(1)Do China and western countries have different cultures? (2)What does a lucky dog mean? (3)How many

16、 phrases about dogs do you know? (4)Are roses the symbol of love in China as in western countries?T: S5, please give your answer to No.1 S5: Yes, they do. T: Right or wrong? Ss: Right. T: S6, have you got the answer to No.2? S6: Yes. It means a person who has good luck. T: S7, you answer Question 3. S7: A homeless dog, a mad dog, a running dog, a dog catching a mouse, a lucky dog,every dog has its day, sick as a dog. T: Wonderful! S7, what does“ever



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