七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版)外研版

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1、ModuleModule 8 8 UnitUnit 3 3 LanguageLanguage inin useuse【学习目标学习目标】 1、本模块重点单词、句型; 2、一般现在时实义动词的第三人称单数形式及其变化规则; 3、频度副词的使用方法。 【课前朗读课前朗读】 朗读学生学过的单词、短语、句型、课文等。 【课堂活动课堂活动】Step1、Have a dictation about key words. Step2、翻译下列短语 1、 愿意去做某事_ 2、在这周六_ 2、 在我的生日聚会上_ 4、送生日卡片_ 5、用汉语_ 6、一盒巧克力_ 7、做锻炼_ 8、保持健康_ 9、花很多钱_ 1

2、0、去看电影_ 11.收到某人的信_ 12.喜欢去购物_ Step3、模块知识回顾 一、翻译句子(英汉互译) 1、你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?是的,我愿意。_ _ 2.在中国的生日聚会上你通常做什么 ?_ 3.我妈妈从来不做生日蛋糕。_ 4.What would you like for your birthday,Daming? _ 5.那是个秘密。_ 二、课文回放Damings parents get some e_in a park to keep h_.His mother a_buys expensive clothes,so she spends lots of m_.Bettys

3、 cousin likes reading m_and she often goes to the c_.Tonys sister likes favourite s_.Linglings aunt and uncle usually watch football on television at w_,but they never go to football m_. Step4、写出动词第三人称单数形式 1、listen_2、brush_3、go_4、study_ 5、have_6、be_7、read_8、do_ 9、wear_10、play_ 写出动词第三人称单数的变化规则 1)_2)_

4、 3)_4)_ 5)_Step5 写出频度副词 1.总是,一直_2.通常 _3.经常_ 4.有时 _ 5.从不 _ 将括号内的副词放到句中的适当位置 1)I go to the cinema.(often)_ 2) He plays football on Saturday.(usually) _ 3)She gets up at 7:00am.(always) _ 4)They eat chocolate at home.(never) _ 5)She is very busy.(sometimes)_ 6) I will forget this lesson.( never) _ 注意:a

5、.频度副词的位置_b.一次_二次_三次_四次_c.对频度副词的提问:He usually plays football on Saturday._ _ does he play football on Saturday?当堂达标题 必做题: 一、单选(10 分)( ) 1. Is it the twins bedroom? Yes, it is. Its _ bedroom. A. Lilys and Lucys B. Lilys and Lucy C. Lily and Lucys ( ) 2. _ Friday afternoon, he often _ the piano. A. In;

6、 playB. On; plays C. In; playing ( ) 3. Bettys brother often buys CDs _ her favourite singers. A. byB. onC. with ( ) 4. Does Tom often go to the cinema? _ A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isnt. C. No, he doesnt. ( ) 5. We often make a birthday card _ his birthday. A. forB. ofC. to ( ) 6. He plays football _

7、he never plays baseball. A. andB. butC. or ( ) 7. When _ your brother _ to school every morning? A. does; goesB. do; go C. does; go ( ) 8. Their favourite _ are jeans and T-shirts. A. foodB. clothes C. sports ( ) 9. David Beckham is _ favourite football star. He likes _. A. he; himB. his; him C. him

8、; his ( )10. The students cant _ TV. A. watch always B. always watchesC. always watch二、语言综合运用(10 分) 一) 词汇。 A. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词。注意用其正确形式。1. He always gets to school early, and he is n_ late. 2. There are three p_ of shoes under the bed. 3. His good friend s_ him a football on his birthday. 4. I have two

9、 cinema t_. Lets see the movie. 5. She c_ a card for me on my birthday. B. 根据句意及中文提示写单词。注意用其正确形式。 6. There are _(不同的)kinds of clothes in the shop. 7. My father likes reading _(杂志)after supper. 8. Does your sister wear a _(丝绸)shirt? 9. He often goes to _(演唱会)at the weekend. 10. I _(通常)go to school at

10、 7:30. 二) 按要求完成下列各题。(10 分) 1. They go to the cinema on Sunday.(改为否定句)They _ on Sunday. 2. He often watches matches on TV.(改为一般疑问句)_ 3. He likes movies. He doesnt like novels.(合并为一句)_ 4. eating; candies; always; at noon; likes; she (连词成句)_ 5. He likes T-shirts best.(改为同义句)T-shirts are _ 三 书面表达。(10 分) 根据表格中的内容提示,谈谈“你”的生日情况,可适当发挥。不少于 40 词。fathersome booksmothermake a big mealauntmake a cakeunclea pair of trainersfriendsdifferent presents四、选做题(10 分)用所给单词的适当形式填空。James is an American student.He _(live) in a small town.He_(study)in a middle schoo


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