2018春牛津译林版英语九下Unit 1《Asia》(Integrated skills)word教学设计

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《2018春牛津译林版英语九下Unit 1《Asia》(Integrated skills)word教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018春牛津译林版英语九下Unit 1《Asia》(Integrated skills)word教学设计(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 Integrated skills 精品教案精品教案课题课题Integrated skills总第总第 课时课时备课时间备课时间上课时间上课时间课时课时Period 5教具教具Multimedia toolsTeaching aimsTo get specific information from a listening materialTeaching focusDescribe a trip to JapanDifficult pointsDescribe a trip to some placeTeaching methodTask-based approach, Scene

2、 pedagogy and Teaching with humorTeaching proceduresThe secondpreparing lessonsStep1 Lead inTalking about some places of China first, get the students to talk about their favourite place.Step2 Have a discussionDiscuss: How many countries do you know? Which country do you want to go?Discussing about

3、the attractions the students wish to go to.Step3 MatchingLooking at the note written by Millie on Page 15 and match the days and activitiesStep4 PresentationExplain that the exchange students are going to visit Japan after visiting Beijing. Help Kevin to complete the notesStep5 Listening Listening t

4、o the audio and fill in some blanks in Part A2Playing the audio twice: for the students to complete the rest of the blanks.Get them to read the information below and find more information. Step6 Writing After completing the note, invite the student to write the trip and check the answers in pairs. M

5、ake sure that all the students get the answers right. And then practice reading the article by themselves for about minutes. Get some of the students to read aloud the article in class. Praise them for correct pronunciation and intonation. Locating some language points and sentences patterns Step7 R

6、etellingGive students some hints to retell the trip.Step8 Speak upAsk Ss to answer some questions on the blackboard after listening to the conversation.(1)Where is Singapore?(2)How many people are there?(3)What language do they speak?Tell the students to read and act the dialogue out.Making up a new

7、 dialogueListen to a dialogue about SingaporeGet the students to work in pairs and make up a new dialogue between two students about the places in Asia that they want to visit.Step9 Study skillsTalk about the body language in different placesMatch the meaning with the picturesTalk about your understanding about body language and the proper way to use themStep10 Homework1 Remember the words, phrases and sentences.2 Recite the dialogueTeaching notes


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