2018春牛津深圳版英语九下Unit 1《Great explorations》word教案2

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《2018春牛津深圳版英语九下Unit 1《Great explorations》word教案2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018春牛津深圳版英语九下Unit 1《Great explorations》word教案2(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教案 2课题Unit 1 Great explorations课 型Reading 备 课 时 间1 period教学目标1. Students can get the main idea of the text. 2. Students can talk something about Zheng Hes experience and his explorations. 3. Students can retell Zheng Hes experiences and his explorations.教学重点Get the main idea of the text.教学难点Retell t

2、he Zheng Hes experiences and his explorations.教材分析教学关键Know about the great explorer and his experiences.教法与学法指导Group competition. 教学 环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时 间 分 配 第一第一 环节环节 导入导入 话题话题 历史历史 上伟上伟 大的大的 探险探险 家家Step 1. Warming up. Some quiz about great explorers in history.1.Guess the names of the grea

3、t explorers in history (using given pictures and clues )1.Show pictures of Zhang Qian, Marco Polo, Columbus and other great explorers in history and ask students to tell their names.1. Lead the students come to know about great explorers in history. 5第二第二 环节环节 了解了解 郑和郑和 的生的生 平及平及 其七其七 次下次下 西洋西洋Step

4、2Read to get the main idea by skimming scanning and task- reading.2.Read the passage and know about the numbers and the stories behind them.Read the passage paragraph by 2.Reading activity teachingGuide students to scan and answer questions.Ask students 2. Improve Ss reading ability.10的具的具 体内体内 容容St

5、ep 3. Read after the CD paragraph and know about Zheng Hes experience.Finish the exercise on P5 after skimming the text. 3. Imitate the CD to read the text with right pronunciation and intonation. to listen to skim to get the required information. Ask students to finish the exercise on P5 after skim

6、ming the text. 3. Play the CD for ss and solve their problems on reading.10第三第三 环节环节 课堂课堂 练习练习Step 4 Retell the text, according to the key words and pictures (group work).4. Practice retelling the text one by one in groups. 4. Help ss to review the key sentences or words and encourage them to retell

7、 the text.4. Help the students master the key points. 10第四第四 环节环节 课时课时 小结小结Step 5 Summarize Reading competition5. Read the text loudly and fluently.5. Lets check which group can read the text best.5. Strengthen learning results. 5第五第五 环节环节 课后课后 作业作业Find story about another explorer and tell it to the other students before class. Recite the passage.课 堂 教 学 流 程Pictures about great explorers.Understand the text Read the text Retell the text.效 果 评 价 与 反 思


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