2017秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 2《Let’s play sports》(Grammar)word教案

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2017秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 2《Let’s play sports》(Grammar)word教案_第1页
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2017秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 2《Let’s play sports》(Grammar)word教案_第2页
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《2017秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 2《Let’s play sports》(Grammar)word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 2《Let’s play sports》(Grammar)word教案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、总总 课课 题题Unit2 Lets play sports!总课时总课时7第第 4 课时课时课课 题题Grammar课型课型New知识目标知识目标1 to make positive and negative statements and ask questions with the verb “to be“能力目标能力目标2 To learn to use the simple present tense to talk about things.教学目标教学目标情感目标情感目标 none教学重点教学重点The Simple present tense.教学难点教学难点The same a

2、s the importance课前预习课前预习Preview Simple present tense.教学过程教学过程教学环节教学环节教教 师师 活活 动动学学 生生 活活 动动备课札记备课札记Step1 RevisionStep 2 Practice.Step 3 Presentation 1. The teacher presents some pictures to lead in the using of simple present tense of the verb to do2. Ask some students to write the sentences on the

3、blackboard and help them find out the differences.3. Help students read the table on page 23 together and make conclusions.Present some simple present tense verb and ask students to do it.Help students do the exercises on the book, tell them “Millie is writing about herself and her classmates. Pleas

4、e help her complete the sentences in Part A with the words in the box.Encourage students to introduce himself/herself within 5 sentences.“I want to know more about you, your family and your friends.”Scene: Millie and Simon are talking Ss say sentences.Ss look at the table on the small Bb at first ,

5、then read.Read and check the answers, and compare.Go through and read.Ss complete and pratice reading.Then make a new dialogue using their own information.Step4. PracticeStep5Conso lidationStep5: Homeworkabout their favorite sports. Please read their conversation. Help students master the using of negative sentences and ask and answer questions using the verb “to do “in the simple present sentence.Lead the students master the table on page 23.Do some exercise Finish off the exercisePay attention to the verbs.教学反思教学反思


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