2017秋外研版七上Unit1《I love history》word教案

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1、 Moudle5 My school day Unit 1 I love history .Teaching aims : 1. To understand time expressions and identify school subjects. 2. To understand conversations about “a school day ” 3. To talk about ones lesson with given information.Step One : 1) Learning the time.2) Work in pairs .A : What time is it

2、? (或或 Whats the time ? )B: Its _1) 7:00 2) 11:00 3) 6:09 4) 2:15 5) 15:58 6)10:457 ) 8:30 8) 4:20Step Two Write down the following time with two ways .1. 3:00 three oclock2. 16:15 four fifteen / a quarter past four3. 2:10 two ten / ten past two4. 7:45 a.m. seven forty-five / a quarter to eight5. 18:

3、30 six thirty / half past six6. 5:40 p.m five forty / twenty to sixStep Three: Remember the new words quickly .1 1) 科目:科目: subject: : 语文:语文: Chinese 数学:数学: math (maths)英语:英语: EnglishEnglish 美术:美术: artart信息技术:信息技术: ITIT 体育:体育: PEPE音乐:音乐:musicmusic 历史:历史: historyhistory 地理地理: geographygeographyI I lik

4、elike _because_because itsits veryvery _ butbut I I dontdont like_becauselike_because itsits very_very_ . . . .2 2) “ havehave + +科目科目”表示表示“上上课课”3 ) Find a subject to match the pictureStep Four Part 3: 1. Listen and answer.1) What subject does Betty like best?She loves history.2) What is Tonys favou

5、rite subject ?His favourite subject is Chinese.2. Listen again and check the true sentences.1). Lessons begin at eight. ( )2). They have four lessons in the morning. ( )3). Maths is difficult for Betty. ( )4). They have art on Monday. ( )5). History is interesting for Betty. ( )6). Tonys favourite l

6、esson is art. ( )Answers : T T F TTF3. 1) Complete the table.(完成表格)完成表格)8:00Chinesescience10:20Then(11:25)2) Work in pairs :A: What time is your Chinese lesson ?B: I have Chinese at 8:00A: Do you like Chinese ?B: Yes , I do. / No, I dont .(1) A: Why(为什么)为什么) do you like Chinese ?B : Because its very

7、 interesting.(2) A: Why dont you like Chinese ?B: Because its very difficult.4. Read and recite them quickly .一)短语:一)短语:1. 在星期一在星期一 on Monday2. 在星期一下午在星期一下午 on Monday afternoon3. 在下午在下午 in the afternoon4. 上语文课上语文课 have Chinese5. 在在 8 点钟点钟 at eight Oclock6. 与某人交谈与某人交谈 talk with sb二)二) 句子:句子:1. 在星期一我们

8、有什么课?在星期一我们有什么课?What are our lessons on Monday ?2. 我们我们 8 点钟上语文。点钟上语文。We have Chinese at eight oclock.3. 我们在星期五有什么课?我们在星期五有什么课?What lessons do we have on Friday ?4. 历史是我最喜欢的科目因为它非常有趣。历史是我最喜欢的科目因为它非常有趣。History is my favourite subject because its very interesting5. 我能够和我的中国朋友们交谈。我能够和我的中国朋友们交谈。I can ta

9、lk with my Chinese friendsStep Five Part 4 : Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.because difficult favourite interesting lesson subjectHistory is Bettys _(1)_ subject. She likes it (2)_ its very (3)_. Tonys favourite (4)_ is Chinese. There are Chinese ,science, IT an

10、d maths (5)_ on Monday morning, but for Tony, maths is(6)_.Answers : (1) favourite (2) because (3) interesting (4) subject (5) lessons (6) difficult StepSix : Do exercises一一. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词。根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1. When do you get up?I get up at half p_ six. 2. The English lesson s_ at seven in the morning.

11、3. We often have h_ in the classroom. Its my favourite lesson. 4. Whats the t_?Its eight oclock.5. Tom often t_ about football with his father.二二. Complete the sentences : 1. 现在几点?现在几点? 2 点。点。 _ _ is it ? Its _ _ . 2. 今天上午我们不上历史课。今天上午我们不上历史课。We dont _ _ this morning. 3. 我们八点半上英语课。我们八点半上英语课。We _ Engl

12、ish _ _ _ eight. 4. 你们今天上什么课?你们今天上什么课?What lessons _ _ _ today ? 5. 你们什么时侯上语文课?你们什么时侯上语文课?1)_ _ _ you _ Chinese ?2) _ _ you _ Chinese ? 三三. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Lets _ (go) home after lunch. 2. When do you finish _(read) that book? 3. My grandmother often _(watch ) TV after dinner.4. Lucy st

13、arts _(do) her homework at six oclock.5. What about _(have) dinner with us?StepStep SevenSeven ClassClass closingclosing 1 Summarize the words and sentences 2 Homework: writing an article about “Getting ready for Lantern Festival”Homework1. Recite and write the dialogue . 2. Write the words of page 27&28.3. Preview Unit2 .


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