2017秋外研版七上Module9《People and places》(Unit3)word学案

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1、Module 9 Unit 3 Language in use 七年级备课组七年级备课组 复习总结课复习总结课 授课时间授课时间 序号序号 一、学习目标一、学习目标 To describe what is happening with the present continguous To report what others are doing 二、重点难点二、重点难点 现在进行时态现在进行时态(I) 1.定义定义:表示现在表示现在(说话瞬间说话瞬间)正在进行的动作。正在进行的动作。 1)He is watching TV now. 2)He is drinking a glass of wa

2、ter. 还可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。还可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 1)We are working on a farm these days. 2) I am writing a book this year. 2. 谓语动词的构成谓语动词的构成: 助动词助动词 be + V-ing。 请大家注意观察,其中的请大家注意观察,其中的 be 随着人称、数的变化而化随着人称、数的变化而化(am, is, are 形形 式式) 。 Im visiting my friend. He is eating an ice cream. Were prep

3、aring for Spring Festival. They are lying in the sun. 注注: 不加助动词不加助动词 be 的的 V.-ing 或或 be+V 原形不能构成现在进行时。如:原形不能构成现在进行时。如:1) He visiting his friend. () 2)He is visit his friend.()3. 动词动词-ing 的构词规律的构词规律: V-ing 的组成形式有如下几种:的组成形式有如下几种: 1) 动词后面直接加动词后面直接加 ing doing buying playing 2) 动词去掉动词去掉 e 加加 ing: having

4、taking giving writing 3) 重读闭音节、结束只有一个辅音字母重读闭音节、结束只有一个辅音字母的的, 双写动词最后一个字母双写动词最后一个字母, 然后加然后加 ing。running swimming sittingshopping getting beginning putting 4) 特殊形式的变化特殊形式的变化lie lying die dying 三、课内探究三、课内探究 1. 句型转换句型转换: 在变为否定句时在变为否定句时, be 后加后加 not。 在变为一般疑问句时把在变为一般疑问句时把 be 提前到句首提前到句首, 人称和人称和 be 作相应变化。作相应

5、变化。 1) 将下面的句子变为否定句将下面的句子变为否定句:Im writing the postcard. 2) 将下面的句子变为一般疑问句将下面的句子变为一般疑问句: Im writing the postcard. 3) 将下面的句子变为一般疑问句:将下面的句子变为一般疑问句: Tony is having lunch. 2. 现在进行时的标志词有现在进行时的标志词有:Look! Listen! Now its 8 oclock. What are you doing?等。等。 What are you doing now? (你在干什么?你在干什么?)Im reading now. (

6、我现在正在读书。我现在正在读书。)Listen! She is singing. (听,她正在唱歌。听,她正在唱歌。)Look! My mother is watering the flowers.(看,我妈妈正在浇花。看,我妈妈正在浇花。) 四巩固练习:四巩固练习: 一)句型转换。一)句型转换。 1. She is watching a ballet. (变否定句变否定句) 2. Were waiting for our teacher.(变一般疑问句变一般疑问句) 3. Is Tony calling a friend? (作肯定问答作肯定问答) 4. They are lying in

7、the sun. (划线提问划线提问) 二)用动词二)用动词-ing 形式填空。形式填空。 1. Tony (take) photos. 2. They (call) their teacher. 3. Lucy (wait) for a bus. 4. We (shop) with mother. 5. Daming (lie) on the bed. 6. Lily and Tom (have) a good time. 三)根据中文提示三)根据中文提示, 完成下面的短文。完成下面的短文。Its eight now. Some people are _ (洗洗) dishes in a _

8、 (饭馆饭馆). Some are going to the _ (歌剧歌剧). Some are watching a _ (芭蕾舞芭蕾舞). Some are writing _ (明信片明信片). 四)单项选择。四)单项选择。 1. Five boys in Class Two are reading books. _ are doing exercises(练习练习).A. The other B. Others C. The others 2. Betty and I _ pictures. A. is taking B. are taking C. takes 3. Its not

9、 good to read _ the sun. A. under B. in C. for 4. Look! Tony _ on the playground!A. lying B. is lying C. lie 5. Lingling would like to take photos_ the beautiful scenes (风景风景).A. for B. about C. of 6. Linda is _ a bus over there.A. waiting B. waiting for C. waits for 7. What _ he _? He is reading a

10、book.A. does; do B. is; do C. is; doing 8. Do you see your grandfather? He _, and he often _ in the evening.A. watches TV; is watching TV B. watching TV; watches TV C. is watching TV; watches TV 9. Where is your brother? He _ in his bedroom.A. is getting dressed B. getting dressed C. is dressing 10.

11、 They _ computer games now.A. are not playing B. playing C. dont playing 五)按要求完成下列句子。五)按要求完成下列句子。 1. They are taking photos.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ are they _? 2. 此刻,吉姆正在打篮球。此刻,吉姆正在打篮球。(汉译英汉译英)Jim is playing basketball_. 3. My dog is at home.(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问)_ _ your dog? 4. He lies in the bed. (用(用 now

12、改写句子)改写句子)He _ _ in the bed now. 5. 我们正在度假旅游,玩得可高兴呢。我们正在度假旅游,玩得可高兴呢。(汉译英汉译英) Were _ _ _ _. 六)把下列动词改为六)把下列动词改为 v-ing 形式。形式。 sit swim run put get see jump read clean eat listen write have take play 七)用七)用 be (is, am, are)动词的适当形式填空。动词的适当形式填空。 1. Tony buying some fruits. 2. Lucy and Lily doing their homework. 3. I singing in the washroom. 4. They playing football. 5. She enjoying her visit. 五、课后提升、 Try to remember some of the things that people do at different times and different places.


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