2017牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 7《Abilities》(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit)教案

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2017牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 7《Abilities》(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit)教案_第1页
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《2017牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 7《Abilities》(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit)教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 7《Abilities》(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit)教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、UnitUnit 7 7 AbilitiesAbilities ComicComic stripstrip andand WelcomeWelcome toto thethe unitunit教学目标: 1Talk about what you can do for others 2Learn to care about and help others 3Try to know about what you can do in the Helping Hands Club . 教学重点:1. To learn the words can could and may . 2To talk abo

2、ut what you can do for others 教学设计:Welcome to the unit Step 1:Lead-in (复习旧知)Let Ss talk about U6 Task T: What happened to Alice after she drank the liquid in the bottle? S: T: What did she forget when she walked towards the door?S: Step 2:Presentation (引出新知)1. 板书“ability ”T:Different people are good

3、 at different things .People have different abilities ,but theres one ability that everyone has .Its the ability to learn new things .I study art at the weekend ,so now I can paint .一边说一边讲 ability 写在黑板上,然后带领学生朗读。3Work in groups of two ,and ask your partners ability eg.S1: Whats your ability?S2: I ca

4、n swim .What s your ability ?S1:I can draw pictures. 4 展示超人图片,What abilities does Superman have ?Step 3: Practice (教学重点和难点)1Listen to the tape and answer the questions below 1) What does Eddie want to be ? 2) What does Eddie want to do? 3) What does Hobo say when Eddie wants to fly? 4) Can Eddie fly

5、? And is he Super dog? 2 板书 look out =be careful .read it . 3. Listen to the tape again and read after it. 4.Play out Work with your partner .One will play the role of Eddie ,the other Hobo .You can talk about other abilities of Super dog . Talk about the abilities of the Superman Eg /carry heavy th

6、ings /see through walls /hear sth far away /stay under water for a long time Step 4: Welcome to the Unit 1. Show the senternce .With great power comes great responsibility.(能力越大, 责任越大。)2We should use our abilities to help others .Would you like to help others? What can you do for others ? Talk about

7、 what you can do for others . 3. Repeat the conversation after the tape. Eg : What can you do for your parents ?I can help them do the housework. What can you do for your classmates? I can help them with their studies. What can you do for your teachers? I can help them collect our exercise books eve

8、ry morning. 4.Daniel and his classmates are member of the Helping Hands Club .show the pictures of Part A ,and talk about the pictures ,you can ask some questions for Picture 1, 1) Where are the boy and the old man? 2) What do they want to do? 3) Is the boy helping the old man? Do the same thing for

9、 the other pictures . 5 Do some exercises 1) read part A 2) write the correct letters in the boxes . 3)他经常在公公骑车上给咯啊年人让座。我们每年都去访问那所老年公寓。张老师们天都将办公室打扫的干干净净。人们通常会在春天种树。同学们想为希望工程做点事情。_ Step 5: Complete part B 1We can help people in need .We have the ability to help them .We re able to help them .,Daniel

10、an d his classmates are talking about what to do at the Helping Hands Club .Please listen to the tape ,and then answer the following questions . Listen to the tape and answer questions : 1)who ll they help ? 2)What ll they do for the children ? 2 板书 notebook /send /raise 5. Read and act it out. (小组合作, 锻炼听力和口语) Step 6: Language Points(总结和巩固新知)1,on the bus in the car , get on the bus ,get off the bus , 2,collecting thing s for Project Hope collectfor ,raise for ,donate to 3plant grow 4clean up eat up



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