2017春冀教版英语八下Unit 8《Lesson 44 Environment Clubs》word教案

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1、Lesson44 参考教案参考教案教学目标教学目标(1) 知识目标What can you do to stop pollution?What do you do when you see somebody throw garbage on the ground?help sb. do sth.encourage sb. to do sth. (2) 语言技能目标:能听懂关于环境问题的谈话和描述,获得信息并能以词或词组的方式记录。能就有关话题提供的信息表达自己的观点,参与讨论,合作完成任务。能用所获信息进行有关环境的写作。(3)能力目标:发展学生的听、说、识记及阅读能力,培养学生语言综合运用能

2、力。英语的兴趣和学好英语的勇气。让学生乐于接触并了解异国文化。教学内容:教学内容:(1) 词汇、短语:less environment waste fix toilet least throw away take out(2) 句型:help sb. make sth. encourage sb. to do sth重点和难点:重点和难点:(1) 重点句子:Many students help their schools make less pollution.Enviroment clubs encourage students to bring their lunches in reusa

3、ble bags and dishes.(2) 难点:Lets do it!In a small group, discuss the following topics:What can you do at school to stop polluction?What advice can you give your headmaster about pollution in your school?教学方法教学方法本课采用任务型阅读教学法,用 Do you like to live in this school? Why or why not? 这个问句让学生谈论喜欢和不喜欢的东西,然后回到

4、今天的主题。采用提问、启发、讨论和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,理解阅读内容,培养学生的语言运用能力。学法指导学法指导1 通过做阅读训练,指导学生阅读方法和运用关键词快速提炼有效信息,并能进行思维扩展与转移。2通过设计环保课题活动,指导学生在合作互助中学习鼓励学生的个性发展,培养他们的创新意识和自我探究能力教学过程教学过程Step1. Greet the whole class as usual.Step2. Warming up.Show the picture on the blackboard and ask students what the people in the pict

5、ure are doing. In Lesson57 we learned what Jenny, Brian and Danny do with the rubbish. Today well learn more about how students help clean up their school.设计思路:通过呈现一些北美国家学生为环保做一些事的图片,让学生切身感受北美国家学生的环保意识,有利于学生对课文内容的理解。Step3. New words. Teach the new words and expressions: less environment waste fix to

6、ilet least throw away take out 设计思路: 由于本课的新单词较多,学生独立阅读课文较难。通过教新单词有利于学生完成本课的阅读教学。 Step4. Listening 1 Play the audiotape. Have the students listen to the tape with the following questions and then answer them. Before listening to the tape,Show the questions on the blackboard, let the students master t

7、he main idea of the text. Questions:Why do many students in North America want to join “environment club”?What does environment clubs encourage students to do for no-garbage lunches?What does no-car day mean?What can people do instead of driving a car?How much water will a leaking toilet waste an ho

8、ur?2. Correct the answer. 设计思路:英语新课程标准要求运用“任务型”的教学方法。因此在听录音之前,先呈现要回答的问题,让学生带着问题去听录音,这样学生就会有意识地抓住要听的主要内容,提高学生的听效果。同时,培养学生的倾听能力。Step5. Reading. Have the class to read the text. And point out some important language points of the text. 1. What can you do to stop pollution?2. Lets work together to make

9、it clean. 3. Many students help their schools make less pollution.4. Here are some things students in North American do.5. Environment clubs encourage students to bring their lunches in reusable bags and dishes. 6. Danny would you please take out the garbage?Explain the difficulties in each phrase,

10、then give some other examples to let the students practice orally.设计思路:英语课堂教学要求全面提高学生的听、说、读、写的能力。本句型中有一些重要的语法点经常出现在练习中。而且学生往往不容易记住,因此教师有必要讲解其中的知识点,并通过举例进一步达到知识的运用。Step6. DiscussingDivide the class into small groups. Ask each group to discuss, in English, the following topics:1. According to the read

11、ing, what things do North American students do to stop pollution or to make less pollution?(Have no-garbage lunches! Have no-car days! Turn off the water!)2. What have you done at school to stop pollution?3. What can you do to make less pollution?Ask some groups to share their ideas with the rest of

12、 the class.设计思路:通过讨论北美国家的学生利用一切实可行的减少污染的方法来进行环保,然后让学生用英语讨论自己所生活的环境污染问题,激发学生自主为保护环境做贡献,培养责任感。同时达到课标要求全面提高学生的听、说、读、写的能力,锻炼学生英语口头表达的能力Step7.TaskDo a project on protecting the environment. Encourage the Ss to work on the project. Work in groups, think of so many ways to protect the environment. Teacher walks around to offer help.


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