2017春人教版英语七下《Unit3 How do you getto school》word学案1

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1、七七 年级年级 英语英语 学科导学案学科导学案课题Unit 3课 型新授课时1主备人审核人学习 目标知识目标:掌握本课单词: train, bus, bike, subway, ride, minute, hundred, ninety, far, kilometer, new , (drive, air, land, sea, ship, boat, taxi) 1) 重点短语:get to school, take a train/ bus/ subway,take a walk, goby car/ bus/ train/ land/ air,go in a car/ plane/ on

2、 a bus/ bike, ride a bike, bike/bus ride, from home to school, every day 2) 重点句型: how + 助动词+主语+ go to + 地点? how long does it take how far is it fromto【重点、难点重点、难点】 1.1. 掌握并运用多种表达乘坐交通工具的方式。 2.重点句型: how + 助动词+主语+ go to + 地点? how long does it take how far is it fromto学学 习习 过过 程程学法指导学法指导一、自主学习一、自主学习观察下列句

3、子,总结“take ”的用法。1) Im busy now, can you take those homework to the English teacher?2) How much are the pants? Ok, Ill take it.3) Scott likes to take a shower before he goes to bed. 4) Its good for you to take a walk after dinner. 5) I often take the No.22 bus to go to school. 6) It takes me 1 hour to

4、 finish the homework. 总结:_(词性) “take” 有多个意思,如例 1 中 _, 例 2 中表示_, 此外 take 还可表示 “做,进行” ,如例_和例_,在例 5 和例 6 中 它分别表示_和_。二、合作交流二、合作交流1.观察下列几组句子总结乘坐交通工具的表达方式。 1)I often take a bus to school. 2) Its difficult to take a train home in spring festival (春节) . 3) Because its difficult to get a train ticket in spri

5、ng festival, lets go home by plane.4) My father often goes to work by car. 5) There is a heavy fog(雾) in Beijing, we cant go there by air. 6) How can you go to the South Pole? We can go there only by sea. 7) My home is near my school, so I usually walk to school. 8) My mother either rides to work or

6、 drives to work.总结:表示“乘坐交通工具”有以下几种方法 “takethe/a交通工具名称(地点名词)”意为“乘 去某地”。如例_ 2.“动词 walk, ride, drive, fly 等to地点名词”,意为 “步行/骑自行车/开车/坐飞机去某地”。如例_ 3.“by交通工具名词”意为“乘”。如例_4.“on/ in限定词交通工具名词(单数前用 a, an, the 修饰) ”,用以表达具体的交通方式。如例_三、知识探究三、知识探究【合作探究】 How 引导的特殊疑问句 how 及 how 与一些形容词或副词组成的特殊疑问词 (词组) ,引导特殊疑问句,用法十分广泛,是学习

7、的 重点。 1. How are you today? 意为“_”等,用以提问“程 度,方式,状况”等。 2. How long can you keep(借) the books from the library? 意为“_”,以此询问“做某事持续了多长时间”。 how long 还表示“多长”,用以询问“长度”。 3. how many 意为“_”,用以询问“可数名词的数 量多少”。 4. how much 意为“_”,用以询问“不可数名词的 多少”。 how much 还表示“_”,用以询问“某物 的价格”。 5. how old 意为“_”,用以询问“某人的年龄”。 6. how ab

8、out 意为“怎么样?”与 what about?同义,用 以询问对方的意见,是省略句。 7. how far 意为“多远”,用以询问“距离或路程”。四、巩固运用1.同义句转换。 1) We can go to Japan(日本) by plane.We can go to Japan _ _ We can go to Japan _ a _ We can _ a _ to Japan. We can _ to Japan. 2 翻译:我每天骑自行车到达学校。 _乘汽车花了我约 20 分钟。 _教学后记教学后记七七 年级年级 英语英语 学科导学案学科导学案课题Unit 3课 型新 授课时2主备

9、人审核人学习目标1.知识目标: 1) 特殊疑问句和一般疑问句语序。 2) 重点句型:how+助动词+主语+get to +地点;how long does it take;how far is it fromto 3) get to , arrive at/in, reach 的区别;every day 和 everyday 的区别。 4) 新单词和短语:drive, live, think of,bus stop, train/ subway/ bus station (stop 作动词, taxi stand, coach station, airport, ferry pier) 2能力

10、目标:1)用目标句型造句。2)听懂往返路线并在多种交 通工具中进行分别。 3. 情感目标:培养集中注意力观察事物规律;培养归纳演绎的能 力。 学习学习重难点重难点 1. 特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的语序 2. 重点句型运用 3. 重点短语 和听力训练。学学 习习 过过 程程学学 法法 指指 导导一、自主学习一、自主学习学习 get to, arrive at/in, reach 的区别;every day 和 everyday 的区别。观察 下列句子: They reached/got to Shanghai two days age.两天前他们到达上海。 We arrived in Beijin

11、g at four oclock. 我们 4 点的时候到达北京。 When did your bus arrive at the town?你的汽车什么时候到达小镇的?二、合作交流二、合作交流1 1 深入学习 get to, arrive at/in, reach 的区别;every day 和 everyday 的区别。 总结: 词组词性用法 get to动词短语get to+地点 reach及物动词reach+地点 arrive不及物动 词后常接介词 in 或 at,一般 in 后接大地方;at 接 小地方 I walk to school every day. I like to rea

12、d everyday news.every day 和 everyday 区别: 用法 everyday做形容词,意为“每天的;每日的“ every day名词性短语,在句中做时间状语,常用语一般现在时态中。2 完成 3a,3b. 3. 完成 1a,教师描述自己上班途中乘坐交通工具过程,并在黑板上用箭头标 出逻辑先后顺序,请一位同学模仿老师的描述说明自己的情况。 4 完成 1b,1c. 先齐读句子,在听听力,最后老师请同学观察 1b 中的句子并 总结主从复合句:Mary wants to know where Bob lives. Mary 想知道 Bob 住在哪里。Where bob liv

13、es 是宾语从句,宾语从句语序是陈述语 序。 (主+谓+宾)Eg:Do you know which class he is in? 练习:Please tell me_for the meeting yesterday.Sorry. The traffic was bad. A. Why you came late B. Why did you come late CWhen you came late D.When didi you come late三、知识探究三、知识探究观察句子归纳本单元语言点规律: 特殊疑问句: 1Howdoyougetto school?2Howdoesheget

14、to his aunts home?3How longdoesittaketo get to cchool?成分及词性一般疑问句:1DoesMarywalkto work?2Dotheytakethe bus to school?成分及词性四、巩固运用一一. 连词成句连词成句 1. how, your, does , father , to, go, work? _ _? 2. how, they, do, to, school, get, every day? _? 3.how,long,it,does,take,you,get,to,home,from,to,school?_ _? 4. the, early, takes, bus, him, his, to, work place_ 5. in North America, to, go, school, most, students, on, school, the , bus_ 二二 单项选择单项选择 1. Miss Evans lives far form the company, so she usually _


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