2017春北师大版英语八下Unit 3《Communication Workshop》word学案

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《2017春北师大版英语八下Unit 3《Communication Workshop》word学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017春北师大版英语八下Unit 3《Communication Workshop》word学案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Festivals and HolidaysCommunication Workshop Ss worksheet (Period 1)I. Read the emails and try to fill in the table. Questions in the first emails Answers in the second emails II.Read the emails and try to circle the correct answers on Page 37. III.Circle all the linking words in the second e

2、mail. IV.Recite the second email according to the above table.V.Homework zone:_Unit 3 Festivals and HolidaysCommunication Workshop Ss worksheet (Period 2)I. Imagine you are an American students staying with a host family in China. It is the Mid- Autumn Festival. (1) Fill in the table with some key w

3、ords by yourself. (2) Add some linking words in the table. II. Circle some useful sentences that yo u can use in your email. III. How many paragraphs will you write and what is the topic of each paragraph?IV. Try to finish your email. Hey _,Thanks for your email. _ Questions Answers in the your emai

4、l 1. How long have you been there?2. Have you had any interesting experiences? What are they? 3. Have you done any special for that? What have you done?4. What did you eat? _来_Evaluation chart Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4符合题意,要点齐K 4 主题句 1+细节 1 主题句 2+细节 2 主题句 3+细节 3 文章层次清晰,有 主题句和细节信息 3 连词(1-2 个) 连词(3-4 个) 连词(5-6 个) 连词 4(7 个以上) 语意连贯,表达清 楚,具有逻辑性 4 V.Evaluate your email.IV. Homework Zone. Polish your email. Hey _,Thanks for your email. _ _转折句 并列句 状语从句 其他句式 句式多样,词汇丰 富 2 时态错误数 拼写错误数 标点错误数 其它错误数 语言准确,没有语 法,词汇和标点错 误 2 How many scores? 15_


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