2017春冀教版英语七下Unit 4《Lesson 20 Join Our Club》word教案

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《2017春冀教版英语七下Unit 4《Lesson 20 Join Our Club》word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017春冀教版英语七下Unit 4《Lesson 20 Join Our Club》word教案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、LessonLesson 2020 JoinJoin OurOur ClubClub 教案教案【教学目标】掌握单词及重要句型。掌握短语掌握短语: make friends, at the same time, enjoy doing, stay in shape【教学重点】Know about clubs【教学难点】Know about clubs and practice to describe what clubs you want to have.【教学过程】 一、词汇学习1. We have a class m_ every week.2. English is a u_ langua

2、ge. We should learn it well.3. Look at the leaf. Its s_ is strange. Its square.4. Danny is learning to swim in the swimming p_.5. Jenny is studying hard to i_ her Chinese.二、听力训练课本 P53 Lets Do It. Part 1.三、任务阅读课本 P53 Lets Do It. Part 2.四、课文讲解1. 【原句】 Do you want to make new friends?【解析】 “make friends

3、(with sb.)”意为“(与)交朋友” ,其中的 friend 通常都用复数形式。如:I made many friends in the sports club. 我在运动俱乐部交了许多朋友。Nobody wants to make friends with him. 没有人愿意和他交朋友。2. 【原句】 Chess challenges you and makes you think hard. 【解析】 此句中的 makes 意为 “使 / 让”, 是个使役动词。常用搭配有:1 ) “make sb. / sth.+形容词”意为“使某人 / 某物(样)” ,如:Music makes me relaxed.音乐使我放松。2 ) “make sb. / sth. + 动词原形”意为“使某人/某物(做事)” ,如: Taking exercise makes you stay healthy.锻炼使你保持健康。五、短语汇总六、课文诵读1、听读课文;2、诵读课文。七、处理 Lets Do It 练习。八、笔头操练【作 业】1、预习下一课;2、复习本课。


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