2017新人教版九年《Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad》word教案

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1、Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.ILearning objectives 教学目标教学目标SkillFocusListen and talk about how things, such as music, weather, color, ads and so on, affect youListen, describe and talk about personalitiesExpress feelingsWrite a diary功能句式Talk about how things affect you1. how music affects you (P102

2、-103) Loud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.Loud music makes me happy.2. how colors in the restaurant affect you (P104)The color red makes people hungry. Red also makes customers eat faster.3. how ads affect you. (P106)Talk about personalities(P102-104)1. Id rather go to the Bl

3、ue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. 2. How do you feel about pollution?LanguageFocus 词汇1 重点词汇scientific, pink, hard, serve, shiny, list, truth, schoolbag, purple, purse, thought2. 认读词汇lagoon, therefore, lighting, fair, campaign, endangered, slogan, mysteriou

4、s, skin, product, lookout, beauty, stardust, advertising, aim, specifically, instance, confuse, mislead, lead, home-made, guilty, taste, count 3 词组 keep out, pros and cons, aim at, for instance, to start with语法make sb. do sth. make sb. / sth. + adj.StrategyFocus1. Matching2. PersonalizingCulture Foc

5、usDifferent attitudes toward giving and receiving.II. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组教材分析和重组1. 教材分析教材分析本单元以 Feelings 为话题, 从颜色、天气、音乐、广告、产品等方面谈论了外界事物如何影响人的心情。要求学生掌握某物或某事给人带来的感觉、看法或影响等的表达方式。共设计了四个部分的内容:Section A 该部分有 4 个模块:第一模块围绕 Which restaurant would you like to go to?这一话题展开思维(1a

6、) 、听力(1b) 、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕 How does music or movie affect you? 进行听力(2a-2b) 、口语训练(2c) ;第三模块继续围绕 How do colors in the restaurant affect you?这一话题展开训练,训练形式为阅读和问题体验(3a)和小组活动(3b) ;第四模块仍就 How do things affect you?这一话题以调查的形式展开讨论(4)。Section B该部分有 4 个模块:第一模块围绕产品广告对人们的影响这一话题以“配对”(1a)与“列举”(1b)两种形式展开训练;第二模块继续围绕

7、How do things affect you? 进行听力(2a-2b) 、口语对话训练(2c) ;第三模块围绕“Advertising”这一话题展开阅读(3a-3b)和写作(3c)训练;第四模块围绕How posters affect you?这一话题以口语训练形式展开小组活动(4)。Self check该部分有 2 个模块:第一模块对所学词汇进行填空训练(1);第二模块就一篇diary 展开阅读和写作训练(2)。Reading该部分共设置了 5 项任务:第一项任务要求学生写出并讨论自己对三种礼物的感受(1a-1b);第二项任务要求学生运用所供策略进行阅读训练(Section 2);第三项

8、任务利用完成句子、写作等练习形式进一步加深学生对阅读内容的理解(Section 3);第四项任务要求学生运用合理的想象,讨论不同场景下如何选择不同的礼物以及这些礼物对人们的影响(Section 4);第五项任务要求学生描述自己在收到某种礼物时的感受(If you have time)。2. 教材重组和课时分配教材重组和课时分配Period 1 (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c; Grammar) Listening and GrammarPeriod 2 (Section A: 3a, 3b, 4; Section B: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c

9、, 3c, 4; Self check: 1) PracticePeriod 3 (Section B: 3a, 3b, 3c, 4; Self check 2) Integrating skillsPeriod 4 (Reading: Section 1-Section 4)Reading III. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案分课时教案Period 1 Listening and GrammarLanguage goals 语言目标语言目标1. Words while in the other, we can only find a quiet

10、and comfortable environment. Which restaurant do you like better? Would you feel the same as the two girls do in the picture? S1: Id like to go to the Blue Lagoon because I dont like loud music. It makes me angry. This loud music may drive the guests away. S2: Id like to go to the Blue Lagoon too be

11、cause I like quiet music just like the girl in the picture does. It makes me feel at ease.S3: Id like to go to Rockin Restaurant. I like loud music. It makes me feel excited. This loud music makes me want to dance. S4: Id like to go to Rockin Restaurant too. I think loud music makes me feel energeti

12、c. This loud music makes me feel encouraged. T: So, the things in the restaurant may affect the people eating there. In fact, it is our own feelings that work, but not the things around us affect us. However, different things may have different effects upon us. Step II Listening (1b: P102) Ask the s

13、tudents to listen to Amy and Tina talking about the two restaurants and do the exercises. T: Next well hear a dialogue between Amy and Tina. Now listen and find out how the music in the two restaurants affect them. Play the recording and check the answers. Step III Speaking (1c: P102)Ask the student

14、s to talk about how music affects them. T: For Tina and Amy, different kinds of music affect them differently. Now work in pairs and talk about how the two restaurants would affect you if you were there. Sample dialogue 1: S1: Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like quiet music. S2

15、: Me too! Loud music makes me mad. S1: I agree! Loud music makes me feel bored. Sample dialogue 2: S1: Id rather go to the Rockin Restaurant because I like loud music. S2: Me too! Quiet music makes me dizzy. S1: I agree! Quiet music makes me feel relaxed. Step IV Practice (2a, 2b, 2c: P103)Task 1: L

16、istening Ask the students to read the pictures first. T: Its true that things around us affect us greatly. For example, examinations may make you feel nervous. Summer vacations make you feel relaxed and happy. English lessons make some feel bored. Now look at the pictures in 2a on page 103. Who are in the pictures?Ss: Tina and Amy. T: What is happening in each picture? Now talk about how things affect them. S1: The two women in Picture 1 are having meals.


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