人教版英语七下册unit 11 section b

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1、Unite 11 How was your school trip?,Section B,II. 译出下列短语去散步去购物去钓鱼 挤奶牛 骑马 骑自行车 喂小鸡 和某人谈话 拍照,go for a walk go shoppinggo fishingmilk a cowride a horseride a bikefeed chickenstalk with/to take photos,What does he/she do every day?He /She.,What did he/she do yesterday?,watched the stars,takes some photos

2、,took some photos,goes fishing,went fishing,watches the stars,What do theydo every day? They.,What did theydo last week?They.,go for a walk,went for a walk,watch flowers,watched flowers,pick strawberries,picked strawberries,一般过去时,一般过去时:表示发生在过去的事情构成:主语+动词过去式+其他标志:1:句中有过去的时间如:yesterday, last week, in

3、2008, two days ago等 Carol took some photos last Sunday. 2:根据上下文 It was rainy yesterday. We stayed at home.,否定句:句中有were或was在构成否定句时,在was 或were 后面加 not You werent at school yesterday.(否定句)疑问句:构成疑问句时,把 were或was放在主语前面,句尾加问号; 肯定回答和否定回答时态要与问句中的时态一致-Were you at school yesterday?(一般疑问句)-Yes, I was.-No, I was

4、nt.,如果陈述句中的动词为实义动词,变成疑问句时,要用助动词do的过去式did帮助构成,这时后面的谓语动词要变成动词原形。 如:I rode a horse last summer .改为一般疑问句:Did you ride a horse last summer ?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.,把下列句子变成否定句,一般疑问句,肯否回答及对划线部分提问,1.The air was clean yesterday. The air wasnt clean yesterday. Was the air clean yesterday? Yes, it was./ No,

5、it wasnt. How was the air yesterday? 2.Tom and Peter were at home last night. Tom and Peter werent at home last night. Were Tom and Peter at home last night? Yes, they were./No.they werent. Where were Tom and Peter last night.,3.There was a bird in the tree just now. There wasnt a bird in the tree j

6、ust now. Was there a bird in the tree just now? Yes, there was. No,there wasnt. What was in the tree just now?4.I rode a horse last Sunday.I didnt ride a horse last Sunday. Did you ride a horse last Sunday? Yes,I did./No,I didnt. What did you do last Sunday?,go ride do is are have eat buy see,写出下列动词

7、的过去式。,pick visit watch climb study worry play live stop,went rode did was were had ate bought saw,picked visited watched climbed studied worried played lived stopped,规则动词,不规则动词,规则动词过去时的变化规则:,一般情况下, 在动词原形末尾加-ed ; played worked wanted needed结尾是不发音字母-e 的动词加-d hoped lived used结尾是“辅音字母+y” 的动词,变y 为i 再加 -e

8、d; studystudied worryworried 重读闭音节结尾,双写动词尾辅音字母再加- ed stopstopped shopshopped,1,2,3,4,写出下列动词的过去式:go have/has seeeat buy take ride feed bring-is/am- are- come- buy- cut- do/does-draw- drive- feel-fight- find- fly-forget- get- grow-hear- keep- know-,saw,went,had,ate,bought,took,rode,fed,was,were,brough

9、t,came,bought,cut,did,drew,drove,felt,fought,found,flew,forgot,got,grew,heard,kept,knew,1a Match the activities with the pictures,1.go to the zoo _ 4. climb a mountain_2.visit a museum_ 5. visit a fire station_3.ride a horse_ 6.go fishing_,a,d,e,b,f,c,1b,Listen and answer the questions.,1. How was J

10、anes trip?_2. How was Tonys trip?_,It was terrible.,It was great.,1c,Listen again. What did Jane and Tony do on their last school trip? Check () Tony or Jane.,Do the following words describe good things or bad things? Put a for good and an for bad. Leave a blank if they can mean both.,2a,_ interesti

11、ng _ difficult _ lovely _ slow_ exciting _ boring _ cool _ hot_ lucky _ large _ expensive _ terrible_ delicious _ great _ cheap _ fast,2b,Read Helens and Jims diary entries and answer the questions.,Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip?2. How do they feel about the trip?,Yes, Helen and Jim went on

12、the same trip.,Helen thought the trip was great, but Jim didnt like the trip at all.,_ 15th,Today I _ on a schooltrip. We _ the science_ and it _ really_. We _ _ sofast _ _. We saw farmsand _ along the way,_ the museum, I _ a lot about _. I _ _ they _ _ _ with us.It was so _! Then the guide _ us _ _

13、 a model robot. I _ a lot of _,went,visited,museum was,interesting,got there,by train,villages,At,learned,didnt know,robots,could play chess,coolt,taught,how to make,took,photos,photos, too. After that, I _to the _ shop and _ some _ _ for my parents. They _ _. All in all, it _ an _ day.,June 15th,I

14、think _ _ trip _ _. We _ the _ to the _. It _ so hot _ the slow _. The museum was _ and _. Everything _ about _ and Im not _ in that. The rooms_ really _ and it _ _ to take _, so l _ _ any. There_ also _ _ people and I _ really _ or _ the guide. The things in the gift shop were so _. I _ _ the trip _ _.,


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