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1、东北农业大学学士学位论文 全自动马铃薯淀粉含量测定机设计学生姓名:指导教师:所在院系:工程学院所学专业:农业机械化及其自动化研究方向:农业工程东 北 农 业 大 学中国 哈尔滨NEAU Dissertation of Bachelor Degree Number:A07090218The Research on Transmission Equipment of Welding RobotStudent Name: Li XingxingDepartment and faculty: Engineering CollegeMajor: Specialty on Mechanization an

2、d Automatization of AgricultrueOrientation: Mechanical DesignNortheast Agricultural UniversityHarbinChinaMay 2013摘要I摘摘 要要随着人民生活水平的不断提高,高档次的食品需求量越来越大。由于精制马铃薯淀粉它成糊后 粘度高、成糊稳定、晶莹透明、有较强粘弹性,是举世公认的食品行业伟大的“绿色建筑材料”! 同时它还广泛的应用于化工、纺织、医药、饲料、造纸、石油等行业,因而对它的淀粉含量要求也 就越来越高。设计马铃薯淀粉仪也就迫在眉睫,在设计马铃薯含量淀粉仪的时候,用两个步进电机 提供动力,

3、确保旋转机构位置精度,电机与旋转装置的连接是通过齿轮直接啮合。电机 1 通过齿轮 来控制旋转机构的旋转,再通过旋转装置上的挂钩获取载物块送至测量装置。电机 2 同样也是与旋 转装置 2 齿轮直接啮合,通过旋转装置上的挂钩从测量装置获取试样,再通过逆旋转摘除试样,完 成整个动力传递过程。马铃薯淀粉含量的测定,传统的马铃薯淀粉含量的测定劳动强度大、效率低、 人工误差大,目前我国的马铃薯淀粉含量的自动化机械监测水平相对落后。本设计针对这一问题, 设计了马铃薯淡粉含量自动测定仪,实现了马铃薯淀粉含量测定的自动化,提高了测定效率。关键词关键词:马铃薯;淀粉含量测定;步进电机;密度测淀粉AbstractI

4、IThe Design of Automatic Potato Starh Content Determination Machine AbstractWith the continuous improvement of peoples living standard, high grade food demand more and more big.Because of its refined potato starch paste viscosity high, into paste stability, glittering and translucent and transparent

5、, has the strong viscoelastic, is universally acknowledged the food industry “green building materials“ great! It is also widely used in chemical industry, textile, medicine, feed, paper making, petroleum and other industries, and requirements for its starch content also is higher and higher .Design

6、 of potato starch instrument is imminent, in the design of the potato starch content of instrument, powered by two stepper motors, ensure the position accuracy of the rotation, motor connected to the rotating device is directly by gear meshing.The motor 1 through the gear motor to control the rotati

7、on of the rotating mechanism, again through the rotating device on the hook for slide block to the measuring device. Motor with rotating device is also The motor 2 gear meshing directly, through the rotating device of the hook sample was obtained from the measurement device, again through the invers

8、e rotation remove sample, complete the power transfer process. Potato starch content determination, the traditional potato starch content determination of labor intensity, low efficiency, human error is big, at present our country of the potato starch content of automation machinery monitoring level

9、 is relatively backward. This design in order to solve this problem, design the light potato powder content automatic tester, automate the potato starch content determination, and improves the measurement efficiency. Keyword: the potato; Determination of starch content; Stepping motor; Starch densit

10、y test;Machine design of automatic potato starch content determination目录I目 录摘 要.I Abstract.II1 前言 .1 1.1 本研究的目的与意义 .1 1.2 本设计的背景 .1 1.3 研究方案 .1 1.3.1 马铃薯淀粉含量测定方法的选择 .1 1.3.2 操作方案的选取 .3 1.3.3 工作原理 .3 2 马铃薯淀粉仪自动化的设计方案 .6 2.1 淀粉仪储存输送机构方案设计 .6 2.2 淀粉仪测量机构方案设计 .6 2.3 淀粉仪输出机构方案设计 .6 2.4 淀粉仪的控制方案设计 .7 2.5 马铃薯淀粉含量测定仪的技术参数列表 .7 3 淀粉仪缓存方案设计 .



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