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1、哈尔滨商业大学毕业设计(论文)哈尔滨商业大学毕业设计(论文)CJK6032 数控车床的设计学 生 姓 名 指 导 教 师 专 业 学 院 年 月 日s 哈尔滨商业大学毕业设计(论文)I哈尔滨商业大学毕业设计(论文)IIAbstractThe CJK6032 numerically controlled lathe including bed,way system,headstock and spindle,turret construction,tailstok,and work holding device. The asynchronous motor and frequency conw

2、erter connect with each other, thus get have frequency control of motor speed. Horizontal enter to with enter lengthways to all from tread with power to arouse into the electrical engineering, is pass by the electrical engineering to double roller chain couplingto arouse horizontal enter to with ent

3、er lengthways to, but its pulse equivalent want to be small in the 0.005 mms, because of choose to tread to tread to be apart from Cape to 0.36 into the electrical engineering, past the step enter electrical engineering and double roller chain couplingto still need to use to spread to move to compar

4、e to 1:2 of decline soon wheel gear. The feed movement from tread to arouse into the electrical engineering, pass to decline soon wheel gear to spread to double roller chain coupling, arouse the cutter to do the feed movement. Keywords: numerically controlled lathe; frequency conwerter; double rolle

5、r chain coupling哈尔滨商业大学毕业设计(论文)III哈尔滨商业大学毕业设计(论文)目录摘 要 .IAbstract.II绪 论.1 11 数控车床在国内外的发现状.1 12 课题的研究的目的和意义.22 总体方案设计.3 2.1 设计参数.3 2.2 总体方案的确定.3 2.3 传动原理.4 2.4 基本参数的确定.63 传动设计.7 3.1 设计参数.7 3.2 减速齿轮设计及校核.7 3.3 带轮及带的计算.11 3.4 轴的初步确定.12 3.5 轴的校核.12 3.6 键的校核.154 进给系统设计.16 4.1 纵向进给丝杠设计.16 4.2 横向进给丝杠设计.17 4.3 步进电机选择.185 控制原理设计.19 5.1 数控系统的基本硬件组成.195.2 步进电机的控制.19 5.2.1 步进电机的工作原理.19 5.2.2 步进电机的控制.20 5.2.3 译码法寻址.21 5.2.4 键盘显示器接口.21 5.2.5 程序存储器(EEPROM)芯片.226 技术经济分析.23总 结.26附录 1 .



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