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1、A World of DifferenceA World of Difference 与众不同的世界与众不同的世界Chevron Global LubricantChevron CompanyContentContent 内容内容内容内容内容内容内容内容Chevron Introduction雪佛龙公司介绍雪佛龙公司介绍Caltex Overview加德士简介Chevron in China雪佛龙在中国雪佛龙在中国Chevron Global LubricantChevron CompanyChevron Introduction雪佛龙公司介绍雪佛龙公司介绍Chevron Global Lub

2、ricantChevron CompanyA NEW SYMBOL FOR A GLOBAL ENERGY COMPANYA NEW SYMBOL FOR A GLOBAL ENERGY COMPANY 全球性能源公司的一个新的代号全球性能源公司的一个新的代号全球性能源公司的一个新的代号全球性能源公司的一个新的代号Chevron Global LubricantChevron CompanyChevron: A World Class Global Energy Company 雪佛龙:一个世界级的全球性能源公司雪佛龙个世界级的球性能源公司Chevron Global LubricantChe

3、vron CompanyChevron 雪佛龙雪佛龙Presence in 180 countries在180个国家营业Enterprise value of approx. USD 100 billion公司市值约1200亿美元4thlargest publicly traded company in terms of Oil and Gas gpypy reserves of 11.5 billion barrels equivalent世界第四大石油与天然气公司并拥有115亿桶储备4thlargest producer with a daily production of 2.7mill

4、ion barrels世界第四大石油产品生产商,每天产量270万桶6thlargest company in 2008 fortune 500 company2008年度财富500强排名第6位Chevron Global LubricantChevron CompanyChevron Businesses 雪佛龙业务雪佛龙业务Exploration and Production (upstream)p( p)勘探与生产(上游)Refining/Marketing/Transportation (Downstream)Refining/Marketing/Transportation (Down

5、stream)提炼、营销与运输(下游)ChemicalsChemicals化工Power Generation and GasificationPower Generation and Gasification发电与汽化Add EThlAdvanced Energy Technology先进能源技术Chevron Global LubricantChevron CompanyChevron - Exploration and Production (Upstream) 雪佛龙开采与生产(上游)雪佛龙:开采与生产(上游)a leader in worldwide liquids and natu

6、ral gas production世界领先的液化与天然气生产商Major producing areas主要生产区域North America: Gulf of Mexico, California, Texas and CanadaNorth America: Gulf of Mexico, California, Texas and Canada 北美:墨西哥湾、加拿大,美国加州、德克萨斯International: Kazakhstan, Angola, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Venezuela, Australia, Indonesia, Thail

7、and, China, Papua New Guinea, North Sea and Middle East国际:勘撒克斯坦、安哥拉、尼日尼亚、刚果、委内瑞拉、澳大利亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、 中国、新几内匹、北海和中东。Chevron Global LubricantChevron CompanyChevron - Refining/Marketing/Transportation (Downstream) 雪佛龙:提炼,营销和运输(下游)雪佛龙:提炼,营销和运输(下游)Chevron markets gasoline, diesel, jet and aviation fuels, and

8、other petroleum products雪佛龙-德士古销售汽油、柴油、航空燃料和其它石化产品25 000lidtithth60% bd25,000 employees in downstream, with more than 60% based outside of the US在下游业务有25000名员工,其中60%的员工在美国以外的国家在下游务有名员其中的员在美国以外的国家22 refineries with a refining capacity of 2.2 million barrels a day有22家炼油厂,日炼油能力为220万桶a retail network of

9、 25,00 0 branded service stations in 6 continents在6大洲有25000个加油站Companys products are sold under 3 main regional brands Chevron, Texaco and Caltex公司产品分别以三个区域性的品牌进行销售:雪佛龙、德士古,加德士Chevron Global LubricantChevron Company公司产品分别以三个区域性的品牌进行销售:雪佛龙、德士古,加德士Chevron Chemicals 雪佛龙化雪佛龙:化工Chevron owns a 50% share o

10、f Chevron Phillips ChemicalChevron owns a 50% share of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, a world scale competitor in petrochemicals雪佛龙拥有雪佛龙-菲利普斯化工公司50%的股份,雪佛龙-菲利普 斯是一个世界级的石化公司斯是一个世界级的石化公司。Chevron Phillips manufactures and markets a variety of industrialChevron Phillips manufactures and markets a va

11、riety of industrial chemicals in more than 80 countries雪佛龙-菲利普斯在80多个国家生产和销售多种工业化工产品Major products include styrene, polystyrene and olefins, additives for fuels and lubricantsadditives for fuels and lubricants主要产品包括苯乙烯、聚苯乙烯,烯烃以及用于燃油和润滑油的添 加剂Chevron Global LubricantChevron CompanyChevron Power Generat

12、ion and Gasification 雪佛龙发电与汽化雪佛龙:发电与汽化Has equity interests in 47 power projects operating or under development around the world在全球47个正在运行或建设的发电项目中拥有权益在全球47个正在运行或建设的发电项目中拥有权益Total generating capacity in excess of 3,500 megawatts总发电能力超过3500百万瓦Chevron a leader in gasification technology, an environment

13、ally friendly process that converts low- value materials into clean synthesis gas雪佛龙是汽化技术的领导者通过环保型的方法将低价值的雪佛龙是汽化技术的领导者,通过环保型的方法将低价值的 材料转化成清洁的合成气体。Chevron Global LubricantChevron CompanyChevron Advanced Energy Technology 雪佛龙先进能源技术雪佛龙:先进能源技术Engaged in the development and commercializationofEngaged in

14、the development and commercialization of environmentally smart technologies正在发展与推广环保型的先进技术正在发展与推广环保型的先进技术Examples include: fuel cells, photovoltaic, advanced batteries hydrogen storagebatteries, hydrogen storage例如:燃料电池、光电技术,先进电池和氢存储技术Chevron is positioning itself to be a leader in these technologies

15、 of the future雪佛龙将自己定位为将来在这些技术领域的领导者Chevron Global LubricantChevron CompanyChevron Global Lubricants Overview 雪佛龙全球润滑油概况雪佛龙全球润滑油概况A A global business of Chevronglobal business of Chevron雪佛龙全球润滑油概况雪佛龙全球润滑油概况雪佛龙公司的一个全球业务部门雪佛龙公司的一个全球业务部门 3rd largest lubricants supplier in the world3rd largest lubricant

16、s supplier in the world 全球第三大润滑油供应商全球第三大润滑油供应商 Operations in 186 countries Operations in 186 countries 业务遍及业务遍及186186个国家个国家Four major regionsFour major regions: :四个主要区域四个主要区域 Four major regionsFour major regions: :四个主要区域四个主要区域?Asia PacificAsia Pacific亚太地区亚太地区?Europe/Africa/Middle East (EAME)Europe/Africa/Middle East (EAME)欧洲欧洲/ /非洲非洲/ /中东中东 拉美洲拉美洲?Latin AmericaLatin America拉丁美洲拉丁美洲?North AmericaNorth America北美洲北美洲 Marketing Chevron, Texaco & Caltex BrandsMarke



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