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1、河南大学硕士学位论文我国公共部门人力资源管理价值取向研究姓名:张香娥申请学位级别:硕士专业:行政管理导教师:汪来杰20090501实现公共利益;引入竞争机制,实现效率与效益相统一;注重以人为本,实现个 人权利与责任;关注弱势群体,实现社会公平与正义。关键词:公共部门;人力资源管理;价值取向 AbstractIIIThe human resources management (HRM) level of the public sector, which is regarded as “the agent of public resources, the leader in social refo

2、rm,and the provider of public products and services“, not only plays a vital role in the development of the public sector it belongs to, but also affects the development of the whole region and country, even the quality of the public social life. The HRM of the public sector is the lifeblood of gove

3、rnment and its correct value orientation determines the system it adopts and the efficiency of its practices.Since the founding of new China, the HRM of the public sector in our country has made great progress. Structurally, it has gradually realized the transition from the traditional personnel man

4、agement to the modem HRM. From a global perspective, the modem management thought initiated and matured in the Western developed country, especially in America, whose ideas about HRM are far more advanced than our country. The researches on HRM in our country mostly focus on the technical transforma

5、tion of specific management aspects rather than the guidance function of the HRMs value orientation. Moreover, the issue of core concepts is rarely involved in the HRM of the public sector.The first part introduces some basic concepts of HRM, the specificity of HRM in the public sector, the means of

6、 value orientation and its theoretical basis, including human capital theory, system theory, excitation theory and so on. The second part gives a brief account of the existing value orientation problems of HRM of the public sector in our country from the aspects of management concept, personnel syst

7、em and the incentive mechanism, meanwhile it analyzes the causes of these problems from Chinas traditional ideological and administrative systems. Through the analysis of the development history of the American HRM of the public sector, we can easily find a clear course to design a system in accorda

8、nce with the value system. Such as the political favor system which gives response to the politics, the traditional civil servants system which emphasizes the administrative efficiency, the collective negotiating system which ensures the rights of the individuals to get social equality, the system o

9、f safeguarding the vulnerable group of people which defenses individuals responsibility, and the flexible HRM system which IVstresses the limited social services,the separation of powers, and the responsibilities of the community to serve the society. From all of these we can see that HRM of the pub

10、lic sector in America is drawing lessons from the sweetest fruits of the HRM of enterprises. In management, peoples democratic rights should be ultimately guaranteed, and their human rights should be fully respected; structurally, flexible system should be developed to achieve the strategic HRM.In a

11、ccordance with international developments and the new public management theory, new public service theory and composite theory of social equality, which have a great impact on the value of HRM of the public sector, combined with Chinas specific national conditions and the practice achievements of th

12、e United States, this paper proposes the following value orientations for Chinas HRM of the public sector: focusing on service orientation; introducing market competition mechanism to achieve the unity of efficiency and effectiveness; emphasizing the concept of “people-oriented“ to realize ones righ

13、ts and obligations; paying close attention to the vulnerable groups to ensure social fairness and justice.Key words: public sector; human resource management; value orientation关于学位论文独立完成和内容创新的声明本人向河南大学提出领士学位申请。本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是 本人在导师的指导下独立完成的,对所研究的课题有新的见解。据我所知,除 文中特別加以说明、标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包括其他人已经发表或撰 写过的

14、研究成菜,也不包括其他人为获得任何教育、科研机构的学位或证书而 使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同事对本研究所傲的任何贡献均已在论文中作 了明補的说明并表示了谢意。学位申请人(学位论文作者)签名20(7 尸年 中译本,上海译文出饭社中译本,上海译文出饭社, , :版,第:版,第 5757 页页. . 冻据明:冻据明:S家公各员制度家公各员制度,福建人民出版社,福建人民出版社. .源管理时,应把宏观人力资源管理和微观人力资源管理结合起来,要突破传统的 “人事”定位,着眼全局,以更积极的态度、更具战略性的眼光执行任务。公共部门毕竟不是私营企业,其人力资源管理仅有效率是不够的,还要讲求 效益。也就是说,

15、公共部门人力资源管理一定要实现其预定的目标,目标实现了 才算是有效益的。这主要表现在公共部门人力资源管理中的成本与所获得的综合 社会效益成正比的关系上。公共部门人力资源管理所进行的投入及所消耗的资源 都来源于社会,所以社会投入的资源于所获得的综合效益之间的比率必然是衡量 公共部门人力资源管理质量的根本标准。这就要求公共部门人力资源管理必须是 高效服务性活动,必然体现国家、社会和人民的需要。如果单纯地最求速度和数 量,不仅会危害社会,还会直接危及公共部门人力资源管理的价值和合理性。因 此,公共部门在进行人力资源管理时,始终应该坚持效率和社会效益相统一的价 值取向,实现战略性、长远性的人力资源管理

16、。(三)注重以人为本,实现个人权利与责任以人为本,就是要以实现人的全面发展为目标,从人民群众的根本利益出发 谋发展、促发展,不断满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需要,切实保障人民群 众的经济、政治和文化权益,让发展的成果惠及全体人民。以人为本还体现在正 视人的各种需要和追求,尽可能地创造条件实现个人目标和组织目标的统一,在 完成工作的同时获得个人满足感。公共部门的人力资源也是具有各种欲望和要求 的普通人,也有人性的弱点,在进行管理时,不是单纯地对公职人员进行监管、 控制和约束进而要求履行其责任与义务的过程,而是“用伟大的事业凝聚公务 员,用崇髙的精神激励公务员,用真挚的感情关心公务员,用适当的待遇吸引公 务员。”充分尊重公务人员,把他们看成有理想、有道德、最求自我实现的人。 因此,维护和实现公共部门人力资源的基本权利,按照权责对应的原则,实现权 利和责任的有机统一,是公共部门人力资源管理的基本价值取向之一。张柏林张柏林. .创新人才工作机制,建设髙素质专业化的公务员队伍创新人才工作机制,建设髙素质专业化的公务员队伍J,J, 2727公共部门


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