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1、青岛理工大学青岛理工大学“聚脲技术培训班(聚脲技术培训班(Qtech Training Group,QTG) ”2015 年秋季招生通知年秋季招生通知【中国聚脲技术网 2015-7-22 新闻】纯聚脲在我国国民经济和国防建设中发挥着越来 越重要的作用;中国创造了世界聚脲技术发展的奇迹!聚脲技术是 21 世纪最具前途的高技术、新材料之一,被誉为二十世纪末涂料、涂装 界最伟大的发现,自诞生以来凭借其过硬的品质及技术优势,从众多防护涂层技术中脱颖 而出,在基础设施防护、土木、化工、交通、机械、航空航天、水利、电力、军事等领域 广泛应用。2007 年京津城际铁路、2008 年北京奥运场馆、2009 年

2、京沪高铁、2010 年上海 世博园区、2011 年青岛胶州湾跨海大桥、2012 年港珠澳大桥、2013 年南水北调等国内外 重点工程都毫无例外地采用了这种高新技术。自 2009 年 10 月开办京沪高铁现场聚脲技术培训班以来,青岛理工大学“聚脲技术培 训班(Qtech Training Group,QTG)”已连续举办了 15 期,QTG 理论联系实际的教学模 式、高屋建瓴的中、英文双语授课,受到了来自祖国内地、台湾、香港、澳门以及国外学 员的普遍好评。(详见:http:/ 第十六期聚脲技术培训班将于 2015 年 10 月 911 日在青岛理工大学举办。培训班 的招生工作正在进行中,期待您的

3、积极参与。QTGQTG 聚脲培训班主讲老师聚脲培训班主讲老师黄微波:黄微波:博士,二级教授,博士生导师,我国聚脲技术的创始人,美国聚脲发展协会 (PDA)国际理事、铁道部京沪高铁聚脲防护工程首席科学家、山东省腐蚀与防护学会理事、 青岛市地铁产业协会特邀专家。从事喷涂聚脲弹性体材料技术和特种功能材料研究二十余 年,主持完成了具有自主知识产权的聚脲技术,使我国成为继美国之后在世界上拥有此项 高新技术的国家;积极引导中国聚脲赶超世界先进水平,为我国聚脲事业的发展起到了积 极的引导与推动作用,亲自指导了聚脲技术在北京奥运会场馆、济南城运会场馆、京津城 际铁路、京沪高速铁路、上海世博会馆等众多工程的应用

4、,使我国一跃成为世界头号聚脲 消费大国。 主讲内容:聚脲技术简介、聚脲的化学反应原理、聚脲喷涂设备、基材处理、聚脲喷 涂工艺及相关标准等。丁国雷:丁国雷:硕士,工程师,长期从事聚脲技术应用研究,具有丰富的聚脲技术工程经验, 曾参加京沪高铁、青岛跨海大桥、港珠澳大桥等重大工程聚脲防护技术指导工作。主讲内容:聚脲喷涂设备及工艺、现场施工教学、检测仪器介绍与操作。常瑞景:常瑞景:硕士,工程师,工程经验丰富,多次在聚脲工程现场一线进行技术指导与施 工培训。主讲内容:聚脲喷涂设备及工艺、现场施工教学、检测仪器介绍与操作。QTGQTG 聚脲培训班的特色聚脲培训班的特色权威培训机构与专业教学团队权威培训机构

5、与专业教学团队QTG 主办单位青岛理工大学中国聚脲技术研发中心(R we look forward to your active participation.TeachersHuang Weibo: Doctor, Professor, doctoral tutor, founder of polyurea technology in China, PDAs International director, chief scientist of Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway Polyurea Protective Proiect, Director of

6、 Shandong Institute of corrosion and protection, Experts were invited by the Qingdao Metro Industry Association. Hes engaged in researching on spray polyurea elastomer material technology and special functional materials more than twenty years, presided over the completion of the polyurea technology

7、 with independent intellectual property rights and make China the second country thathave this high-tech after the United States. He guided the polyurea in China catch up with the advanced world levels, and made a great contribution for the development of polyurea in China. zhe has guided many natio

8、nal key projects, such as Beijing Olympic Games Stadium, Beijing-Tianjin Inter-city Railway, Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, Shanghai Expo Pavilion, Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and so on. Main lessons: Polyurea technology introduction, what is polyurea, processing

9、 and equipment basics, surface preparation, spray skills, polyurea related standards.Ding Guolei: Master, engineer, He is engaged in application of polyurea technology for a long time, has rich experience in engineering polyurea technology. He had participated in the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Rail

10、way, Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and other major projects. Main lessons: polyurea spraying process and equipment, spray skills in jobsite, Introduction and operation of test instrumentChang Ruijing: Master, engineer, he has rich experience in engineering polyurea techn

11、ology and participated in many projects. Main lessons: polyurea spraying process and equipment , spray skills in jobsite, Introduction and operation of test instrumentCharacteristics of QTGThe authority of training institutions and professional teaching teamThe host of QTG, R Lunch and dinner are ar

12、ranged at the school cafeteria.3. The trainers who passed the test will be certified by Qingdao Technological University, signed by Prof. Weibo Huang (Please bring 2-inch photo for the certificates).4. If you have any questions please feel free to contact QTG secretariatRegistrationName: Department:

13、 Title: Tel: Email: Name: Department: Title: Tel: Email: Name: Department: Title: Tel: Email: Company: Fax: Address: Postal Code: CompanyCompany Type:Type:Raw material supplier Instrument / equipment supplier Coating manufacturerFinishing Company/Paint &Coating user University /R&D OthersI I wantwant toto know:know:AccommodationAccommodation:In hotel Not in hotelPaymentPayment: person(s) dollar(s)ReceiptReceipt:Yes NoWonderful pictures


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