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1、Qq2604130359本本 科科 毕毕 业业 设设 计计题目4 轴加工中心机械手自动换刀装置的设计系 别 工程技术系 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 李敬 职 称 教授 2015 年 4 月 3 日摘 要机械手是自动换刀装置中交换刀具的主要工具,它担负着把刀库上的刀具送到主轴上,再把主轴上已用过的刀具返回刀库上的任务。设计思路是用机械手的动作来实 现对加工中心的换刀,机械手的转动有回转液压缸运来实现,其动力则由驱动系统实 现。加工中心的自动换刀装置,通常是由刀库和机械手组成,它是加工中心的象征, 又是加工中心成败的关键环节。因此各加工中心制造厂家都在下大力研制动作

2、迅速、 可靠性高的自动换刀装置,以求在激烈的竞争中取得好效益,自动换刀装置是加工中 心的核心内容,各厂家都在保密,极少公开有关资料,尤其机械手部分更是如此。这 种机械手的拔刀、插刀动作,大都由油缸动作来完成。根据结构要求,可以采用油缸 动,活塞固定;或活塞动,油缸固定的结构形式。整个机械手由机械臂伸缩机构,机 械爪开合机构,回转机构及装卸刀具直线运动机构组成。关键词:关键词:加工中心; 机械手; 刀库; 机械臂Abstract Manipulator is automatically change tool device the main tool to exchange tool, it b

3、ears on the knife library on the tool to spindle, and then the spindle has used tool returns tasks on tool store. Design idea is to use robots to achieve the action machining center, the rotation of the manipulator change cutters are shipped turn hydraulic cylinder, its power is realized by drive sy

4、stem implementation. Machining center, the automatic cutter replacement device is usually composed by knife library and manipulator, it is the symbol of processing center, it is crucial to the success of the processing center link. So the processing center manufactures are developed rapidly next vig

5、orously, high reliability of action, in order to be automatic cutter replacement device in the fierce competition and achieved good benefit, automatically change tool device is the core content of machining center, the manufacturers are confidential, seldom publicly about material, especially manipu

6、lator part is even more so. This manipulator, a sword, inserted knife action by oil cylinder action mostly to finish. According to the structural requirement, can use oil cylinder move, piston fixed; Or the piston move, oil cylinder fixed structure. The whole manipulator, by mechanical arm telescopi

7、c institution of mechanical claw opening-closing institutions, rotary institutions and loading and unloading tool linear motion mechanism composition. Key words: machining centre; manipulator; magazine tool; mechanical arm目 录1 前言.12 加工中心的总体布局.12.1 技术条件.12.2 总体布局.22.3 卧式加工中心的机械结构:.23 换刀机械手的设计.23.1 刀具的交换装置.23.1.1 自动换刀装置.23.1.2 机械手的种类.43.1.3 手爪的选择.83.1.4 刀具的夹持.83.2 机械手的驱动装置.93.2.1 手臂的伸缩运动:.93.2.2 手爪的开合(见自动换刀机械手图).103.2.3 回转运动(见驱动装置图).103.2.4 直线运动.113.3 设计计算.113.3.1 手指夹紧力的计算:.113.3.2 齿轮的设计.123.3.3 轴的设计.173.3.4 轴承的设计.223.3.5 弹簧的设计.



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