大学英语精读第二册 选词+cloze

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1、To my Sweetheart: 0.0 加油次奥! By J(二) 选词第一:1.The host of dinner party was disappointed at the small number of guests who attended少数嘉宾出席晚宴的主人感到失望。2.Shouts of protest sprang out form the angry crowd3.Mang people have the bad habit of spending money on impulse4.All I can remember when I came to is my mot

2、hers anxious face我只记得当我醒来醒来时我母亲焦虑的脸。5.By careful examination ,the doctors hope to track down the source of the infection 6.The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941 was a(an) unexpected event which brought America into world war 2发生在 1941 年 12 月 7 日的珍珠港偷袭是使美国卷入第二次世界大战的一个意意 外事件。外事件。7.The coat fit

3、s the boy perfectly now,but he will outgrow it in a years time这件外套完美地适合这男孩,但他会在一年的时间后穿不了了穿不了了。8.The mans eyes widened with fear when he saw the robbers gun当男人看见强盗用的枪,他的瞳孔扩大扩大充满恐惧。9.He resumed his regular working hours shortly after he came out of hospital他出院后不久不久他就重新开始了正常的工作10.New problems emerge wh

4、en old ones are solved当旧的问题都解决了新问题出现出现了。11.Johonnys mouth watered at the sight of big pudding 乔尼一看到一看到大布丁就流口水了。12.At the first light of dawn the warships made for the open sea在黎明的第一道曙光,战舰为公海而制造。制造。13.The sudden rise in oil prices led toan economic crisis in that country突如其来的油价上涨导致那个国家的一场经济危机危机。14.Th

5、e people of Africa have successfully fought against colonial rule 非洲人民成功地进行了反对殖民殖民统治的斗争。第二:15.A man of humble origin ,Lincoln eventually because president of the united states through his own efforts一个出身出身卑微的人-林肯,通过自己的努力最终成为美国总统16.The floods are threatening most of the village in the area洪水威胁威胁到这片区域

6、的大部分村庄17.Many species of animanls which once lived on the earth are no longer in existence很多曾在地球上生存过生存过的动物物种现在已绝种了。18.Once he realizes that it ishis mistake ,jim never hesitates to admit and correctit当 Jim 意识到他所犯的错误时,他毫不犹豫犹豫的承认并改正了。19.History shows that the united states as a nation owes a great dea

7、l to the African-Americans历史表明,美国作为一个国家,在很大程度上要归功于归功于非裔美国人19. Acting on the advice of his doctor, Mr .Park had his eye operate on right after he retired last week根据根据他私人医生的建议,Mr.Park 在上周退休之后进行了他的右眼手术。20.There is no sense in leaving important decisions to inexperienced people让让没有经验的人来做来做重要的决定是没有意义的。2

8、1.Noticing that my daughter was very shy our hostess went out of her way to make her feel at home注意到我的女儿是害羞,女主特地特地让她觉得宾至如归。22.Mrs .brown.who has recently been appointed general manager of our company,is one of the most capable women I have ever worked with布朗小姐,最近被任命被任命为公司的总经理,是与我一起工作过最有能力的女人。23.I do

9、nt really want to make any judgments on the decisions they made我不想对他们做的决定做任何判断判断。24.I dont want to influence you. You must act on you own judgment我不希望影响影响到你,你必须按自己的判断行事。25.Mohandas Gandhi was known as both a humble man and a powerful leader甘地被称为一个不起眼的不起眼的男人和一个强大的领导者第三:26.Though the job requires a gr

10、eat deal of effort. The salary is quite low虽然这份工作需要大量努力,但薪水薪水很低27.The young man in the story said he didnt like the prospect of teacher in the school that was actually run by a woman在那个故事里。那个小伙子说他觉得在一个实际上由女人经营的学校里当老师 是很没前途前途的。28.It was a long drive to get to the beach and we three took the wheel in

11、turn开车去海滩的路程不短,我们三个人轮流轮流驾驶.29.After a sleepless night, during which joe smoked a whole pack of cigarettes ,his eyes were bloodshot and his breath smelled of tobacco一夜无眠,乔抽完了整整一包香烟。之后他的眼睛充血而呼吸带有带有烟臭味味。30.The sad news that her baby had died at birth depressed me all day悲伤的消息,她的孩子在出生时已经死亡,让我沮丧沮丧了一整天31.

12、Joe used to live in a northern suburb of Chicago before he was given a post in the center of the city乔在来市中心工作之前住在芝加哥的北部郊区郊区。32.Few people shop at this market for many of the vegetables here seem to be stale在许多商店的蔬菜似乎是不新鲜不新鲜的。33.All the local farmers protested against the building of a new airport on

13、 their rich farmland所有的当地农民抗议抗议在他们肥沃的农田建设新机场的34.The incompetent typist had to retype the letter three times不称职的不称职的打字员不得不重新输入三次35.How one presents himself at an interview will often devide whether or not he will be given job一个人如何在面试面试中表现自己通常决定了他是否能获得这份工作。35. Having little in common is frequent cause

14、 divorce没什么共同点没什么共同点导致离婚率高36.The boys teachers looked upon his worsening performance with disapproval 男孩的老师不满意不满意他的糟糕表现。37.A company may advertise its productsby means of newspeaper,magazines,television or even skywriting公司可以为为报纸,杂志,电视,甚至空中文字做广告做广告38.This job requires a university degree plus at lea

15、st five yearsexperience of teaching这项工作要求有大学学历加加至少五年以上的教学第六:39.The doctors decided to open up Toms stomach to remove tumor医生决定对汤姆的胃开刀开刀切除肿瘤40.The restless young patient relaxed after being told there really was nothing seriously wrong with him在告诉他没什么大病之后,年轻的病人放松放松了下来。41.It is advisable to place impo

16、rtant telephone numbers next to the phone in case of an emergency最好是把重要的电话号码放在电话旁边,以防有紧急情况紧急情况。42.Form what Id heard concluded Miss Noble must be very popular with her pupils据我所知,我推断推断诺贝尔小姐一定很受小学生们的欢迎。43.I dont enjoy hot weather in summer ,butwe have to live with it ,dont we尽管我讨厌炎热的夏天,但我们还是得学会适应学会适应,不是么?44.I had seen a great deal of the famous surgeon at one time or another in my life我这辈子在不同的时期在不同的时期曾经看过许多著名的外科手术。45.Shall I just order beer ,or is there some particular drink


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