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1、本科毕业论文题 目:社工机构介入青少年社区教育的探讨 院 (部): 法政学院专 业: 社会工作班 级: 社工 081姓 名: 邹杰学 号: 2008131147指导教师: 左敏完成日期: 2012 年 6 月 13 日山东建筑大学毕业论文目 录摘 要.IABSTRACT .II一、前 言.1(一)研究背景.1 (二)研究意义.1二、文献综述.4三、概念界定.5(一)青少年的概念.5 (二)社区教育的概念.6 (三)青少年社区教育的概念.6 (四)社工机构的概念.6四、社工机构介入的可行性.6(一)济南市历下区的基本概况.6 (二)历下区社区教育的发展历程.7 (三)系统生态理论.7 (四)从生

2、态理论视角下,社工机构介入的可行性.8五、青少年社区教育.8(一)青少年社区教育的目的.8 (二)青少年社区教育的特色及原则.9 (三)社工机构介入的途径.13六、结 语.14谢 辞.15参考文献.16山东建筑大学毕业论文I摘 要社区教育是在一定地域范围内,充分利用各类教育资源,旨在提高社区全体成员整体素质和生活质量,促进区域经济监事和社会发展的教育活动。当代社区教育是二战后兴起的一种新的教育形态。社区教育在 20 世纪受到各个国家的普遍重视,有着广阔的国际背景和深刻的经济和社会根源。半个多世纪以来,联合国致力于推动社区教育,使社区教育的促进社区发展和教育改革中发挥了不可替代的作用。如今社区教

3、育已经成为了世界范围内的文化现象和教育实践,无论是在发达国家还是发展中国家,都为经济、社会发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献,越来越受到国际社会和各国政府、学着的重视与支持。中国具有现代意义的社区教育产生于 20 世纪 80 年代中期经济较发达的城市和地区,京、津、沪、辽宁、江苏等许多城市和地区都在社区教育方面创造了宝贵的实践经验。社区教育的发展在我国有着重大的意义:不仅可以推动经济发展和社会进步,促进公民全面发展,加强实施素质教育,还有助于基层政府的巩固和社区问题的解决,促进了以人为本的管理和政府职能的转变。论文主要做出了概念的界定,以及介绍了社工机构介入的可行性和青少年社区教育。关键词: 青少年;社

4、区服务;社区教育;终身学习山东建筑大学毕业论文IISocial work institutions involved in community education of the youth are discussedABSTRACTCommunity Education is a kind of educational activity happened in a certain geographical area which makes the full use of all kinds of educational resources aimed at improving the over

5、all quality of all members of the community and quality of life,as well as promoting regional economic construction and social development.Contemporary community education is a new form of education raised after World War II.In 20 century Community Education was given a universal attention in the va

6、rious countries which have broad international background and deep economic and social causes.Over half a century,the United Nations is committed to promoting community education,so that community education has played an irreplaceable role in promoting community development and education reform.Toda

7、y,community education has become a worldwide cultural phenomenon and educational practice,and has made indelible contributions to economic and social development both in developed and developing countries,and get support and attention from international community and governments,scholars in a great

8、extent.The modem sense of the community of China resulting in the mid-20th,80 years in some economically developed cities and regions.such as Jing,Jin,Hu,Liaoning an Jiangsu had created a valuable practical experience in community education.The development of community education has a great signific

9、ance in our country:it can not only push forward economic development and social progress,and promote the comprehensive development of citizens,to strengthen the implementation of quality education,but also contribute to the consolidation of grassroots political power and community problem solving,to pro


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