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1、北美最受好评学龄前动画片 Top10以下是来自 网站的北美 2-5 岁孩子喜欢看的动画片前十名排行榜。英文动画片,寓教于乐,是孩子与爸妈非常重视的学习内容。儿童动画片数量非常多,妈妈们收录这个,以后为孩子选择合适的看学龄前学龄前动画片动画片 1. The Backyardigans 花园小子花园小子 (Nick Jr.)这是一个以动画音乐冒险为题材,针对 2-5 岁儿童的电视节目。该节目的主角是 5 个学前班的朋友,巴勃罗,泰隆,优尼卡,塔莎,奥斯汀,依靠其生动的想象力,将他们的后院变成完全不同的世界,他们在经过许多各种各样的故事和冒险。该节目重点放在故事多达他们对音乐和舞蹈,与每一个具有不

2、同风格的音乐类型如大乐队,雷鬼,意大利西部,波尔卡,汽车城,和迪斯科和 4 个新的歌曲。The Backyardigans are five adorable friends who put their imaginations together to turn their backyards into fantastical settings as they sing and dance their way through epic adventures. Each CGI animated show features original music, and the dance steps

3、are performed by real dancers whose movements are recreated in animation. The show is incredibly entertaining - so much so that there are numerous parent blogs devoted to it - and it exposes kids to all kinds of music from South African Township Jive to rock opera. The show presents clever and uniqu

4、e music, plots and settings in each episode. Fans can watch the show on Nick Jr. or find Backyardigans episodes and movies on DVD.学龄前动画片学龄前动画片 2. Super Why 阅读魔法阅读魔法(PBS KIDS)Super Why - 让孩子们爱上阅读的神奇魔法。让孩子们爱上阅读的神奇魔法。在每一集里,神奇主人公们都会使用浑身法宝,带引孩子们去体验阅读探险。之所以说是阅读探险,因为他们玩耍的是故事游戏,而这些故事又是孩子们很熟悉的。这些游戏有认识字母、理解词意

5、、学习拼读、记忆词汇和阅读理解等。更好玩的是,Super Why 还会利用法术让每天的故事情节发生变化,并出现新的结局哦。比如,他可以把大野狼变成小乖狼。故事发生在一个叫“故事书“的村庄里,而这个村庄,猜猜在哪里?就在一座儿童图书馆的书架后面!在这座村庄里,住着图书馆里那些故事书中的所有童话人物,比如你认识的小红帽;三只小猪;豌豆公主;杰克和他的豆茎不过,在这个村庄里,这些可爱的童话人物又有了新的故事啦!小猪拥有了“字母神奇力量“;小红帽可以实施“生字魔法 “;Presto 公主的“拼读法术“,以及 Super Why 的“阅读神功“。利用这些神奇的力量,大家就可以飞到图书里面,去寻找可以解决

6、他们遇到的各种各样困难的办法,比如说为什么大野狼是“大大的“、“凶狠的“。一起跟着这些可爱的立体 3D 动画人物走进 Super Why 吧。Super Why follows four friends - Alpha Pig with Alphabet Power, Wonder Red with Word Power, Princess Presto with Spelling Power, Super Why with the Power to Read - who use fairy tales to solve problems in their every day lives. T

7、he Super Readers invite Super YOU to come into the pages of a magical storybook world and help them. Kids follow along as the Readers read a story, talk with the characters, play word games, and relate the storys lesson to the problem they are trying to solve. The brightly colored characters make le

8、tters, spelling, and reading fun for preschoolers. Kids adore them, and fans of Super Why can be found searching for “super letters“ in grocery stores, on signs, or wherever the now familiar symbols might pop out.学龄前动画片学龄前动画片 3. Bubble Guppies 泡沫孔雀鱼泡沫孔雀鱼 (Nick Jr.)这是一个集音乐、舞蹈、娱乐为一体的儿童动画。2011 年首映。Mixi

9、ng learning, music, dancing, and fun in a variety show format, Bubble Guppies takes kids on under water adventures with adorable fish-tailed characters. Each episode finds the Bubble Guppies on their way to school. They always find some subject of interest on the way, and they explore the subject fr

10、om many angles throughout the show. With the help of their teacher Mr. Grouper, the Bubble Guppies put their thinking and exploring skills into action as they have fun and learn. But, the best part of the show is the humor. Your kids will laugh out loud at the little jokes and silly situations that

11、will tickle their funny bones as they watch and learn.学龄前动画片学龄前动画片 4. Team Umizoomi 数数城小兄妹数数城小兄妹 (Nick Jr.)Team Umizoomi(数数城小兄妹),讲述了在一个算术无处不在的数数城里,一对小兄妹 Milli 和 Geo,还有他们的跟班机器人,他们如何挑战各种各样的数字难题。这部电视动画片色彩感极强,适应学龄前儿童心理,故事情节针对父母和孩子做学前早期教育,趣味十足。将图案、数字和形状的知识融入动画,帮助幼儿用数学方法解决日常生活问题。制作团队是尼克著名节目 Blues Clues 的主

12、力人马。这部动画美国上映仅 9 个月便一跃成为最受欢迎的婴幼儿电视节目,并创造了同类节目中近 3 年来的最高收视。A 2D and 3D animated show from Nick Jr., Team Umizoomi educates and entertains kids as mini characters Milli, Geo, and their pal Bot use their mighty math powers to help children solve problems. In each episode, a real life child calls Team Um

13、izoomi through Bots belly TV for help with a problem or situation. Team Umizoomi gets right to work, using their mad mathematical skills to help them along the way. Kids have fallen in love with Milli and Geo, and math has taken on a whole new meaning.学龄前动画片学龄前动画片 5. Dora the Explorer 爱探险的朵拉爱探险的朵拉(N

14、ick Jr.)爱探险的朵拉,由美国尼克频道制作,是一部风靡全球的美式英语教学片,专为学龄前儿童设计的节目。它通过朵拉每一次探险的故事,教会小现众生活中有趣实用的英语单词和词组。这套节目精心的故事编排与美丽活泼的画面,会给您一个独特的机会,让您与孩子一建立起思考学习,充分享受求知和探索的乐趣,帮助您的孩子建立快乐,自信和成功的人生观念。A pioneer show in the realm of interactive cartoons for preschoolers, Dora the Explorer characters enlist the help of viewing kids,

15、 as Dora and her friends complete educational adventures. Kids learn about colors, numbers, shapes and more as they help Dora solve riddles and puzzles along her way. Dora, a seven-year-old Latina heroine, also throws in Spanish words, and kids are asked to repeat them or sing along with songs incor

16、porating the words. The show has been a hit for over 8 years, and in 2008 Dora was updated with a new voice and some new curriculum points were added. This landmark childrens series will continue to be in the top most loved learning shows for preschoolers for who knows how many years to come.学龄前动画片学龄前动画片 6. Between the Lions 我们一家都是狮我们一家都是狮 (PBS KIDS)我们一家都是狮(Between the Lions)系列节目讲述的是居住在图书馆里的奥尔狮子家族,爸爸西奥、妈妈莉奥、哥哥莱奥和妹妹莉娜每天在图书馆翻看有趣的图书,孩子们会和它们一起在缤纷的动画和动听的歌曲里,分享精彩有趣的故事。节目以丰富多变的形式,


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