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1、1Front Office Terminology and AbbreviationAdjoining Rooms 相邻房相邻房 Two (2) separate rooms with a common wall. 共有一堵墙的相邻房Advance Deposit 预付定金预付定金 Payment in advance on an account prior to the guests arrival in order to assure a room being held after 6:00pm and guarantee reservation. 在客人预到前,为确保房间得以保留至六点后

2、,而支付的担保定金Allowance 减免减免 A reduction in the guests bill (folio) resulting from either unsatisfactory service or a posting error. 可能由于客人对服务的不满或抛帐错误而产生的账单冲减Arrival Date 抵店日期抵店日期 The day a guest is expected to register with the hotel. 客人预计到店日期Arrival Time 到店时间到店时间 The latest hour by which a guest plans

3、to register for a room. 客人预计抵店登记入住时间Average Rate 平均房价平均房价 The average number of dollars derived from the sale of rooms. This is calculated by dividing total room revenue by the number of room sold. The rate should be net rate exclusive breakfast and room surcharges. 酒店销售房间的平均价格。以当日所有房费收入除以卖出的房间数来计算。

4、房费总 收入必须是去除早餐和服务费的净价。Availability 可卖房可卖房 Denotes a conditional status of rooms. “Space available” means a room can be obtained through reservation or registration. 是指房间可以出售。“可卖房”意味着房间可做预订或登记入住。Back To Back 背靠背分房背靠背分房This is when one group is brought into the hotel just as another group is ready to d

5、epart. 房间在仍被占用的情况下,根据其离店的日期预先将该房排给同一天有预定的客人, 所谓的房间套房间。Blocked 锁房锁房 A reservation for which a specific room has been reserved. 提前为有预定的客人锁定房间。Bucket Check 客人挂牢的查索客人挂牢的查索 Verification that information on registration cards is identical to information of the computer.2为确保所有客人挂牢的信息与电脑系统信息一致,以确保没有任何遗失或错漏。

6、Call Accounting 电话计费系统电话计费系统 Computer system that tracks guest telephone calls. 跟踪客用电话使用的系统Cancellation Number 取消预订号取消预订号 Number given to a customer who is canceling a guaranteed reservation. The number appears on the Computer Screen when a reservation is cancelled. 取消担保预订时给客人的一个号码,这个号码会在预订取消时的电脑屏幕上

7、显示。Check In 登记入住登记入住 Refer to C/I. The formalities attendant to arrival at a hotel including signing of registration card. 登记入住,是指客人到店时的办理手续,包括在入住登记单上的签字。Check In Time 入住时间入住时间 Hotel standard check in time is 14:00. 按照国际惯例,酒店的入住时间是 14:00.Check Out 退房退房 Refer to C/O. The formalities attendant to depa

8、rture of the guest and the settlement of the account. 退房,是指客人结账离店的办理手续。Check Out Time 退房时间退房时间 Hotel standard check out time is 12:00noon. Only Priority Club Reward member entitled late check out till 14:00. The latest check out time is 16:00 which should approved by the hotel management. A late che

9、ck out is approved, must be noted in the departure time field. 按照国际惯例,酒店的退房时间是中午 12:00。只有优悦会的会员可以根据酒店 实际出租情况适当延房至下午 14:00,最晚可延到 16:00 但需要酒店管理层的批 准。延房批准后,必须在离店时间栏里注明。City Ledger 挂账挂账 A guests account that is no longer active in the Front Office but is still active in accounts receivable in the Accoun

10、ts Department. 任何予以挂帐处理的客账不允许在前台系统里暂存,应及时转至财务的应收部。Cooperate Rate 协议价协议价 A special discounted room rate offered to a person who is frequent hotel guest. Also referred to as the “Business Rate”. 给酒店常住客的特殊折扣价,也被称做商业价,合同价。Commissioned Sales 返佣销售返佣销售 Sales made by a travel agent to which the hotel must p

11、ay a commission for the booking. 旅行社的代理销售,酒店需要支付其佣金。Complimentary Rate 免费房价免费房价3A room provided to the guest at no charge. This is normally done as a promotion of business or good will. 给客人提供的不用付费的房间。通常用于商业促销或者馈赠。Confirmed Reservation 确认预订确认预订 A reservation request that confirmed by telephone or mai

12、l prior to the guests arrival at the hotel. 在客人到店前通过电话或邮件确认的预订请求。Confirmation 确认函确认函 Record of reservation information mailed to a guest. 发给客人的关于预订信息的确认函Connecting Room 连通房连通房 Two (2) rooms with a common door the others than the hallway door. 两个被打通的房间,在共用的墙上有道共用的门,必要时可打开使用,平时可锁住。COT Babys bed. 婴儿床。D

13、aily Count 每日数据每日数据 Record the number or arrivals and departures and the total number of rooms to sell. 预抵、离店及酒店可卖房等的数据记录Day Use 日用房日用房 Same day arrive and depart, not stay over in the hotel. The rate needs to be posted manually. 当天来当天走,不在酒店过夜,并且房费需要手工录入的房间。Departure Date 离店日期离店日期 The date the guest

14、 is scheduled to check out of the hotel. 客人预定离开酒店的日期。Direct Bill 直接汇票直接汇票 An account with a debit that is sent to the Accounting department for billing. These must be approved in advance by the Credit Manager. 账目可以直接支付到酒店财务部的付费方式,但必须事前得到信贷经理的批准。DNA A guest with a time arrival reservation (6:00pm) wh

15、o does not arrive. (Do Not Arrive) 有预抵时间的预订却没有到店Double Room 双人房双人房 Two (2) people in one room. 两人住一间房Early Arrival 早到早到4This term refers to the guest who arrives at the hotel before the scheduled check in time. Depending upon the availability of rooms of the guest will either be assigned a room or a

16、sked to check any bags and return at a later time when rooms are ready. 这个术语是在我们通常所说的入住时间前到店的客人。取决于当时房间可用情况, 可以给客人分房或是建议客人寄存行李,稍后有干净房间再来办理入住。ETA Estimated Time of Arrival. 预计到店时间ETD Estimated Time of Departure. 预计离店时间F.I.T 散客散客 Frequent Individual Traveler. A guest who comes to the hotel as a non-affiliated group member. 到店的不属于团队的客人Folio 账单账单Record of guest charges and transactions. 客人费用和交易的记录Forecast 预报预报 A weekly report that forecasts the next two (2) weeks percen


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