初二英语下册重点语法梳理 一

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《初二英语下册重点语法梳理 一》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初二英语下册重点语法梳理 一(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初二英语下册重点语法梳理 一 动词后接 to do 和 doing 作 宾语 A gerund (doing) is a verb that functions as noun. For example: a) I enjoy playing tennis. “I enjoy play tennis” is incorrect. b) We practice speaking English every day. c) They just bought a new swimming pool. In English the infinitive ( to do )is made of to a

2、nd the verb. For example: a) I want to learn a new language. b) You forgot to close the door. (一) Verb + Gerund(doing) Here are some common verbs that can be followed by gerunds, but not infinitives. admit - He admitted taking the money. celebrate - We celebrated winning the competition. deny - The

3、government denied spending too little on education. dislike - I dislike complaining. enjoy - She enjoys meeting her friends. finish - I finished working there last month. imagine - I imagine being a waitress is a difficult job. keep - Where are my keys? I keep losing them. mind - I dont mind waiting

4、, weve got time. miss - I miss talking with my sisters. remember - Do you remember going to Italy? risk - Jeffs always late. He risks losing his job. stop - Dont stop singing, its really nice. suggest - I suggest having lunch first. Notice: Gerunds are also used after some phrasal verbs. For example

5、: If you keep on doing the same thing, youll get the same results. She wants to give up drinking coffee. (二) Verb + Infinitive(to do) Below are some common verbs that can be followed by infinitives, but not usually gerunds. aim - Im aiming to finish this book by the end of March. afford - I cant aff

6、ord to buy new clothes. agree - My boss agreed to give me a reference. decide - We decided to have a baby. deserve - You deserve to have a better score. forget - Dont forget to lock the door. hope - I hope to go to Harvard Business School. learn - I learnt to read when I was 3 years old. mean - Im s

7、orry, I didnt mean to make you angry. need - You dont need to study a lot, you need to study a little for a long time. offer - He offered to help me carry these bags. plan - They plan to go abroad next year. pretend - Hes pretending to be sick. promise - She promised to be here on time. refuse - Why

8、 do they always refuse to listen? seem - She seems to be really intelligent. 二 定语从句 Relative clauses give information to help define something. For example: I work for a company. I work for a company that sells computer software. The clause that sells computer software gives extra information about

9、the company. She likes people. She likes people who are kind and generous. The first sentence is too general, whereas the second sentence gives more information about who she likes. 不定代词:who /which 的使用 who Who clauses give information about people. For example: There are many people who want to lear

10、n English. A doctor is a person who helps sick people. Sometimes you can use that as well as “who”. For example: I like the man that lives next to us. I like the man who lives next to us. This is possible in Essential Relative Clauses, but not in Non-essential Relative Clauses. For more information

11、see later units on Relative Clauses. which Which clauses give information about things. For example: Wheres the pencil which was on my desk? Hes moved to an apartment which has a nice view. “that” can be used instead of which especially in informal speech. For example: Id like a job that has a highe

12、r salary. = Id like a job which has a higher salary. This is the book that I borrowed from Lisa. =This is the book which I borrowed from Lisa. Direction: Solve a puzzle Lee, Tracy, Sid and Kit are in love. Can you find who belongs together? Read the following clues and solve the puzzle. Clues: 1. Le

13、e loves the person who speaks Spanish. 2. Tracy loves the person who tells amusing stories. 3. The teacher loves the writer. 4. The pilot loves the person who is interested in history. 5. Sid loves the person that plays the piano. 6. The person who tells amusing stories is a pilot. 7. The person tha

14、t runs three miles a day is a doctor. 8. The person who plays the piano is a teacher. 9. The person who is interested in history is a doctor. 10. The doctor loves the person who tells amusing stories. 11. The person who speaks Spanish is a writer. 12. The pilot loves the person who runs three miles

15、a day. Keys: Lee loves Kit. Tracy loves Sid. 三 宾语 从句 Reported speech reports indirectly what another person said. For example: Jane said she was so happy today. The president said he needed a vacation. Reported speech usually uses the past form of direct speech. So if the direct speech is in the present, the reported speech is in the past. For example: Direct Speech - I said, She is in her office. Reported Speech - I said she w



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