electricity 写作指导

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《electricity 写作指导》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《electricity 写作指导(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Michelle Feng 2014-06-05 Electricity 写作思路:I 基本提纲 1.电在我们的生活中用途广泛。(列举 2-3 个用途)2.没有电,生活会变的不方便,不舒适。3.因此要节约用电,简单谈谈如何节约用电。4.首尾。合理,明智的利用电。PS : 2 ,3 段也可以和成一段,但需注意连贯性。 (即用好过渡词、句)Electricity 写作思路:(I)1.电在我们的生活中用途广泛。(列举 2-3 个用途) We use electricity to do.at home ( at school , at work ) We use electricity for do

2、ing .at home ( at school , at work ) Electricity is used for doing at home ( at school , at work ) Electricity is used to do at home ( at school , at work ) make our lives more . , help us work more efficiently 2.没有电,生活会变的不方便,不舒适。 Without electricity , life would be less comfortable. we would not be

3、 able to do . 3.因此要节约用电,简单谈谈如何节约用电。 We can save electricity by doing sth . If we leave home ,we should do . 4.收尾。合理,明智的利用电。Michelle Feng 2014-06-05We should make full use of electricity in a wise/ proper way .写作思路:基本提纲写作思路:基本提纲 II1. 电非常有用,是我们的好帮手/好仆人。(a good servant )(列举 2-3 个用途)2.电也很危险,是一个危险的仆人。(a

4、dangerous servant ) 因此要安全用电,简单谈谈如何安全用电。3. 收尾。合理,安全的利用电。Electricity 写作思路:写作思路:(II)1. 电非常有用,是我们的好帮手/好仆人。(a good servant )(列举 2-3 个用途) We use electricity to do.at home ( at school , at work ) We use electricity for doing .at home ( at school , at work ) Electricity is used for doing at home ( at school

5、 , at work ) Electricity is used to do at home ( at school , at work ) make our lives more . , help us work more efficiently 2.电也很危险,是一个危险的仆人。(a dangerous servant ) 因此要安全用电,简单谈谈如何安全用电。 Its a dangerous servant . We should be always careful with it . Dont do when .; Do . when We are not allowed to do

6、when . We mustnt /must do 3. 收尾。合理,安全的利用电。Michelle Feng 2014-06-05We should electricity in a proper/ right way .Common errors :1.If there is no electricity ,life becomes not colorful .2.Electricity can let air conditioner open .3.If we touch electrical appliances with wet hands ,we will be die .4.Ev

7、ery electrical appliances are need electricity .5.And touch any switches when our hands are wet is not allowed 6.Without electricity , we would cant watch tv too .7.Washing machines can wash clothes more convenient .8.Computers can relax yourselves and help you work more efficiently .9.But if electr

8、icity use up in the future .of course !people will feel frightened without electricity .10. The electricity is dangerous .Michelle Feng 2014-06-0511. Be careful not to use a lot of electrical appliances together .12. We use washing machines to wash clothes more efficiently .汉语式的表达:汉语式的表达:1.We can us

9、e electricity to cook food ,wash clothes, play computer games and so on .2. If we dont have electricity ,we would not be able to use the air conditioner.3. We should wash clothes together at a time .4.If there is no electricity ,we would not be able to use air conditioners in summer .5.At school ,we

10、 use lights to light up ourselves .6. If we dont use lights , it will be dark and we cant write our homework .7.At work, we use computer to do our works .Its convenient.8.Electricity is in everywhere.9. Nowadays , our life cant leave without electricity .Michelle Feng 2014-06-05Good expressions :1.E

11、lectricity brings us a lot of benefits (益处).2.Electricity plays an important role in our daily life . We use it in different places.3.Without Electricity ,life would be it less enjoyable .so we should save it and use it in a wise way .4.lets save electricity by not wasting it .5.As we all know, elec

12、tricity is important and useful because it can offer us a modern and high-technical(高科技) life .(梁思林)6. We should turn off the lights before leaving homes/houses. .(梁思林) 7.Whats more ,its necessary for us to tell others not to waste electricity . (梁思林)8.Electricity helps us a lot .It brings an age of

13、 technology to us .(许文钰)9.If its sunny outside ,we can play outside instead of watching TV .(于依铭)10. A lot of people die every year because of electric shocks .So we must use electricity safely .( 方宇)11. The more unnecessary electrical appliances we use , the more valuable electricity we waste .So s

14、aving electricity is necessary .(朱琪磊)12. After turning off the electrical appliances , you should switch off the power .学生佳作学生佳作 Electricity 方宇方宇As we all know ,electricity is very useful to us . In summer , we can use air conditioners to make us cool . In winter , we can use heaters to make us warm

15、 .Without electricity , life would be less comfortable .But as the saying goes One coin has two sides .Sometimes ,electricity is very dangerous to us . A lot of people die because of electricity shocks .So we must use electricity safely Michelle Feng 2014-06-05.For example , we must not turn on the switches with wet hands .We are not allowed to put the heart near curtains or books, either.In a word ,although electricity is very useful ,we must be careful with it .美


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