高一英语必修一 unit 2 growing pains

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1、发发 挥挥 榜榜 样样 的的 力力 量量1高一英语必修一高一英语必修一 Unit 2 Growing painsI . 重点词汇重点词汇:1. be supposed to do 应该,应当 be not supposed to do nth 禁止禁止/不允许做某事不允许做某事 a. You are supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom. b. As a student, you are supposed to be in the classroom on time. c. You were suppose

2、d to be here an hour ago. d. You are not supposed to smoke here. 你在这里不可以抽烟=You shouldnt smoke here.2. touch v. 触摸,联系 感动 a. Dont touch the medicine, its dangerous! get in touch with sb. 与某人取得联系与某人取得联系 keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系与某人保持联系 Her story touched all of us deeply. explain sth to sb / explain

3、 to sb sth 3. explain vt. explain (to sb)+ that clauseexplain + why / how 等引导的特殊疑问句等引导的特殊疑问句 a. Please this problem to us. = Please to us the problem. b. She ed to the children that the school had been closed. c. Could you why you left without saying anything? explanation n. He left the room without

4、 explanation. 4. leave vt. 使使处于某种状态,处于某种状态,听任 leave sb/sth + adj. / doing / done/adv./n a. Please leave the door open. b. She left me waiting in the rain. c. He went to bed early yesterday evening, leaving his homework unfinished. d. Dont leave the water running while you brush your teeth. leave out

5、 遗漏 leave behind 丢下、遗忘 leave sb sth alone 不打扰某人/某物5. charge . n 负责,掌管; 费用; v 收费in /under charge of sth 某人负责某事某人负责某事 = take charge of in the charge of sb 某事由某人负责某事由某人负责 in charge 负责负责 掌管(常作定语或表语)掌管(常作定语或表语) free of charge 免费的 for nothing = for free a. I am in charge of the company while the director

6、is away. b. The company is in the charge of me while the director is away. c. Id like to speak to the person in charge. d. All goods are delivered free of charge. 6. reason n 理由,原因理由,原因 reasonable adj. 通情达理的;合情合理的;有道理的 for this /that 因为这个因为这个/那个原因那个原因 for some 因为某些原因因为某些原因 the for (doing ) sth 的原因的原

7、因 For some reason, he wont believe you . NOTE : cause n 起因 the cause of sth 的起因vt. 引起 sb / sth to do sth7. be hard on 对苛刻,要求严格 be strict with sb. in sth.Dont be hard on them; after all, they are only children. 8. deserve (不用于进行时态不用于进行时态) vt 值得值得, 应该受到应该受到/ deserve to do You deserve a rest after all

8、that hard work. /The report deserves careful consideration.He deserves to be locked up forever for what he did.9. upset (upsetting, upset-upset-upset) vt 1) 打翻, 弄翻, 打乱 2)使苦恼或心烦 ones cup /the milk / A large wave the boat . Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit. sth upset sb /sb be

9、upset / be/get upset about/at sth. /be upset to do sth / be upset that 从句 The problem s him so much. / I was very upset to see that. 对对感到难过的感到难过的 He was at not being invited. / Dad was very upset that you didnt phone发发 挥挥 榜榜 样样 的的 力力 量量210.insist vt & vi 1)坚持(应该做) 2)坚持认为insist on (doing) sth 一定要,坚持要

10、求He ed on going with me . He insisted that he had done right and (should) be set free at once. 11. argument n. 争论争论 辩论辩论 We agreed without much further . have an with sb about sth argue vt. with sb about/over sth We ed with the waiter about the price of the meal. for /against sth 支持/反对.而辩论/ that-cla

11、use I ed that we needed a larger office.(据理力争)(据理力争)12. suggest suggest sth (to sb)/doing sth. He suggested a good solution to me immediately. suggest (ones) doing He suggested her going to a science college. suggest that sb should ) do (建议) suggest 作“表明,透漏,暗示”解时,不用虚拟She suggested that a meeting (sh

12、ould) be held to discuss it. 她提议召开会议讨论此事。Her expression suggested that she was angry. 她的表情说明她在生气。It is suggested that 从句中同样用虚拟语气。从句中同样用虚拟语气。 It is suggested that some measures (should) be taken to protect the wildlife. 名词名词 suggestion 后面的表语从句或同谓语从句中的谓语动词也需要用虚拟语气。后面的表语从句或同谓语从句中的谓语动词也需要用虚拟语气。My sugges

13、tion is that we should send a few students to help the other groups. What do you think of Li Leis suggestion that we should put on a play at the English evening?13.spare adj 空闲的,多余的 in ones time I have no money this month.vt 抽出、分出时间或金钱 Can you me a few minutes for a talk?14. forbid (forbid-forbade-f

14、orbidden) vt sb to do sth/ (ones) doing sb from doing sth / sb sth a. Her father forbade their marriage. b. I cant you from seeing that man again. c. Smoking is strictly forbidden in chemical factories or gas stations. d. The doctor forbade the patient with liver trouble to drink any wine. 重点句型重点句型

15、1. Mom and Dad arrived back from vacation a day earlier than expected. 爸爸和妈妈度假回家,比预期的提前了一天。比较级+than expected 比想象的要更 例:I did much better in the mid-term examination than expected. 我期中考试比预期的好得多。2. The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone, but Spot looks so angry!你应该用来买狗食的钱不见了,但 Spot 看起来如此饥饿!1) be to 在句中表示 “必须,应该” be to do 结构常用来表示计划、安排、命令或要求等,也可 表示可能性或注定要发生的事情。例:I am to meet Mr Green at 9 oclock this morning. 我要在今天上午 9 点见格林先生。No one is to leave the room without permission. 未经允许,任何人不得离开这个房间。His plan is to be a failure. 她的计划是注定要失败的。3. The room



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