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1、智课网IELTS备考资料雅思口语蹲题记录下面是为大家综合整理了“2012年2月25日 雅思 口语蹲题记录”共57个!建议考生们最好能把最近一个月的题都看一下,打红色部分是今天出的新题,大家认真准备下哦!更多 雅思机经 , 雅思口语 机经请持续关注 小马 过河!描述一个人(11)1. describe the old person you like to talk with (高频,考官都是老人,他们喜欢听年轻人对老人的看法)2. describe a leader you admire(political, business , sports)3. describe two family me

2、mbers that are similar4. describe a person who did something kind to you5. describe a person who taught you some useful skills(such as sports, swimming)6. describe a student who studied well7. describe a good friend8. describe a person who has important influence on you9. describe a museum you visit

3、ed10. describe a newly-made friend描述一个地(13)1. describe a working place, such as an office , a factory or a public place2. describe a place in a foreign country you want to travel to3. describe an interesting place in the city you like4. describe a city you know well and like to visit5. describe a re

4、staurant you go with your family or friends6. describe a place you like to visit in the open air7. describe an interesting shop8. describe a house or apartment you like to live in/ideal house9. describe an famous old building10、describe a helpful website you visited11、Describe a popular place for sw

5、imming12describe a place to relax描述一个物(21)1、describe a book you like to read again2、describe a movie3、describe an advertisement4、describe wild animal in your country6、describe a tv program7、describe a family photo8、describe something expensive you would buy if you have enough money9、describe a job y

6、ou like to do in the future/an ideal job/what you want to do in the future11、Talk about the holiday you like12、Describe a letter you received13、describe a foreign culture you like to learn about14 describe a interesting part of a foreign culture14、describe a special meal15、describe a product from ot

7、her countries you would buy16、describe sth you lost17、describe the food you like19、describe a furniture in your house you like20、describe some thing you made with your own hands21describe a song in your childhood22describe a traffic tool you like23describe a useful website you visit often描述一件事(12个)1

8、. describe an situation that you were angry2. describe a travel you would like to take in the future3. describe a positive change in your life4. describe the outdoor activities you like/an activity in the open air5. describe a wedding you attended6. Describe the changes about the city or hometown7. describe a sports event you want to see but havent8. describe an occasion when someone gave you some money as a gift9. describe a bad weather you experienced10. describe a walk you take regularly11. describe an occasion when you heard some foreign music


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