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1、安徽建筑工业学院学士论文安 徽 建 筑 工 业 学 院岩 土 工 程 系本科毕业论文学 号: 姓 名: 马良 专 业: 勘查技术与工程 班 级: 课题名称:合肥市轨道交通深基坑综合监测与分析指导老师: 安徽建筑工业学院安徽建筑工业学院学士论文II2010 年 6 月 1 日安徽建筑工业学院学士论文III摘要摘要深基坑工程是土体与围护结构体相互共同作用的一个动态的复杂系统,仅靠理论分析和经验估计难以把握在复杂条件下基坑支护结构与土体的变形破坏,也难以完成安全、可靠、经济的基坑设计与施工。通过施工时整个支护系统的监测,可以了解其变化的态势,利用监测信息的反馈分析,就能较好地预测系统的变化趋势;当出

2、现险情预兆时,可做出预警,及时采取措施,保证施工的安全和环境的安全。本文以合肥市轨道交通 1 号线试验段方兴大道站深基坑支护工程为背景,进行了方兴大道站深基坑工程的现场监测工作,覆盖了桩(土)体深层水平位移(测斜) 、围护桩顶水平(竖向)位移、钢支撑轴力、土压力、孔隙水压力、周围建筑物沉降、地下水位等监测项目。通过现场监测,取得了大量试验数据。这些数据指导了在复杂地质条件下基坑的开挖和施工,验证了支护结构设计,并在施工过程中通过信息反馈完善设计,保证了基坑支护结构和相邻建筑物的安全,根据现场量测结果提出在基坑开挖过程中应注意的问题。关键词:深基坑工程,监测,数据分析安徽建筑工业学院学士论文IV

3、AbstractThe deep excavation engineering is a dynamic complex system that the soil and retaining structure interact with each other. It is very difficult to grasp the excavation retaining structure and soil with the deformation and failure only by theoretical analysis and experience estimated under c

4、omplex conditions. It is also very difficult to complete safe, reliable and economic design and construction of the foundation. We can understand its trend through the monitoring of the supporting system during construction and predict the trend of the system better through the analysis of feedback

5、information. We can make warning timely and take measures to ensure the safety of environment and construction when danger signs come out.Based on the deep excavation engineering of the rail transit line 1 testing section Fangxing avenue station in Hefei, we carried out on-site monitoring work of de

6、ep foundation pit engineering of the Fangxing road station, covering the monitoring projects such as the deep horizontal displacement of pile (soil), retaining level (vertical) displacement of pile top, steel strut axial forces and reinforced stress, soil pressure, water pressure of pore, settlement

7、 of surrounding buildings and underground water level. We obtained lots of test data through on-site monitoring. These data guided the excavation and construction of the foundation pit under complex geological conditions and verified design of the supporting structure. At the same time, the design w

8、as consummated through information feedback during the construction process which guaranteed the safety of the supporting structure and adjacent buildings. The problems should be paid attention to according to the measured results in the excavation process.安徽建筑工业学院学士论文VKey Words:Deep Excavation Engi

9、neering, Monitoring, data analysis安徽建筑工业学院学士论文VI目录目录摘要.II Abstract.III 目录.IV 第 1 章 绪论.1 1.1 研究的意义及目的.1 1.2 基坑工程现状.2 1.3 本文的研究思路与主要内容.3 第 2 章 基坑监测技术.4 2.1 基坑工程监测项目.4 2.2.1 一般规定.4 2.2.2 建筑基坑工程仪器监测项目.4 2.3 巡视检查.5 2.4 监测点布置.6 2.4.1 一般规定.6 2.4.2 基坑及支护结构监测点布置.6 2.4.3 基坑周边环境监测点布置.8 2.5 监测频率.9 2.6 深基坑监测报警值.10 第 3 章 监测原理与方法.



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