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1、河北科技大学成人高等教育河北科技大学成人高等教育毕业论文毕业论文学生姓名:学生姓名: 戈梦霞戈梦霞 学学 号:号: 14121981412198 院院 站:站: 河北科技大学承德函授站河北科技大学承德函授站 学习形式:学习形式: 函授函授 层层 次:次: 专升本专升本 专专 业:业: 市场营销市场营销 题题 目:目: 甜心坊蛋糕店营销策划案 指导教师:指导教师: 评阅教师:评阅教师: 2016 年 5 月 25 日甜心坊策划案甜心坊策划案摘要:21 世纪是一个融汇了时尚、享受、竞争多元化的社会。通过一系列的调查分析,甜品店处于稳步发展阶段,我们决定在大学园区开一家甜品店。我们从选址到店面设计都

2、进行严格的考察,确保有一定的客源。我们把目标市场进行细分,设定了四大消费人群,根据各人群的消费特点制定营销方案。通过一系列的营销推广活动,打出大学城首家独特甜品店的旗号。使目标市场的消费者能够找到一家满足自身需求的甜品店,成为大学园区的新亮点。通过对产品质量的严格控制以及贴心的服务,打造出品牌的知名度和美誉度。建立消费者的品牌偏好,争取让更多的人对我们的产品有一个认知度,将我们的甜心坊做成唐山知名的品牌。我们甜心坊在大学生中还是有很大的发展前景的。而且重点应放在 DIY 特色上,他们喜欢标新立异,有自己独特的风格,因此,我们把 17 至 23 的学生作为我们的目标顾客群。甜心坊是一家新兴的蛋糕

3、店,要克服没有固定客源,没有实际经验等多种不利条件,我们希望可以通过对开店的策划,多方面市场调查的指导下制定营销推广方案改变不利的条件。来提高品牌的知名度,占领市场份额成功的经营。关键词:市场目标 营销组合 推广活动Abstract: the 21st century is a fusion of fashion, enjoy, the diversification of competitive society. Through a series of investigation analysis and dessert in the stage of steady development,

4、 we have decided to open a dessert shop in the University Park. We from location to store design of strict inspection, indeed, to maintain a certain source. We put target market segmentation and set up four major consumer groups, according to the consumption characteristics of the population to deve

5、lop marketing programs. Through a series of marketing activities, played under the banner of the Universitys first city unique dessert. The target market of consumers to find a meet the needs of their own dessert shop become a new bright spot in the University Park. Through strict control of product

6、 quality and considerate services, create brand visibility and reputation. Establish consumer brand preference, strive to make more and more people have an awareness of our products, our sweetheart Fang made Tangshan well-known brands. Our sweetheart workshop in college students still have great pro

7、spects for development. And emphasis should be placed on the characteristics of the DIY, they like to do sth unconventional or unorthodox, have their own unique style. Therefore, we put 17 to 23 students as our target customer group. Sweetheart Fang is a new cake shop to cope without a fixed source,

8、 there is no practical experience and other adverse conditions. Hope that through the planning of the shop, a number of Market Research under the guidance of the development of marketing programs to change the adverse conditions. To improve the visibility of the brand, the occupation of the market share of successful business.目 录第一部分 市场分析.1 一、市场现状分析.1 (一)经济分析.1 (二)成本低,发展潜力大.1 (三)目前市场蛋糕种类单一,不能满足对个性化得需求.1 二、消费者分析.1 (一)消费人群.1 (二)消费者需求.2 三、竞争者分析.2 (一)主要竞争对手.2 (二)其他竞争对手.3 (三)SWOT 分析.3 四、企业概况.4 (一)地理位置分析.4 (二)店内文化.4 (三) 店内设计.5 (四) 本店特色提供 DIY 服务.6 第二部分 营销策略.7 一、营销目标与预期效果.7 (一)营销目标.



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