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1、行为动词一般过去时的特殊疑问句练习(讲义)行为动词一般过去时的特殊疑问句练习(讲义)1 以 引导的特殊疑问句注意:就划线部分提问方法基本同前面,注意:就划线部分提问方法基本同前面,4 个步骤。个步骤。动词是行为动词时动词是行为动词时: 疑问词疑问词+did+主语主语+动词原形动词原形? 例例 1:1. They went to park by car yesterday.例例 2 They finished their work at four.对划线部分提问对划线部分提问: When did they finish their work?= Exercises(练习练习):1. They w

2、ent to park by car yesterday._ _ they _ to park yesterday?2. Her sisters flew kites in the park last Friday._ _ her sisters _kites last Friday?3. Her sisters flew kites in the park last Friday._ _ her sisters _kites?延伸练习:延伸练习:1 . My family went to the beach last week. 2 Nancy went to school by bus y

3、esterday.3 We rode bikes in the park last Sunday.4 She cooked dinner at six._=_注:当划线部分为具体时间点时,可用疑问词 和 互换。2 以_ 引导的特殊疑问句例例 1:当当划划线线部部分分为为动动词词后后的的物物品品时时,按按照照特特殊殊疑疑问问句句的的常常规规办办法法做做题题!I drank orange juice a moment ago.Step 1: 确定疑问词:_Step 2: 将原句变为一般疑问句:_Step 3: 疑问词+一般疑问句:_Step 4: 去掉划线部分:_Exercises(练习练习):1

4、. Tom ate beef for dinner last night._ _ Tom _ for dinner last night?2. The students made cakes 2 hours ago._ _ the students _ 2 hours ago?延伸练习:延伸练习:1 My father read newspaper yesterday afternoon.2 He made a wooden desk last Monday.3 Tina bought some dresses yesterday.4 We picked apples on the trees

5、 last month.5 The cat ate a bird last night.6 She watered flowers yesterday morning.7 The dog found a bone in the hole last night.例 2:当划线部分包含动词过去式时,要用 do 来代替划线部分!句型:句型:What+did+sb.+do+其他?其他? He played computer last night. Step 1: 确定疑问词:_Step 2: 将原句变为一般疑问句:_Step 3: 疑问词+一般疑问句:_Step 4: 去掉划线部分并用 do 代替:_

6、Exercises(练习练习):1. Lisa read a book 2 hours ago. _ did Lisa do 2 hours ago?2. They sang a song just now. _ _ they just now?3. We rode bikes in the park last weekend._ _ you in the park last weekend?4. Mr. Black cleaned his car yesterday. _延伸练习:延伸练习:1 Jack and his parents visited the Great Wall last

7、summer.2 The girls sang and danced at the party.3 Nick took some pictures in the park yesterday.4 Mike and Joe played chess in the classroom last PE lesson.5 I made a model ship with Tom 3 days ago.6 The cat caught 2 mice last night.例 3: We had English and maths classes last Friday morning. What cla

8、ss did you have last Friday morning?句型:句型:What+名词名词+did+sb.+动词原形动词原形+其他?其他?Exercises(练习练习):1. She liked basketball last year._ _ did she like last year?2. Julia liked purple best in 2014._ _ did Julia _ best in 2012?3. Jack fed a cat 3 years ago._ _ _ Jack _ 3 years ago?4. I watched nature programme

9、 last night. _5. I studied English and Chinese 4 hours ago._=_延伸练习:延伸练习:1 She liked soft music(轻音乐)last year.2 They had Chinese and English classes last night. 3 They liked science last year.4 They bought many apples yesterday._=_3 以_引导的特殊疑问句1 当划线部分为句子主语时当划线部分为句子主语时,将主语换成将主语换成 who 即可,即可,其他内容不变其他内容不变

10、。(注:第一人称要变成相应的第二人称)(注:第一人称要变成相应的第二人称)例 1:Emma watered the flowers yesterday.Who watered the flowers yesterday?例 2:She sent me an e-mail.Who sent you an e-mail?Exercises(练习练习):1 Miss Lin taught us English last term. _ taught you English last term?2 My father gave me 5 yuan last night._ _ _ 5 yuan las

11、t night?3 LiMing went to Beijing last summer._ _ to Beijing last summer?2 当划线部分为动词后的宾语时,方法同前面当划线部分为动词后的宾语时,方法同前面 4 个步骤。个步骤。例:I visited my grandparents last summer.Who did you visit last summer?(注:第一人称要变成相应的第二人称)(注:第一人称要变成相应的第二人称)1 Miss Lin taught us English last term. _ _ Miss Lin teach last term?2

12、Tom took a book to ZhangHua . _ _ Tom _ a book to?3 Mike showed a picture to Mary . _ _ _ _a picture to?延伸练习:延伸练习:1 My mother cooked dinner for me yesterday.2 Mr. Black helped his son just now.3 XiaoMing told me a story 3 hours ago.4 Mrs. White sold Jim a car last year.4 以_引导的特殊疑问句当划线部分为具体数量时:当划线部分为

13、具体数量时: 句型 1:How many+可数名词(复数)可数名词(复数)+did+ sb.+ 动词原形动词原形+其他?其他?例 1:I had 4 classes yesterday morning.How many classes did you have yesterday morning?Exercises(练习练习):1 We planted 125 trees on the hill last Planting Trees Day.2 She practiced 3 hours piano yesterday.3 Tom spent 100 dollars on this jack

14、et.句型 2:How much+不可数名词不可数名词+did+ sb.+ 动词原形动词原形+其他?其他?例 2:He drank 3 cups of water just now.How much water did he drink just now?Exercises(练习练习):1 She drank 3 bottles of orange juice in one hour.2 My father bought 5 bags of rice last Monday.延伸练习:延伸练习:1 She saw 2 cats in the tree just now.2 They bought 10 b


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