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1、12013 年蛇年春节,忙于国家自然科学基金的标书写作。在阅读外文文献时,发现自己虽然学习英语都有 20 余年了,仍然对许多公共英语的单词不了解。所以在新的一年之始,又给自己定下了一个高不可攀的任务背英语词典。自己在大学时代背过词典, 牛津英汉双解词典 。词典往往字体太小,看起来都吃力,整本看下来,对视力是个考验。另外,觉得拿纸本的词典背,不利于自己做些笔记总结,融会贯通,更好地去记忆。所以,这次为了背词典,我采取了一种“笨”办法,把所有的单词都查一遍,以 word 文档格式保存。想法是把这些单词的释义以更大的字体打印出来,不用在电脑上看得那么吃力。花了 5 天闲暇时间,其实每天都花了好几个小

2、时整理单词,最后把有关 A 开头的单词都整理出来了。也迫不及待地奉献出来,与广大的英语爱好者共享。几点说明:1、本目录中所有以 A 开头的单词来源于:网上下载的一个英语单词 Access 数据库,总共有 15000 单词左右(所有单词) ,挑选了以 A 开头的单词,这里面主要是很基本的词汇;GRE 词汇红宝书,也是在网上下载的单词列表,挑选以 A 开头的单词;自己根据牛津高阶英汉双解词典上有,而上述没有列入的单词,自己手工添加了一部分。2、单词释义方法:网上下载“灵格斯”软件,添加牛津高阶英汉双解词典和朗文当代英语词典 ,这都是很经典的词典。前2一个为英汉双解词典,我认为对于英语学习更方便;后

3、一个为英英词典,作为前一个词典的补充。3、我的目的是要做一个打印版的单词列表,选用“灵格斯”软件非常符合我的要求,非常容易排版。这个单词文件我保留的原始的格式,大家可以根据自己的喜好加以排版,加以删减等等。4、我目前只是整理了以字母 A 开头的所有单词,其他的单词整理还在进行中。但是工作量也很大,用 A4 纸排版也有 1000 页,无论整理的量,还是学习记忆的工作量都很大。但是,只要发挥“愚公移山”的精神,我相信总是会把这些单词记住的。5、我是用 word2007 做的整理,主要单词是选用“标题 1”格式(我将默认的标题 1 格式的字体颜色改为红色) ,类似的单词选用“标题 2”格式(我将默认

4、的标题 2 格式的字体颜色改为蓝色) 。之所以将主要单词以“标题 1”格式排版,主要是可以在“大纲”模式下,对所有的单词可以方便地按照字母顺序进行排版。最后祝您学习进步!3a.m.上午 abbr. (ante meridiem的缩写) 上午,午前 ad. 上午,由午夜至中午牛津高阶英汉双解词典 am (US AM) / e em; e m/ abbr 缩写 = before noon (Latin ante meridiem) 午前, 上午 (源自拉丁文ante meridiem): at 10 am, ie in the morning 上午 10 时. Cf 参看 pm.AM / e em

5、; e m/ abbr 缩写 = (radio 无) amplitude modulation 振幅调制; 调幅. Cf 参看 FM 2. (US) Master of Arts 文学硕士. Cf 参看 MA.朗文当代英语词典 am am /m, m strong m/ v Language: Old English; Origin: eom the first person singular of the present tense of the verb beAM amplitude modulation a system used for broadcasting radio progr

6、ammesFM Assembly Member a politician who is one of the 60 members of the Welsh Assembly. The Welsh Assembly is the parliament for Wales.a.m. a.m. also am BrE /e em/ Date: 1700-1800; Language: Latin; Origin: ante meridiem before noon ante meridiem used to talk about times that are after midnight but

7、before middayPMWork starts at 9 am.abacusn. 算盘 I can use abacus skillfully. 我会熟练地打算盘。 The clerk reckoned the expenditure last week with an abacus. 那位职员用算盘将上周的 花销计算出来。 4牛津高阶英汉双解词典 abacus / bks; bks/ n (pl -cuses / -ksz; -ksz/) frame with beads that slide along parallel rods, used for teaching numbers

8、 to children, and (in some countries) for counting 算盘.朗文当代英语词典 abacus abacus /bks/ n C Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin; Origin: Greek abax flat piece of stone a frame with small balls that can be slid along on thick wires, used for counting and calculatingabandonv bndn/ v (a) Tn go away from (a per

9、son or thing or place) not intending to return; forsake; desert 离开(某人 某物或某地)而不返回; 遗弃; 抛弃; 离弃: a baby abandoned by its parents 被父母遗弃的婴儿 * an abandoned car, dwelling, fort, village 被抛弃的汽车 被离弃的住所 被遗弃的堡垒 被离弃的村庄 * give orders to abandon ship, ie to leave a sinking ship 下令弃船(离开正在下沉的船). (b) Tn, Dn.pr sth/s

10、b (to sb) leave sth/sb to be taken (by sb) 舍弃某物某人而被(别人)取得: They abandoned their lands to the invading forces. 他们丢下了土地遭侵略军占领. Tn give up completely (esp sth begun) 完全放弃(尤指已开始的某事物): abandon a project, plan, scheme, etc 放弃一项方案 计划 设计等 * urge people who smoke to abandon the habit 敦促吸烟的人戒烟 * He abandoned

11、all hope, ie stopped hoping. 他放 弃了一切希望. * The match was abandoned because of bad weather. 比赛因天气恶劣而 取消. Tn.pr oneself to sth (fml 文) yield completely to (an emotion or impulse) 完全 屈从於(某种情感或冲动): He abandoned himself to despair. 他陷入绝望中. abandon (also abandonment) n U freedom from worry or inhibitions 放

12、任; 纵情: 5dance with wild/gay abandon 狂放地尽情地跳舞. abandoned adj usu attrib 通常作定语 (of people or behaviour) wild or immoral (指人或行为)放荡的堕落的.abandonment n U 1 abandoning 遗弃; 抛弃; 离弃; 放弃; 舍弃: Her abandonment of the idea upset him. 她放弃了这一意见, 他很不高兴. 2 = abandon n.朗文当代英语词典 abandon 1 abandon1 W3 /bndn/ v T Date: 1

13、300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: abondoner, from abandon surrendering, from a bandon into someones power to leave someone, especially someone you are responsible forHow could she abandon her own child? to go away from a place, vehicle etc permanently, especially because the situation makes it

14、 impossible for you to stay = leaveWe had to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way.Fearing further attacks, most of the population had abandoned the city. to stop doing something because there are too many problems and it is impossible to continueThe game had to be abandoned due to bad weathe

15、r.They abandoned their attempt to recapture the castle.Because of the fog they abandoned their idea of driving. to stop having a particular idea, belief, or attitudeThey were accused of abandoning their socialist principles.Rescuers had abandoned all hope of finding any more survivors. abandon yours

16、elf to sth literary to feel an emotion so strongly that you let it control you completelyShe abandoned herself to grief. abandon ship to leave a ship because it is sinking abandonment n Uabandon 2 abandon2 n U if someone does something with abandon, they behave in a careless or uncontrolled way, without thinking or caring about what they a


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