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1、 Table of Contents1.Introduction 2.Proposal and Input 3.Home Office - Field Transition 4.Pre-Construction Meeting with Client and Agenda 5.Project Construction Managers File 6.Pre-Construction Check List 7.Permits, Licenses and Registrations 8.Site Staff and Organization Charts 9.Site Time Keeping P

2、rocedure 10.Expatriate Staff Visas, Permits, etc. 11.Mobilization Checklists and Procedures 12.Field Start Check List 13.Attachment Summary 1. IntroductionThis section includes the basis proposal input made by the Home Office Construction department as well as the procedures to be followed for Pre-c

3、onstruction Planning and Control including check lists for the Project Construction Managers use on mobilization and field start.2. Proposal and InputThe primary objective in this phase is the identification of problems and opportunities related to successful execution of the work.Upon a written req

4、uest from the Proposal Manager, listing the data required from the Construction Department and advising the date the information is needed, the Manager of Construction will instruct his staff on the execution plan and philosophy to be followed.All relevant sections of the Construction Department wil

5、l participate in providing information to the Proposal Manager after approval by the Manager of Construction.This input for the proposal will include:A review and comments on the Clients inquiry documents and request for proposal. A review and comments on the draft of the proposed contract form that

6、 will accompany the proposal, if applicable. Participation in the site survey and assistance to the Proposal Manager in preparation of the site survey report. A review of the layout of the project and suggestions for any alternatives which might simplify construction and reduce project costs. Assist

7、ance to the Proposal Manager in writing and/or editing those portions of the proposal that pertain to the construction organization and execution plan. In conjunction with the Planning and Scheduling Department, participation in review and comment on the proposed project schedule. Preparation of the

8、 Field Organization Chart and staff assignment durations including local staff. Furnishing resumes of key Construction personnel nominated for the job. Providing cost estimates on Companys X, Y and Z codes. Analyzing local labor availability and productivity. Assisting in the analysis of prospective

9、 local subcontractors including fabrication shops. Determining construction temporary facilities and equipment requirements and furnishing a complete list together with the length of the time required for each item. Furnishing an estimate of the number of Construction Department Home Office hours re

10、quired to support the proposed project. Suggesting any alternative ideas to the proposal that would result in an advantage to Company. over its competitors. Participating at the presentation to the Client when requested by the Proposal Manager. 3. Home Office - Field TransitionThe Project Constructi

11、on Manager and key members of his staff will spend a length of time in the Home Office to formalize a construc- tion plan. If this is not possible, the construction plan will be developed by the Home Office Construction Department.During this period, the Project Subcontracts Manager, Control Manager

12、 and/or Cost Engineer, Field Buyer, Office Manager and/or Job Accountant will be briefed by their respective Home Office sections on the policies and procedures that will be used in the field.The Project Construction Manager will also use this period to satisfy himself as to the adequacy and soundne

13、ss of the Construction program. The Project Construction Manager shall refer to the Contract prior to making any arbitrary decisions.The essential elements to be determined during this period include:Scope of work. Construction Schedule and key dates. Manpower loading. Construction Budget. Plans for

14、 Temporary Construction. Details of the indirect Accounts. Assignment of Field Staff. Material delivery schedules. Drawing Schedule. Heavy Lift Plans. Project and Field Organization Charts. Background data. Detailed plan for field start. Logistics Plan. 4. Pre-Construction Meeting with Client and Ag

15、endaPrior to commencing work on the job, the Project Manager will arrange a meeting with the Clients representatives, Manager of Construction, and the Project Construction Manager, to become acquainted with each others organizations and to discuss matters of mutual interest.Depending on the type of

16、contract, the following items shall be discussed: Clients personnel assigned to the project, their responsibilities and Client communications. Condition of site and perimeter fencing. Access to site by road and rail. Construction buildings (location, type, size, etc.). Telephone and teletype service. Construction utilities, including power, air, gas, water and steam and points of supply. Waste a



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