高三英语一轮复习课时作业 (23)

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1、1课时作业(二十三) 必修 5 Unit 3 Life in the future.单项填空1(2012福州质量检测)You didnt lose the train ticket,did you?_.I know its not easy to get another one now.AI am afraid not BI think noCI hope so DI hope not2(2012宝鸡质量检测一)The speech that Mr Smith made today gave a strong_on the students.Aexpression BimpressionCre

2、putation Dexpectation3(2012西城第一学期检测)To live in honor,_he came from a poor family,was his ambition.Athough BifCunless Dhowever4You look so upset.Whats wrong?I have an awkward problem which is difficult_.Adeal with Bdealing withCto deal with Dto be dealt with5In the end,_excited tourists found that it

3、 was really_delight to visit Mount Huangshan.Athe;a B/;aCthe;/ D/;/6(2011陕西卷)Some insects_the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves.Atake in Btake offCtake on Dtake out7After studying in America for seven years,Lilys brother_his job as a doctor in Japan.Aset out Btook overCtook up Dset

4、up8The couple watched the Kongming light go higher and higher until they lost_of it.Aview BsceneCvision Dsight9As soon as he arrived in the US,Yao Ming was a(n)_hit among basketball fans nationwide.2Aprevious BinstantCuncertain Doptimistic10When I saw the cars crash in the road,a frightened feeling_

5、across my mind.Aflashed BstruckChit Doccurred11The old peasant was deeply impressed by the_flow of cars in Changan Street.Anormal BcommonCconstant Dusual12Not until I turned to the man_next to me,did I recognize that he was my manager.Aseating Bbeing satCto sit Dseated13_at the breakout of the Libya

6、 war,I searched the Internet for more information about the causes of the war.AAstonished BAstonishingCBeing astonished DHaving astonished14Tom raised his hands_to say something,but he remained silent in the end.Aeven if Bas ifCso that Dnow that15Several scientists are working together to create_the

7、y hope will be the cheapest form of energy in the 21st century.Awhich BthatCwhat Dwho.阅读理解A(2012沈阳二中月考)For several years Chinese have witnessed the growth of luxury brands.In this market,Chinese consumers come second in the world,surpassed (超越) only by the Japanese.Its clear that a young,materialist

8、ic (物质主义的) generation is increasingly relying on luxury brands for their selfimage.I am a fashionist too,at least in spirit.I love to look at clothes and shoes.But I dont understand why people spend lots of money on designer labels.When a young woman buys a handbag that costs two months salary,thats

9、 a scary thing.Whats ironic is that scientists have found that having luxury things doesnt lead to happiness.Study after study has shown that although we want material things,when we get them,we dont suddenly become happy people.3In fact,a series of studies by Leaf Van Boven at the University of Col

10、orado,the US,has shown that individuals who invest in travel and other experiences get more pleasure than those who invest in material things.Thats because experiences are more easily integrated (融入) into a persons identity.If I travel to Yunnan,that adventure affects how I think.My memories become

11、part of me.Moreover,as Van Boven has observed,young people who seek happiness through things are liked less by their peers than young people who pursue happiness through experiences.Its natural to want to express yourself through your appearance.So my advice is,create a look that isnt tied to a desi

12、gner label.Convey your own message.Take some lessons from Apple founder Steve Jobs,who was always in Levis jeans and a black turtleneck.Mark Zuckerberg,founder of Facebook,who routinely appears in hoodies and sneakers.These people,successful people,have style.You dont have to break the bank to send

13、a message about who you are.Take a trip.Go out into the world.Then come back and confidently create your own signature look.1What can we know from the first paragraph?AChinese consumers are the first in consuming luxuries.BJapanese consumers are the first in consuming luxuries.CAll Chinese like luxu

14、ry brands.DThe Chinese consumers are to surpass the Japanese in luxury market.2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AScientists have found that happiness doesnt result from having luxuries.BStudies have shown that when we get material things,we become happy people.CIndi

15、viduals who invest in travel and other experiences get less pleasure than those who invest in material things.DThose successful people break the bank to send a message about who they are.3According to Van Bovens observations,we can learn that_.Ayoung peoples peers like young people who pursue happiness through thingsByoung peoples peers like young people who pursue happiness through experiencesCyoung people are likely to pursue happine


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