八年级上unit 12 what’s the best radio station单元教案

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1、八年级上八年级上 Unit 12 Whats the best radio station 单元教案单元教案新目标英语八年级上 Unit 12 hats the best radi statin 单元教案ITeahing aisa)nledge betives1Get the ne rds and expressins, suh as theater, inea, trend, qualit, frtable, lse t, seat, sreen, eans, perfrer, radi statin, ne, big, friendl, fun, bring, ppular, heap,

2、servie, reative, lthes, lthing, stre, usi, pian, atr, usi vide, TV sh2Get the usage f the parative and superlative f adetive in regular frs and irregular frsb)Abilit betivesListening: understand the nversatin abut nes lies and disliesSpeaing: tal abut nes lies and disliesReading: read and n the arti

3、les abut nes lies and disliesriting: aster se useful rds and expressins fr setin A and setin B, and an use the t ae parisn beteen the peple and envirnent arund theselves)ral betivesLead the t lve their hetn thrugh the parisn f the entertainent servieIIe pints and diffiultiesATarget language1 hats th

4、e best inea?Shtie inea Its the heapest2 asns has gd qualit lthesIts better than Tren Teensasns is the best stre in tnBLanguage strutureSuperlative ith (i)est, the stIrregular parisns :gd, better, the bestbad, rse, the rstGraarThe superlative degree f adetivesIIITeahing aidsA tape rerderIVTeahing eth

5、dsAudi-lingual ethd; uniative ApprahVTeahing predureThis unit is divided int 4 perids第一时教学内容与分析教学内容:Setin A 1a ,1b ,1 ,2a ,2b , 2 教学目标:a 能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式和最高级形式:gd better the best; bad rse the rstb 能够听、说、认读句子:hats the best inea? Shtie inea Its the heapest But I thin Gld Theater has the st frtable s

6、eats 并能运用比较级和最高级描述自己和他人的喜好程度。教学重点、难点分析:教学重点:能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级和最高级并在实际情景中会运用。教学难点:多音节的形容词比较级和最高级的认识和运用。前准备教师准备主情景图的教学挂图。教师准备磁带和录音机教师设计教学步骤 建议和说明 Step 1 aring upSh Ss an English sng “The re e get tgether”Step 2 Revisin1Tas1 Sh Ss t phts As the t ae pare beteen the t faus persns If neessar please the se

7、 lues2Tas2 Sh Ss three phts Ss an use the superlative t ae pare ang the The an tal abut their heights, eights, ages, hair and s nStep 3 Leading inT: hat d the (aie hen, And Lu, Nihlas) d?Ss: The are atrsT: es, and the ated an vies, right?Ss: esT: S the are vie starsStep 4 Pre-tas (p71 1a)Sh Ss a pit

8、ure f a inea and teah the ne rds and expressins: sreen, frtable, seats Then as Ss t deide hih f the things are iprtant r uniprtantStep Presentatin 1 Sh Ss 3 different ineas As the t ae pare ang the The an tal abut the size f the sreen, the prie f the tiets, and the envirnent f the inea, the servie f

9、 the inea2 As Ss t hse hih inea the lie t g after their parisnsStep 6 Listening (P71 1b) As Ss t read the title first, then pla the rerd tie As the Ss t rite dn the ansers Then he the ansersStep 7 Pair r (P71 1)1As Ss t l at he pitures in ativit 1a Then as Ss t read the saple nversatins in ativit 12

10、As Ss t r in pairs and ae their n nversatins abut the vie theater3As se pairs t present their nversatinsStep 8 ae a surve1 hih is ur favrite superaret?Servie friendliest:rst(最差):Pries heapest: st expensive:Latin(方位)lsest:farthest:Envirnent(环境)st frtable:rst:inds(品种)st:feest:3As Ss t reprt the surveS

11、tep 9 Her1Revie the ne rds and expressins2ae a surveNae the tallest the thinnest the st athleti the quietestthe sartest the st ppular hse he is the lsest t shl lies ging t vies best 3 D exerise b在歌曲中调动学生情感,营造氛围,并有意识地复习前面学过的形容词的比较级和最高级。通过对明星的外形的比较,使学生有效地复习了前面学过的描述人、物的形容词,及其比较级、最高级。通过图片使学生认识一些公共娱乐设施的表

12、达方法通过三副差异较大的图片的比较,学习多音节形容词比较级、最高级的用法。此时带领学生走出图片,走进真实的环境。对学校或身边的公共娱乐设施进行比较,并得出结论。难度适中的任务,使大部分孩子有体验成功的机会。后通过比较学生的身高体形巩固形容词最高级简单易操作的表格可以起到事半功倍的效果,让学生相互之间可以更了解。第 二 时教学内容与分析:教学内容:Graar fus, Setin A 3a, 3b, 4教学目标:a 熟悉目标语言:hats the best vie theater?It has the biggest sreens and the st frtable seats 并能在情景中熟

13、练运用。b 学会调查了解家乡的一些娱乐设施的服务质量Learn t express the lies and disliesdVabular: teen, bargain, delight, b bus教学重难点:本需要重点掌握句型:I thin 要求学生运用形容词的最高级熟练的表达自己的想法。本时的难点是:多音节形容词的最高级前准备:本时的教学 VD(或一幅教学挂图) 。相关的录音磁带及录音机。教学设计:教 学 步 骤 Step 1 RevisinTas 1 Revise the usage f the superlative degree b asing the flling questi

14、ns:h is the tallest b in ur lass?h is the tallest girl in ur lass?h is the busiest student in ur lass?h is the best student in ur lass?Tas 2 Pratie the nversatins using the target language students have alread studiedStep 2 PresentatinSh Ss three pitures abut inea theater and radi statin, and as Ss

15、t tal abut theStep 3 Listening (P72 2a, 2b)Tas 1 Read the instrutins and pint t the t questins n the surveTas 2 As se students t read the naes f the stres and the radi statinsTas 3 Pla the rerding the first tie Students nl listenTas 4 Pla again As students t irle the letters f the rret ansersTas he

16、the ansersStep 4 Rle-plaTas 1 Read the instrutins fr the ativitTas 2 As students t read the saple nversatinsTas 3 As students t sa se f the questins the reprter ased the b rite the questins n the bardTas 4 As students t r in pairs, as and anser,Tas As ne r t pairs t sa their nversatins t the lassStep Reading1 Fast readingGive Ss 6 questins and as the t read the artile quil and silentl n their n, and irle the rds and phrases the dnt understand After fast reading as Ss t anser



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