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1、TOCTOC 应用在印刷行业的案例应用在印刷行业的案例Interview with Craig Mead, Book Manufacturing Vice President Finance, Thomson-Shore, Dexter, Michigan 对图书印刷业人士、密歇根州 德克斯特市 托马斯舒尔公司 财务副总 格雷格米德的采 访 DW: Tell me about Thomson-Shore. 伟福:请介绍一下托马斯舒尔公司。 CM: Were in Dexter, Michigan, just outside Ann Arbor. Approximately 40% of our

2、 customers are university presses. We would be considered a short-run printer, meaning we print runs of between 200 and 10,000 copies. Were also an ESOP company-98% of the stock is owned by the employees. Weve had as many as 300 employees. Right now were at 280. 米德:我们座落于密歇根州德克斯特市,就在安娜堡附近,我们的客户中有 40%

3、是大学出 版社,我们可以说是小印量印刷商,这就是说,我们的印量在 200 册至 10000 册之间,我 们的公司还推行员工持股计划大约 98%股票由员工持有,我们的员工人数曾高至 300 人,现在是 280 人。 DW: 1 understand that everybody in your company has read The Goal. 伟福:我知道你公司所有人都读过目标。 CM: We made it mandatory reading for all our employees. 米德:我要求所有员工都必须读。 DW: Top to bottom? 伟福:从上至下? CM: Yes

4、. 米德:是的。 DW: So what was the problem you were trying to correct with the help of The Goal 伟福:那么,你想借助目标纠正什么问题呢? CM: Our main problem was with on-time delivery. We also had problems with a department-type mentality at the company. People had a hard time looking beyond their departmental responsibiliti

5、es. Everybody was functional in thought. 米德:我们的主要问题是准时交货率,还有员工的部门心态,他们很难超越自己的部门去 思考问题,每个人的思路都是部门性的。 DW: Were you able to turn things around? 伟福:你能够把这个转换过来吗? CM: Yes. Before we started, we were at around a 70% on-time delivery. After implementing the TOC policies and practices, we got up to around 95

6、%. 米德:能,开始之前,我们的准时交货率大约是 70%,推行 TOC 的政策和做法之后,我们 提高到了 95%。 DW: Your first step was to have everyone read The Goal? 伟福:你的第一步就是要所有人读一读目标,是吗? CM: Yes, that was the first step. The next step was to bring in a TOC consultant. We put 30 people through a three-day training course on Theory of Constraints. F

7、rom there the leadership group identified what we thought was the constraint and began to follow the Five Steps. 米德:是,这是第一步,第二步就是引进一位 TOC 顾问,让 30 人参加一个为期三天的 TOC 制约法训练课程,然后,领导小组找出制约因素,然后开始按五步骤来做。 DW: What was the constraint you identified? 伟福:你找到的制约因素是什么? CM: In our business we have two areas of majo

8、r investment. One is in the press room and one is in the bindery. We basically settled on the press room as the constraint and began to manage the business with that in mind. As we focused on the constraint and began to subordinate everything else to that, we began to break down departmental barrier

9、s. It took a lot of education and training. We developed our own internal course for employees. Basically we took the three- day course, pared it down to about an hour, and had every employee go through that. The course dealt with the major concepts of constraint management, subordination, flowing w

10、ork, and re-moving localized thought processes. 米德:在我们的行业,有两个主要投资领域,印刷部和装订部,我们基本认定印刷部就是 制约因素,并开始以这个观点来管理这企业,当我们聚焦于这个制约因素,并令其他一切 迁就它,我们就开始打破各部门之间的藩篱了,这个需要大量的教育和培训,我们为员工 开发了内部课程,基本上,我们把一个三天的课程压缩至一小时,然后要每个员工都来上 课,课程涉及制约因素管理、迁就、令工作流量加快、及移除只着眼局部的思维等等。 DW: What changes did you make in the press room? 伟福:你

11、对印刷部作了怎样的改动? CM: We chartered some teams to look at the various products that we made and began to challenge assumptions on how we use the presses. We make two types of books, a perfect-bound paperback book and a casebound hardcover book. We have sheet-fed and web presses. We began to devise rules o

12、n what type of books went on what pieces of equipment, to maximize the capacities of the equipment and to meet customers needs. By creating new standards we eliminated an incredible amount of waste. Before, we were constantly reworking jobs to meet what we thought were customer needs. In reality it

13、was forever putting us farther and farther behind. Rethinking all our assumptions forced us to discipline ourselves and to maximize each component in the press room. That allowed us to flow the work more consistently. 米德:我们建立一批小组,查看我们生产的不同产品,研究我们是怎样运用印刷机的,并 挑战背后的假设,我们出两类书,一类是平装本,一类是硬皮精装本,我们有供纸及网络 印刷

14、机,我们开始制定规则,规定哪类书应该由哪台印刷机生产,尽量利用设备的产能以 满足客户的需求,而建立新的标准,令我们免除了浪费,数额之大实在令人惊异。以前, 为了满足客户的需要,工作往往要重新再做,实际上,这样做却令我们落后得更远,重新 挑战我们的所有假设,这会迫使我们自律,及促进印刷部每台机的有效运用,令生产线的 流量更稳定。 DW: How did you involve the employees? 伟福:你怎样让员工参与呢? CM: Employees at Thomson-Shore have the ability to influence the standards and the

15、 way work moves within their area of expertise. When youre strictly localized in your thinking, every person wants the job designed to benefit themselves. And that creates chaos. Before we did our TOC implementation, we could never agree on anything without a long, involved discussion. If we wanted

16、to make a change we had to get 12 people in a room and then try to reach a compromise on everything. We could never please everybody. Having everyone read The Goal helped everyone understand that the basis for everything we do wasnt localized thinking anymore. So, for example, if a job had to spend a little more time in the bindery, thats okay, as long as thats whats most effective for the press, which we had identified


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