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1、牛津英语牛津英语 2b2b 复习提纲复习提纲班级班级_姓名姓名_Part1Part1 字母部分字母部分A-a(apple) B-b(banana) C-c(cat) D-d(dog) E-e(egg) F-f(fish) G-g(girl) H-h(hand) I-i(ice-cream) J-j(jelly) K-k(kite) L-l(light) M-m(moon) N-n(nose) O-o(orange) P-p(pencil) Q-q(quilt) R-r(rubber) S-s(sweet) T-t(tree) U-u(umbrella) V-v(van) W-w(wind) X

2、-x(x-ray) Y-y(yellow) Z-z(zoo)Part2 单词部分单词部分1. 动物类动物类hen chick duck cow sheep pighorse bear elephant tiger monkey panda 2. 家具类家具类window door bed room sofa table lamp3. 动作类动作类walk skip swing climb fly ride4. 洗刷类洗刷类water dirty wash towel soap toothbrush toothpaste5. 餐具类餐具类bowl plate glass fork knife s

3、poon chopsticks 6. 夏天夏天summer sun cloud hot beach shell sand7. 时间类时间类watch clock day night breakfast lunch dinnerPart3 句子部分句子部分Draw the cow on the paper.在纸上画牛。Draw the duck on the ground.在地上画鸭子。What do you see? I see 你看到了什么?我看到了What do you hear? I hear你听到了什么?我听到了Come here, Spotty.小狗,到这边来。Go there, S

4、potty.小狗,到那边去。Spotty! Come back.小狗,回来。Look at the bear.看那只熊。Its big and brown.它很大并且是棕色的。Close the window, please.请关上窗户。Open the door, please.请把门打开。Clean your room, please.请打扫你的房间。This is my room.这是我的房间。There is a bed in my room.我的房间里有一张床。There are two kites in my room我的房间里两只风筝。Dont walk on the grass

5、.不要在草坪上走。Dont ride a bicycle here.不要在这里骑自行车。Dont climb the tree.不要爬树。What can you do?你能做什么?I can walk/skip/climb/我能走路/跳绳/爬/What can Spotty do?小狗能做什么?Spotty can run/jump/play/小狗能跑步/跳/玩/Turn on the tap, May.梅,打开水龙头。Wash your towel.洗毛巾。Turn off the tap.关上水龙头。I wash my hands with water.我用水洗手。I wash Spot

6、ty with water.我用水洗小狗。Wash your face.洗脸。Brush your teeth.刷牙。Open your mouth.张开嘴巴。Drink some water.喝水。Eat some cake.吃蛋糕。Sam, bring me a bowl.山姆,把碗拿过来给我。Bring me some milk, too.再给我拿一些牛奶过来。Give it to Kitty, Sam.山姆,把牛奶给小猫。Im thirsty. I want some juice.我渴了。我想要一些果汁。Im hungry. I want some bread.我饿了。我想要一些面包。

7、Four spoons? Yes, please.四个勺子?是的,谢谢。A knife? No, thanks/thank you.一把刀?不用了,谢谢。What do you want? I want.你想要什么?我想要.Lets go to the beach.让我们一起去海滩吧。Lets play on the beach.让我们一起在海滩上玩。Lets pick up shells.让我们一起捡贝壳。Summer is hot.夏天很热。The sun is hot.太阳很热。Im sorry.Its OK.对不起。没关系。May, get up!梅,起床!Have lunch, May. 梅,吃午饭。May, go to bed.梅,去睡觉。What time is it?几点钟了?Look! Its three oclock.看,三点钟了。Listen! Its five oclock.听,五点钟了。



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