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1、文献检索综合报告文献检索综合报告课题名称(中文) 偏瘫痪者的家庭护理偏瘫痪者的家庭护理 课题名称(英文) _The Family Care of Hemiplegics 班级: 09 护理本(1)班 姓名: 廖锦钗 学号: 91211031 完成时间: 2011 年 6 月 9 日 井冈山大学护理学院 2011 年 3 月 一分析课题,确定检索词课题分析是指在着手查找文献信息前对课题内容进行分析, 拟定出中英文中英文检索用词检索用词,以明确文献检索目的和需求的过程。【摘要】偏瘫是中风的最常见的表现之一,能够引起中风的常见原因也就是引起中风的常见原因也就是引起中风偏瘫的常见原因。中风偏瘫是最常见

2、的中风后遗症。它是指一侧肢体肌力减退、活动不利或完全不能活动。概括来说,它的基本病因主要有两个方面:即血管病变基础与血管内流动着的血流动力学基础。前者以动脉粥样硬化或(和)高血压性细小动脉硬化、动脉炎为多见;后者主要为血液成分改变与包括血压因素在内的血流动力学改变中风偏瘫的其他危险因素还有很多,与年龄、生活习惯等都有关系。偏瘫,不仅由于生活不能自理给患者带来痛苦,也给家庭和社会带来更大负担,如何能使瘫痪肢体恢复功能,是患者及家属最迫切的愿望。家庭的康复护理对患者后遗症的减轻有着重要的作用。 【关键词】中风 偏瘫患者 家庭护理 高血压二、检索过程请根据课题内容,选择需要使用的数据库资源,并将自己

3、的检索过程如实记录下来,包括检索途径、检索式及限制条件等,尽量做到条理清晰。选择并记录最相关的检索结果。(注:未用到的资源不用填写注:未用到的资源不用填写)。(一)文摘信息检索(一)文摘信息检索CBM 检索式: 检索年限: 检出篇数: 写出最为相关的文献题录:1. 2. 3. PubMed检索式: stroke% OR apoplex% AND “ hemiplegia “ OR “hemiparalysis“* “family care“ OR “Home Health Aide “ OR “residential care“ Limits Activated: English, Middl

4、e Aged + Aged: 45+ years, published in the last 10 years 检索年限: 20012011 检出篇数:563 写出最为相关的文献题录:1. Falls in stroke patients: risk factors and risk management.Isr Med Assoc J. 2010 Apr;12(4):216-9. Tsur A, Segal Z. Source Department of Rehabilitation, Western Galilee Hospital, Nahariya, Israel. atzmon.t

5、surnaharia.health.gov.ilAbstract BACKGROUND: Falls are common events among hospital inpatients and constitute a major health problem in the rehabilitation setting. Many risk factors for falls ha- ve been identified for stroke patients, such as muscle weakness, medicati- on side effects, hypoglycemia

6、, hypotension, etc. OBJECTIVES: To assess the risk factors for falls among patients hospitalized for rehabilitation following acute stroke.2. Anosognosia for hemiplegia: a clinical-anatomical prospective study Brain. 2010 Dec;133(Pt 12):3578-97. Vocat R, Staub F, Stroppini T, Vuilleumier P. Source L

7、aboratory for Behavioural Neurology and Imaging of Cognition, Department of Neuroscience and Clinic of Neurology, University of Gen- eva School of Medicine, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland. rolandvocatgmail. ch AbstractAnosognosia for hemiplegia is a common and striking disorder following stroke. Because i

8、t is typically transient and variable, it remains poorly un- derstood and has rarely been investigated at different times in a systemat- ic manner. Our study evaluated a prospective cohort of 58 patients with r- ight-hemisphere stroke and significant motor deficit of the left hemibody, who were exam

9、ined using a comprehensive neuropsychological battery a- t 3 days (hyperacute), 1 week (subacute) and 6 months (chronic) after str- ke onset. Anosognosia for hemiplegia was frequent in the hyperacute ph- ase (32%), but reduced by almost half 1 week later (18%) and only rarely seen at 6 months (5%).

10、Anosognosia for hemiplegia was correlated with the severity of several other deficits, most notably losses in proprioceptio- n, extrapersonal spatial neglect and disorientation. 3. Vital and functional outcomes of the first-ever hemispheric stroke, epidemiological comparative study between Kunming (

11、China) and Limoges (France).Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2010 Nov;53(9):547-58. Epub 2010 Sep 29.Article in English, FrenchZhou Z, Daviet JC, Marin B, Macian F, Salle JY, Zhou N, Zhu Y.Source The Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Neurol- ogy Department, Kunming, China Abstract BACKGROUND: Clinical outcomes and socioeconomic consequences after a stroke may d- iffer between regions. METHODS: One cohort was established prospectively in Kunming (China) to compa- re with a cohort of 156 stroke patients included in Limoges (France). D- uring 1 year, pati



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