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1、深藏三百余载之国宝秘籍,原样影印再现人间深藏三百余载之国宝秘籍,原样影印再现人间二百余家之七百余件墨迹,首次面世嘉惠艺林二百余家之七百余件墨迹,首次面世嘉惠艺林 颜氏家藏尺牍颜氏家藏尺牍影印本内容简介影印本内容简介颜氏家藏尺牍者,清代康熙朝重臣颜光敏世藏之亲友往来书信集也。曲阜颜光敏(16401686),为复圣公颜回之六十七世孙,康熙间官至吏部郎中,封奉政大夫、考功司郎中,世称“颜考功” ,为诗坛盟主。当时各界闻人名流如孙承泽、法若真、顾炎武、朱彝尊、屈大均、李渔、南怀仁、孔尚任等皆为其密友知己,往来尺牍极为富博。乾隆间由著名学者桂馥装池成册,又先后经钱载、翁方纲、陆费墀、朱筠、阮元、何凌汉、

2、罗天池等著名学者及书画家题词揄扬,珍逾拱璧。颜氏家藏尺牍之重要价值:名人先后珍藏,三百余年难得一见之国宝文物名人先后珍藏,三百余年难得一见之国宝文物颜氏家藏尺牍于乾隆间装池为 34 册,共计 790 通,出 284 位各界名流之手,此外附有名公题跋一册。此批尺牍屡经播迁,先后成为吴门陶梁之红豆树馆及岭南潘仕成之海山仙馆等著名收藏家之秘阁宝物;建国以后,又辗转入藏上海图书馆,被列为特级馆藏。前贤瑶情藻论,墨妙手泽,赖此存焉。名家墨迹荟萃,集中展现清初三代之书法风貌名家墨迹荟萃,集中展现清初三代之书法风貌以书法论,尺牍因无所拘忌而天姿纵放,常臻“无意于佳而绝佳”之境,故传世法帖,尺牍居多。此颜氏家



5、释文未精,鱼豕多讹:如漏刻原文、妄改原文以求通、误释手书体及异体字、两字连笔误作一字等等。今依原件仿真影印,前此海山仙馆本之讹误,校勘订正有所据矣。整理校订精审,研赏利用殊为便利整理校订精审,研赏利用殊为便利此书影印文物真迹而加释文,存真既肖,理董亦精。其补遗漏、匡讹谬、理错简、辨疑似,校订审慎,标点谨严。且附笔划、拼音二索引于书末,检索使用殊为便利。限量发行,实乃不可多得之收藏珍宝限量发行,实乃不可多得之收藏珍宝此影印本颜氏家藏尺牍幅为 8 开,精装 8 巨册,采用高级蒙肯纸彩色印制,装帧典雅清丽,并配有精美函套,限量发行 600 部。展卷披阅,古意盎然,洵为怡情之佳制,收藏之珍品。定价:定

6、价:68006800 元(全八册)元(全八册)出版单位:上海科学技术文献出版社(隶属上海图书馆)出版单位:上海科学技术文献出版社(隶属上海图书馆)地址:上海市长乐路地址:上海市长乐路 746746 号号 邮政编码:邮政编码:200040200040A National Treasure of 300 Hundred Years History and an Original Photocopy Reproduction More than Seven Hundred Handwritten Letters from over Two Hundred Famous Scholars and Th

7、eir First Publication in the WorldThe Publication of the Color Photocopy Reproduction ofYans Treasured Correspondence, Collectors EditionYan Guangmin (1640 1686) from Qufu was Yan Huis descendant of the 67th generation, a minister in Qin Kangxis court and an authority in the poets circle. Celebritie

8、s such as Sun Chengze and Gu Yanwu were all his close friends and they kept frequent correspondence with each other. The values of Yans Treasured Correspondence are:1.A national treasure kept by celebrities for many generations and rarely seen by the public The Yans Treasured Correspondence was boun

9、d into a single item during the Qin Qianlongs period, and then successively kept by such famous collectors as Tao Liang in Jiangsu and Pan Shicheng in Guangdong. After the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China, it entered the Shanghai Library and has been regarded as a special- rate item in it

10、s collection since then.2.A Collection of famous scholars handwritings and a demonstration of calligraphic styles of three generations in the early Qin dynasty As far as calligraphy is concerned, letters are written casually, so sometimes can “display perfection without deliberation”. This Yans Trea

11、sured Correspondence contains letters by over 230 scholars, presenting excellent calligraphic examples. It can give a full demonstration of the calligraphic styles of the early Qin dynasty.3.Beautiful letter papers and exquisite seals offering an enjoyment of treasured antiques The Yans Treasured Co

12、rrespondence contains letters written on various kinds of papers and stamped with a large variety of seals. These letter papers and seals provide evidences for historical study, as well as models for people practicing painting and seal- carving skills. Combined with the contents of letters, it gives

13、 a full presentation of literary creativities, poetic feelings, calligraphic, painting and seal-carving techniques and other artistic abilities. 4.A good supplement to historical materials as sub-letters Since the Ming dynasty, the ancient people wrote their correspondence divided into formal letter

14、s and sub-letters. Formal letters are formal greetings, and sub-letters deliver intimate information. The Yans Treasured Correspondence consists of over seven hundred items, all of which are sub-letters. Their contents are good supplements to the historical materials and can be used as supporting ev

15、idences for research.5.Limited number of color photocopies and a rare collectors item This photocopy edition of Yans Treasured Correspondence consists of 8 volumes, with color-printed octavo-sized pages of high-quality Munken paper and an elegant binding. The volumes are set in a beautiful cover-case. It is published in a limited number of 500 copies. The Correspondence is a good demonstration of the Chinese classical literature and can offer its readers with a genuine enjoyment. It is truly an example of rare collectors items.


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