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1、历年各地中考英语真题附答案历年各地中考英语真题附答案单词篇单词篇根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空(每空一词)(每空一词)1.A large number of _ (foreign) visit Guizhou province these years.2.Hainan Island is a _ (wonder) place to spend summer.3.The dinner room must _ (clean) three times a day.4.My cousin is used to _ (

2、study) with his new friends in Australia.5. Eating too much sweet is bad for your _(tooth).6. In the modern world, people often contact each other by _ (send) e-mails.7. To keep healthy, I decide _(exercise) half an hour every day.8. The students in Class 2 are having a _(discuss) about how to achie

3、ve a balance between study and play.9. More and more people have their own cars. Thats why theres _(heavy)traffic than before.10. Shouting in public is_. (polite)11. We are _ about the good news. (excite)12. It is very cold outside. You had better_ on a coat. (put)13. It is_that many drinks are bad

4、for our health. (say)14. He told me he_ go to the Great Wall tomorrow. (will)15. Ricky had a_(please)trip to Lushan Mountain last spring.16. How _(care) you are! Youve knocked the cup off the table again!17. Yesterday was the _ (hot) day of the year.18. Sometimes he spends his weekend _(fish).19. I

5、think the red skirt looks as _(good)as the green one.20. Look!Mrs Li is there. Lets go and say hello to_(he)21. They are trying to do something _ (help) the old.22. Sally prefers staying at home to _(go) out on Sundays.23. Recently the drought(干旱) is serious in the _(south) part of China.24. Today m

6、ost students can go to high school for further_ (educate) in our country.25. The little girl came here by train all by _ (she).26. She was very _(happy) to fail the final exam.27. Trust him!He has no difficulty _(work) out the problem.28. More and more people all over thd country are worried about f

7、ood _(safe).29. The student (name)Wang Lin is my example in English learning.30. Keep quiet, kids, Dad (sleep) in the next room. OK, Mum.答案1. foreigners 2. wonderful3. be cleaned 4.studying 5. teeth 6. sending7. to exercise 8. discussion 9. heavier 10. impolite 11. excited 12.put 13.said 14.would 15.pleasant 16. careless 17. hottest 18. fishing 19.good 20.her 21.to help 22.going 23.southern 24.education 25. herself 26.unhappy27.working 28.safety 29.named 30.is sleeping


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