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1、【十年高考十年高考】2006-2015 年全国各地高考英语试题分类汇编:年全国各地高考英语试题分类汇编:形容词、副词形容词、副词06 全国and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.A.SurprisingB.SurprisedC.Being surprisedD.To be surprising答案B 考点本题考查形容词短语在句中作状语的用法。 解析surprising 令人惊奇的, 多用来描述一件事或某个物品的性质; surprised 感到惊奇的, 多用来描述人的心理状态;故 A、D 两项可排除;C 项从 语 义上讲多用来指正在发生的动

2、作, 从语法上讲多在句中作原因状语, 与此时 情景不符。故 B 项正确, 为形容词短语作伴随状语。06 全国Did you take enough money with you?No, I neededI thought I would.A.not so much as B.as much as C.much more than D.much less than 答案C 考点本题考查形容词、副词及其比较级的用法。 解析回答说 “我没有带足够的钱。”由此可以推断, 我需要比我原来想带的 更多的钱, 因此选 C 项。06 北京This washing machine is environmenta

3、lly friendly because it uses water and electricity thanmodels.A.less;olderB.less;elderC.fewer;olderD.fewer;elder答案C 考点本题考查形容词、副词及其比较级的用法。 解析句中 water 和 electricity 为不可数名词, 故排除 C、D 两项。elder 年长 的, older 为 old 的比较级旧的, 旧时的, 从前的。06 辽宁I hearboys in your school like playing football in their spare time, tho

4、ugh others prefer basketball.A.quite a lotB.quite a fewC.quite a bitD.quite a little答案B 考点本题考查形容词、副词及其比较级的用法。 解析a lot/bit+of+n.;a little+n.c一个小;a little+n.u很少; quite a few+n.c许多。06 安徽Of the two sisters, Betty isone, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.A.a youngerB.a youngestC.the youngerD.

5、the youngest 答案C 考点本题考查形容词、副词及其比较级的用法。 解析当表示两者之中比较年轻的那个时, 要用形容词比较级, 并在比较级前 加定冠词 the。a younger one 表示在多于两个中的比较年轻的那个。形容词的 最高级表示在多于两个中最年轻的那个。06 四川Did you enjoy yourself at the party?Yes, Ive never been toone before.A.a more excitedB.the most excited C.a more excitingD.the most exciting 答案C 考点考查形容词的比较级。

6、 解析比较级用于否定句中表示最高级的意义。句意为:我以前从未参加过 比这个更激动人心的晚会。06 天津Fitness is important in sport, but of at least _ importance are skills.A. fair B. reasonable C. equal D. proper 答案C 考点本题考查形容词、副词及其比较级的用法。 解析equal 相等的, 同等的, 表示技巧与健康在体育运动中同等重要。of importance 作表语, 意思与 important 相同。fair 公平的;reasonable 合理的; proper 合适的。06

7、广东I thought she was famous, but none of my friends have _ heard of her.A. even B. ever C. just D. never 答案B 考点本题考查形容词、副词及其比较级的用法。 解析even 甚至, 表示递进;ever 曾经, 曾经有过;just 只是;never 从来不, 从来没有, 只有 B 项符合题意。06 浙江We always keepspare paper, in case we run out.A.too muchB.a number ofC.plenty ofD.a good many答案C 考点

8、本题考查表数量的短语的用法。 解析too much 意为 “太多的”, 修饰不可数名词;a number of 许多, 大 量, 修饰可数名词;plenty of 丰富的, 大量的, 修饰可数与不可数名词;a good many 许多, 修饰可数名词。句意为:我们总是存有大量的备用纸, 以防用完了。06 浙江Progress so far has been very good. , we are sure that the project will be completed on time. A.HoweverB.OtherwiseC.ThereforeD.Besides 答案C 考点本题考查

9、副词的用法。 解析however 不管怎样;otherwise 否则;therefore 所以;besides 除此以外。 根据句意判断, 前后句为因果关系, 故 C 项正确。06 浙江Letterboxes are much more _ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead. A. common B. normal C. ordinary D. usual 答案A 考点考查形容词词义辨析。 解析译为:在英国信箱比美国更 “常见”。common 是指很常见 common 是指很常见,这题就是个例子

10、,normal 是指正常,比如他的反意词 abnormal 就 是不正常,比如精神不正常啊就是 abnormal,而精神正常就是 normal,正常人 也是这个词 ordinary 指普通,一个普通的人,平凡的人,就是 an ordinary man,同意有 plain,相对意项 exordinary 表示,超呼寻常 usual 是指和平时一 样,比如 as usual06 上海I hope I will not be called on in class as Im not yet _prepared.A. attentively B. readily C. actively D. adeq

11、uately 答案D 考点考查副词词义辨析。 解析adequately,表示充分地。整句话是说,我希望上课时不要叫到我,因 为我还没有充分准备好。06 江苏I wish youd do _talking and some more work. Thus things will become better.A. a bit less B. any less C. much more D. a little more 答案A 考点本题考查形容词、副词及其比较级的用法。 解析我希望你少说多做,这样的话,事情会变好一点。因为和 some more work 对应,talking 应该也用比较级修饰。在

12、 B 中,any 是不能修饰比较级的, 所以选 A 06 江苏The committee is discussing the problem right now.It will have been solved by the end of next week. A.eagerlyB.hopefullyC.immediatelyD.gradually 答案B 考点本题考查副词的用法。解析eagerly 渴望地, 热切地;hopefull 有希望地;immediately 立即, 马上; gradually 逐步地, 渐渐地。句意为 “委员会现在正在讨论这个问题。它有望在 下周前得到解决。”故选

13、B 项。06 湖北Im certain Davids told you his business troubles. _, its no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank.A. However B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Though 答案B 考点本题考查形容词、副词及其比较级的用法。 解析however 表转折;anyway=anyhow 反正, 不管怎么说;therefore 因此; though(连词)虽然, (副词)可是。句意为:不管管说他欠银行很多钱 都不是秘密。06 福建Green products

14、 are becoming more and more popular because they are environment- ally _.A. friendly B. various C. common D. changeable 答案A 考点本题考查形容词的词意。 解析friendly 友善的;关系融洽的。例如:This product is environmentally friendly.这种产品对环境无害。07 全国 IIAfter two years research, we now have a _ better understanding of the disease. A. very B. far C. fairly D. quite 答案B 考点考查形容词比较级修饰。 解析四个选项中只有 far 可以修饰比较级。07 全国 IISpeaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his _ one. A. better-known B. well-known C. best-known D. most-known 答案C 考点考查形容词比较级。 解析well-known 的比较级与最高级为 better-known 与 best-known, 因


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