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1、 Name:_一.听力部分:1. 选出所听到的单词。( )1 A. Kk B. Hh C. Jj D. Ll( )2 A. jug B. jigsaw C. lion D. like( )3 A. get up B. go to school C. have lunch D. go home( )4 A.4 oclock B. 8 oclock C. 12 oclock D. 7 oclock2.听一听,选一选( )1. Whats the time? -Its_. A. eleven B. half past seven( )2 .Its _. A. This B. Its( )3 .I h

2、ave _ at 7 oclock. A. lunch B. breakfast ( )4 .Is it _ oclock . A .eleven B. twelve2. 听一听,选出正确的时间。1). A. B. 2). A. B. 3). A. B. 4). A. B. 二笔试部分:1. 听写字母:2.写出图片首字母。_ _ _ _2. 写出汉语意思。get up_ go home_ go to school _have lunch_ breakfast_ go to bed_3. 读一读,填一填。1).2).3). 4). 4. 读一读,抄一抄。1).I get up at seven

3、oclock in the morning.2). Whats the time? Its eight oclock.5.读一读,判断对错。Hi,Im Sam. I get up at seven oclock in the morning. I go to school at eight oclock . I have lunch at half twelve oclock. I play football at four oclock in the afternoon. I -Whats time do you have_?At 6 oclock.3.-Whats time do you

4、go to _?-At _ oclock.4.Whats time do you watch TV?At _ oclock.dinner bed seven play football eleven two -Whats time do you_?-At_ oclock.go home at five oclock. Then I go bed at nine oclock.( )1. Sam gets up at 7 oclock in the morning.( )2.He goes to school at7:30. ( )3 He has lunch at 1:00.( )4. He plays football at 4:00.( )5. He goes to bed at 9:00.



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