老师写的推荐信 范文

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1、老师写的推荐信 范文xx 同学是我任高二(1)班班主任时候就很喜爱的学生之一,因此, 我非常乐意提供我对该学生的看法,介绍他在学校的学习和生活情 况,作为他申请贵校的证明材料。xxx 同学于 20xx 年 9 月以优秀成绩考取我校,在本校高中部 学习,平时学习很努力,为此他获得了我校优秀学生奖学金。在校 就读期间,他品学兼优,尊敬师长,心胸开阔,性格开朗,为人正 直,所以师生关系非常融洽。该同学尤其有一颗纯洁善良的心,特 别乐于助人。他长期在校外坚持做公益活动,责任心强,荣幸地被 老师推荐加入南山区红十字会组织,并成为一名红十字会会员。在 学习上,他能善于独立思考,虚心好学,热爱科学,有一颗献

2、身科 学的梦想。因此,他的理科成绩较为突出,在我的班级名列前茅。 他曾获得过学校的多项荣誉。在其他方面,他的兴趣爱好也很广泛, 擅长弹钢琴,尤其喜爱音乐和体育。不过,要说不足之处,xxx 也 有一点儿,比如,在学习上有时比较粗心,遇事不能够沉着冷静。 我坚信他能在今后的学习和成长中一定会有很好的长进。我毫无保 留地推荐他到您校学习深造,希望贵校能够接受 xxx 同学的申请。英文翻译:i qilng us unselr at nanshan shl attahed t beiing nral univerist i uld lie t reend hi t the nae f the unive

3、rsit qilng has been ne f favrite students i uld lie t express vie n his aadei perfrane and general traits and, hene prvide evidene fr his appliatin qilng suessfull enrlled int the senir setin in the shl in septeber 20xx ing t his exellent aadei perfrane, he as aarded a shl shlarship he has shn a gre

4、at respet t teahers he is als an industrius, pen-inded, friendl and happ hild all these psitive harateristis brught hi a nuber f aards ver the ears he is ind and illing t help thers; and has been an exellent exeplar t his peers being ativel partiipating in harit r, he has develped a strng sense f re

5、spnsibilit and the abilit as a leader he as reended t shenzhen red rss and has bee ne f its ebersregarding his aadei aptitude, he is a ver independent learner and illing t tae advie he lves siene and uld lie t pursue his areer in this field in the future intrigued b his persnal interest, he exels in

6、 siene subets as a gd pian plaer and a sprts lver, he is als an intelletuall balaned persn hever, he an be fairl areless in stud and las alness hen enuntering ertain prbles nnetheless, i believe that he ill ae a great prgress in his grth, bth aadeiall and persnall therefre, i sinerel uld lie t reend hi t ebar n higher eduatin in ur universitif u are in need f an ther relevant infratin abut qilng, please d nt hesitate t ntat e via phne (86-7 26061717 exh23 ) r eailurs sinerel,aidi ang文章



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