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1、摘 要 I 摘 要 随着新时期我国政府职能的转型,税收工作同步开启了从“管理型”向”服务型” 的转变。 纳税服务是当前各级税务部门和税收理论界关注和研究的焦点热门话题。 近年 来, 我国的纳税服务从内容、 方式、 措施、 制度等方面都取得了重大进展。 但是, 由于 过去长期计划经济形成的监管理念, 我国的纳税服务无论是理论还是实践都存在诸多问 题, 突出表现在纳税服务的定位还没有确立以纳税人需求为导向, 税务部门提供的纳税 服务与纳税人的实际需求存在较大差距。 而确立以纳税人需求为导向的纳税服务是完善 市场经济体制的内在要求, 是建立服务型政府的客观要求, 是构建和谐税务的时代要求, 更是纳税

2、人的迫切要求。 本研究从纳税服务相关概念的界定入手,运用新公共管理理论、新公共服务理论、 税收遵从理论和社会契约论,初步对以纳税人需求为导向的纳税服务进行了理论探讨。 然后, 以沧州市地方税务局为例, 采用问卷调查的方法, 采取当场调查、 审核、 回收的 调查方式, 在对沧州市纳税服务工作满意度和纳税人需求进行深入分析的基础上, 完善 健全了以纳税人需求为导向的纳税服务理论框架: 以纳税人尊重需求为导向,更新纳税 服务理念;以纳税人管理需求为导向,设立纳税服务机构;以纳税人公平需求为导向, 健全纳税服务制度; 以纳税人效率需求为导向, 创新纳税服务方式; 以纳税人功能需求 为导向, 完善纳税服

3、务平台; 以纳税人多样需求为导向, 拓展纳税服务范围; 以纳税人 优化需求为导向,强化纳税服务监督;以纳税人中介需求为导向,规范纳税服务代理。 关键词:纳税人 需求导向 纳税服务Abstract II Abstract With the transformation of our government function in the new era, tax collections have begin to transformed from managerial to service at the same time. Tax service is the hot issues that t

4、ax theory and tax section of every level pays much attention to. Recently, from the aspects of instifution, method and measure, tax service in our country makes great progress. However, whether is theory or practice, there are many problem in tax service of our country, because of the monitor concep

5、t reformed in a long period of planned economy. It prominently reflects that the location of tax service doesnt establish orientation as the requirement for taxpayer, there is a great gap between tax service offered by tax section and the real requirement by taxpayer. But it is the inner demand to e

6、stablish tax service which takes the requirement of taxpayer as orientation in market economy. It is the objective demand for the government of service style. It is the demand for this period to coordinate tax and is the urgent demand for taxpayer. On the threshold of the definition of relative conc

7、ept, this research is founded on the theory of new public management and new public service and the theory of social contact. It explores tax service guided by the demand of taxpayer. Then, take “Cangzhou city” for example, in the method of questionnaires, take the mode of the survey, auditing and r

8、eclaim on the spot, on the threshold of situation of tax service and the deeply analysis established by demand of taxpayer, it proposes conception of tax service based on requirement of taxpayer. Establishing the concept is based in taxpayer and taken respectful demand as orientation; reforming the

9、method of tax service is guided by efficient requirement; standardizing behavior of tax service is guided by equal requirement; perfecting tax service content is guided by various requirement; enhancing guarantee of tax service is guide by peculiar requirement. Keywords: taxpayer demand orientation

10、tax service 目 录 III 目 录 第 1章 导论1 1.1 研究背景和意义 1 1.2 文献综述2 1.3 研究的思路和内容 4 1.4 研究方法及创新点 5 1.4.1 研究方法 5 第 2章 纳税服务的理论基础分析7 2.1 纳税服务的涵义界定 7 2.2 纳税服务的理论依据 8 2.2.1 新公共管理理论 8 2.2.2 新公共服务理论 9 2.2.3 税收遵从理论 9 2.2.4 社会契约论 10 2.3 纳税服务的内容结构 10 2.4 纳税服务的特殊性质 11 2.4.1 公益性 11 2.4.2 无形性 11 2.4.3 异质性 11 2.4.4 参与性 12 2.4.5 易逝性12 2.5 纳税服务的基本原则


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