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1、七年级英语期末考试听力录音稿及参考答案(2011.1) A情景反应 根据你所听到的句子选择恰当的答语。 1. You look so beautiful in the red coat. 2. Whats your trouble, young man? 3. My mother is very ill. I have to stay at home and look after her. 4. Hello. Is that Tom speaking? 5. How was the weather yesterday? B对话问答 根据你所听到的对话和对话后的问题选择正确答案。 6. M: D

2、o you have an English class today? W: Yes, I do. And I also had it yesterday. M: How often do you have an English class? W: Every day. Question: How often does the girl have an English class? 7. M: Hi, Ann, do you have a dictionary? W; Sorry, I dont. But Lucy has one. M: Where is Lucy? W: She is on

3、the playground. Question:Who has a dictionary? 8. M. What can I do for you, Madam?W: Im looking for a pair of shoes for myself.M: What size do you wear?W: Size 36.Question:Where are they talking? 9. W: Excuse me, Mr Black. How long have you worked in this school? M: Since I graduated from the teache

4、rs college?W: When did you graduate?M: In 1990.Question: How long has Mr Black worked in this school? 10. W: Do you like sports? M; Yes, of course.W: Whats your favorite sport?M: I like swimming and tennis a lot. But I like basketball best.Question: Whats the mans favorite sport ? C. 听对话, 回答问题 听下面一段

5、较长的对话,回答第 11 和第 12,两个小题。 M: Hello, 2110935. W:Hi.This is Mary. May I speak to John, please? M: Speaking. W: John. There s something wrong with my computer. Will you give me a hand? M: Sure. What s wrong with your computer? W:I dont know. Can you come and mend it? M: Certainly. Im free at the moment.

6、 Im coming. W: Im waiting for you then. Thank you. M: See you. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第 13 至第 15 三个小题。 M: Good morning. What can I do for you? W: Good morning. Im looking for something for my dad. Tomorrow will be his birthday. M: Is your father interested in music? W: Music? Oh, yes. M: Why not buy a CD for

7、him? W: Good idea. How much is a CD by Beethoven, please? M:20 yuan. W: OK. Ill take one. M: Here you are. W: Here s 20 yuan. Thank you very much. M: You re welcome. D. 听短文,根据短文内容选择 16-20 小题正确答案, I have a pet dog .Its name is Billy. Early every morning Billy goes to the shop in the village . The gir

8、l in the shop gives him two things : a small piece of meat and a newspaper. Billy eats the meat and then takes the newspaper in his mouth and runs home . I like reading my newspaper in bed before I get up. Billy knows that and brings the paper to my bedroom. When I am eating my breakfast, he brings

9、all the letters to me. After that , he goes out to wait for the bus. When he sees the bus coming, he barks and I run out to take the bus. Billy never lets me miss the bus. 参考答案 I 听力:(20%每小题一分) l.-5. A A CBC 6-10.BCA BC 11-15CABAB 16-20.ABCAA II 词汇:(10%,A 部分每小题 0.5 分,B 部分每小题 1 分)A. 21. knives 22. was

10、hing 23. sunny 24. beginning 25. feet 26. greeting 27. playing 28. to make 29. physical 30. suitable B. 31-35.DBACB III 选择填空:(15%每小题 1 分)36-40. DDBCA 41-45. CCCBC 4650. DBDBC VI 完形填空: (10%每小题一分)51-55. ABCAC 56-60. BDDBA V 阅读: (15%每小题一分)61-65. BADCD 66-70 . BACDC 71-75. CBADD VI 补全对话: (10%每小题一分) 76-8

11、0.ECFDB 81-85. DAGBE VII 句型转换(10%每空 0.5 分)86. Whats age 87. take to 88.hurried to 89. cant it 90. How deal VIII书面表达:(10%) 参考范文: Dear John How are you these days? I miss you very much. Now Id like to tell you something about my life in Shenzhen. I go to school early on the school bus in the morning.

12、My favourite subject is Chinese but it is hard for me to learn it well. I have many friends at school and they often help me with my Chinese. I think I can teach you to speak Chinese when we meet next time. Yours Jenny 书面表达题评分说明: 根据学生所写的内容和语言表达初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量, 确定或调整档次,最后赋分。该题主要信息点有:交通工具、喜爱的科目

13、、有无朋友等。 各档次给分范围和要求:第一档:(9-10 分)符合题目内容要求,语言流畅,内容丰富,有创意,语法无错误。 其中满分作文要求信息完整,行文连贯,表达清晰明了而且卷面整洁。第二档:(78 分) 符合题目内容要求,语句基本连贯,有少量的语法错误,可读性较 好。第三档:(46 分) 基本符合题目内容要求,语句不够连贯,行文不够流畅,语意表达 不够清楚。 第四档:(13 分) 只能写出符合题目内容要求的一些信息词汇。 文中每个语法错误扣 0.5 分,语法错误总共扣分不超过 2 分; 每个单词错误扣 0.5 分, 单词错误总共扣分不超过 2 分。字数 50-70 为正常;不够 50 或多出 70 可酌情扣分;只抄 写提示问题而未回答者不给分;只回答问题而无其他内容者酌情给分。


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