杜绝校园垃圾(reduce waste on campus)

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杜绝校园垃圾(reduce waste on campus)_第1页
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《杜绝校园垃圾(reduce waste on campus)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《杜绝校园垃圾(reduce waste on campus)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、杜绝校园垃圾(Reduce Waste on Campus)diretins: in this setin u are required t rite a psitin n the tpi redue aste n apus u shuld rite at least 10 rds and base ur psitin n the utline given in hinese bel:1 目前有些校园内浪费现象严重;2 浪费的危害3 从我做起,杜绝浪费。redue aste n apusas is nn t all, aste n apus has bee a re and re serius

2、 prble e an easil see an students dup a lt f fd in the garbage an se students spend thusands f uan buing fashinable lthes and s nthe negative effets f aste an be shn in the flling aspets in the first plae, it aes se students dependent n their parents fr ne, hih is harful t their develpent if the dnt

3、 learn t supprt theselves, the ill be useless peple hen the graduate in the send plae, it is nt eas fr ur parents t arrange fr ur shling last but nt the least iprtant, there is n dening the fat that ur untr is still pr there are an peple h annt g t universit and an pr peple still need ur helpas far as i a nerned, i shuld set a gd exaple t redue aste n apus first f all, i ill refrain fr asting anthing, fr fd t statiner hats re, i deterined t all n re shlates t fight against aste nl thrugh these easures an e hpe t redue aste n apus



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