美国(the united states)

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《美国(the united states)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《美国(the united states)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、美国(The United States)the united states vers a large part f the nrth aerian ntinent its neighburs are anada t the nrth, and exi t the suthhen this land first beae a natin, after inning its independene fr engand, it had thirteen states eah f the states as represented f the aerian flag b a star all the

2、se states ere in the eastern part f the ntinent as the natin gre tard the est, ne states ere added and ne states appeared n the flag fr a lng tie, there ere 48 states in 199, hever, t re stars ere added t the flag, representing the ne states f alasa and haaiiindians ere the first inhabitants f the l

3、and hih is n the united states there are still an thusands f the desendants f these riginal inhabitants living in all parts f the untr seties it is said that the indians are the nl real aeriansst aerians, hever, are desendants f peple h ae fr all ver the rld t find a ne life in a ne land thse h ae f

4、irst and in greatest nubers t ae their hes n the eastern ast f nrth aeria ere stl fr england it is fr that reasn that the language f the united states is english and that its ulture and usts are re lie thse f england than f an ther untr in the rld美国英语作文译文美国占去北美大陆很大一部分土地。它北邻加拿大,南接墨 西哥。这片土地刚从英国独立出来,成为一个国家的时候,只有十三个州,每个州在美国国旗上由一颗星来代表。这些州都在东部。 当这个国家不断向西扩大,就增加了新的州,同时它们也出现在国 旗上。很长一段时间,美国有 48 个州,可是,到 199 年,国旗上又 多了两颗星,分别代表阿拉斯加和夏威夷。印地安人是如今叫做美国的这块土地上的最初居民。现在在 全国各地仍然居住着许多这些原始居民的后裔。有时人们说印安人 才是真正的美国人。不过,大部分美国人是来自世界各地要在这个新世界里对找 新生活的人的后代。那些最早大批来到北美东海岸建立家园的人大 部来自英格兰,也是由于这个原因,美国的国语为英语,而它的文 化习俗也与英国的更为相像。文章


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