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1、学生评价老师 Students Rating f Their Teahers(学生评价老师)1学生给老师打分已很普遍;2人们对其持不同态度;3我的看法写作导航第一段宜写高校改革所带来的变化使得学生评价教师 很普遍,在有些高校学生的评价甚至成为教师教学好坏的惟一尺度; 第二段应写对这一做法,人们有不同的看法,有人赞成,认为学生 最有发言权,而有人则反对,认为学生不具备评价教师的素质,对 诸如教学材料、教师业务水平等的评价应由教师的同事来完成;第 三段写我的看法,我认为,学生评价教师有必要,但要切实做到对 教师的教学有帮助,例如可让学生评价在某门课上所学到的知识如 何,兴趣如何等等。范文A gre

2、at hange is n taing plae in higher eduatin thrughut ur untr Teahers are being held respnsible as never befre fr h ell the serve their students It has bee as n in lleges and universities fr students t grade teahers as fr teahers t grade students In se universities students rating has even bee the nl

3、sure f infratin n teahing effetivenessThis, hever, has aused great ntrvers Se are in favr f the rating sste The hld that sine students attend the teahers lasses everda, the shuld have their pinin abut their teahers effetiveness thers, n the ntrar, are strngl against it The thin that students rating

4、is eas t adinister and sre, but it als is eas t abuse The believe that there is uh re t teahing than hat is shn n students rating frs Students shuld nt be expeted t udge hether the aterials used are up t date r h ell the teaher ns abut the subetThese udgents require prfessinal nledge, hih is best le

5、ft fr the teahers lleaguesI thin students rating f their teahers is neessar, but it shuld be nduted in a a that an reall shed eaningful light n teahers perfrane Instead f rating the teahers nledge n the subet, students shuld be ased t estiate hat the theselves have leaned in a urse, and t reprt n suh things as a teahers abilit t uniate ith students, his relatinship ith students, and his abilit t aruse interest in the subet


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