提高个人修养-shaping the morality

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《提高个人修养-shaping the morality》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《提高个人修养-shaping the morality(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、提高个人修养-Shaping the Morality 提高个人修养Shaping the ralitArding t a surve, re than t thirds f peple in hina agree that, the publi ral level is ler than befre This figure, althugh hard t aept, has indiated the fat that the natins verall ralit is delining If u pa se attentin, u uld easil pint ut se iprper b

2、ehavirs happening arund: ung en refusing t give seats t the ld n buses; shppers aing int queue instead f aiting in line; rude riders negleting red lights, et S hat the hell is ging n?As analsts have figured ut, this trend f degradatin ainl riginated fr fault eduatin Fr deades, hinese shls sipl infus

3、e bish nledge t their students, hilst ral ultivatin bees a ind f fralis; n the ther hand, hildren are naturall influened b their fail and ther adults in the siet, st f h are t sphistiated t be nsidered as eligible ral delsFaing suh disappinting nditin, u a as: h an things bee better? As far as I a n

4、erned, e ust flling these three steps First f all: self-shaping e shuld anage urselves ell, and tr t shape ur n ralit as perfet as pssible The send step: fail-shaping, hih is t behave as the del fr ur hildren and iprve their ral status thrugh strit disipline The third: rganizatin-shaping If u are leading peple, suh as being a anager r natinal president, u uld reinfre ur hle rganizatins ral situatin ith pli and ur n atin Even if ure n leader, ull have a psitive ipat n the siet if nl u anage urself ell and tr t influene thers as uh as pssible


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