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1、中考省略的理解在英语句子中(不论是简单句,还是并列句或复合句) ,为了避免重复,使语言简洁明 了,可省去句子成分或词语。在阅读中经常会遇到省略现象,理解省略结构可以帮助更好 地理解文章,同时在写作中恰当地使用省略结构,也能使语言更加简洁有力。 一、常见用法讲解 1、省略的分类1)依靠上下文的省略,省略的部分在上下文中出现。You take this pear and I (take) that (pear). We usually have four classes in the morning and (we have) two (classes) in the afternoon. 2)依

2、靠句子结构本身的省略,省略部分在句子中。(I) Hope to receive your letter soon. (Is there) Anything else?(I beg your) Pardon.3)有些结构的省略已经形成固定习惯用语。Keep silent!No smoking!Hands up! 2、简单句中的省略1)在口语中,主语的人称以及动词都可以省略。(I) Thank you for helping me with my homework.(Will you have a cup of) Coffee, please!(Would you show me your) Ti

3、cket, please!2)疑问句本身及答语可用简略形式。Have you been to America? No. (I have) Never (been to America). Why (do) not (you go with us)?3)表示年龄以及钟点等可用省略。How old (is your sister)? (He is ) Twelve (years old).What time (is it)? (It is) Ten (oclock).4)所有格之后的名词是住宅、商店等时可以省略。 I feel uncomfortable today. I want to go t

4、o the doctors (office).I think she is at the tailors (shop) now. 5)there be 句型可省去 there be 。 (There are )No pains, (there is) no gains.(Is there) Anything else?6)感叹句可用省略。What a beautiful girl (she is)!How cold (it is) today!7)两个不定式并列可省略第二个 to 。I want to go out and (to) have a good swimming. Its so h

5、ot today. The teacher asked her to stand up and (to) go out.8)宾语补足语中可省略 to be 。 We think him (to be) brave. I always consider you (to be) my best friend. 3、并列句中的省略在不影响句意的前提下,并列句中后边的分句可省去与前边分句相同的词语。I study English and (I study) Japanese. He is neither good at English (he is ) nor (good at) maths. 4、复

6、合句中的省略1)在口语中常可省略主句的部分。(I am) Sorry I cant go with you. I am very busy now. (It is) Too good she will dance with me. 2)在回答问题时为避免重复可省略主句。What shall I do next? (You can do) as you like (to do).Where is my basket-ball? (It is) where it is.3) (宾语从句中)I think, I believe, I hope, I imagine, I am afraid 等后面跟

7、 not 代替否定 的从句,跟 so 代替肯定的从句。Would you please help me to carry this box? Sorry, I am afraid not. (=I am afraid I cant do that.)Will it snow? I hope so. (=I hope it will snow.)4) (定语从句中)从句里常可省去作宾语的关系代词,as 后面常省去主语及谓语。This is the best book (that) I have ever read. He gave me the same pen as (he had given

8、) before. 5)由 if 或 unless 引导的条件状语从句中,从句主语常可省去。If (it is) possible, I will try my best to help you then. She wont go to the party unless (she is ) invited.6) (状语从句中)比较状语从句中可以省去从句的部分,只保留比较对象的成分。I know you much better than ( I know) her. He is not so weak as (he was ) before. 二、强化训练1. We are going to t

9、he cinema. Would you like to go with us? _.A. Id love to B. Yes, I like C. Id love D. Ill be glad2. Is Wang Qiang ill?I am afraid _.A. so B. that C. this D. to 3. Whats the matter with her?She didnt pass the exam but she still _. A. hopes so B. hopes to C. hopes it D. hopes that 4. I should like to

10、have a talk with you, if you dont mind. _. A. Thanks a lot B. Yes, I hope so C. No, please dont D. No, not at all5. Sorry to give you so much trouble. No trouble _.A. at least B. at last C. at all D. at once 6. Dont be angry with him. Tomorrow is his birthday. Why _ come to spend the evening with hi

11、m?A. dont B. wont C. not to D. not 7. I hope that it is not going to rain tomorrow. Yes, I _. A. hope it too B. hope too C. hope so too D. hope that too 8. How did you like the P.E. classes we had last term?_. A. Good and nicely B. Very wellC. Interesting and lively D. I like it very much 9. Dont be

12、 too long. _. A. Yes, I am B. No, I wont C. No, I am not D. Yes, please do so 10. How do you like your Chinese teacher?_.A. I like her B. Yes, I do C. Shes very tall D. She is very kind 11. How about going out for a walk?_. A. Good idea B. Wait a minute C. The same with you D. Not at all12. How many

13、 tigers did you see in the zoo?_. A. No one B. None C. Nothing D. A little 13. Is the classroom cleaned by you every day?_. A. Yes, we do B. Yes, it does C. Yes ,It is. D. It will 14. How soon will you finish the work?_. A. In two hours B. After two hours C. For two hours D. Two hours 15. What do yo

14、u think of her English?_. A. Pretty well B. Very well C. Very good D. Not badly 16. Could you tell me something about your winter holidays?_.A. Its all right B. Yes, I do C. Certainly D. Sure, I do 17. Could you tell me the way to the post office?_. A. Make sure B. Sure C. If you like D. Never mind

15、18. Wouldnt you like to go to the party with me?_. A. Yes, please B. No, I never C. Yes, Id be glad to D. Yes, I would like 19. I dont know why he didnt do as _. A. told to B. telling to C. he told D. told him 20. I am going to Dalian for my holiday tomorrow._. A. See you then B. Good journey C. You are welcome D. Its no matter 答案及解析1. A to 后面省略了 go with you。2. A 用 so 代替 he is ill 。3. B to 后面省略了 pass the exam。4. D 意思是“是的,一点也不(介意) 。 ”5. C 意思是“一点也不麻烦。 ”6. D Why not do“为什么不” 。7



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